Before you install

Before installing PulseUno, review the following requirements and considerations:

Support matrix Verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements. For details, see the Support Matrix.

Verify that you have proper permissions to perform the installation:

  • Windows: local administrative privileges
  • Linux: root access
  • Dimensions CM, StarTeam, and AccuRev: To install PulseUno with a Dimensions CM, StarTeam, or AccuRev server, use the installer for the relevant product.

    The PulseUno installer creates a standalone instance of PulseUno.

  • StarTeam and AccuRev: The PulseUno Git server is not available with these products.

  • Deployment Automation: To install PulseUno on a system that hosts a Deployment Automation server, contact Support.


  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • MS SQL (Windows only)

Before installing PulseUno, set up a database. For instructions, see you database provider's documentation.

The PulseUno installer creates a pulse database user and/or schema. You only need to supply a database super user account that creates the pulse database user and/or schema, and allow TCP/IP network access and username/password authentication.

PulseUno uses a JDBC driver to connect to the database. For details on how to set the JDBC URL after the installation, see Connect with JDBC.

Windows: An embedded PostgreSQL database is bundled with the installer: PostgreSQL 15.5.1

If you decide to use embedded PostgreSQL, you don’t need to prepare a database before the installation.

Git command line

If you plan to synchronize Git branches with Dimensions CM streams, install the Git command line before installing PulseUno.

Install a Git command-line tool on the same system where you are installing the PulseUno Git server. This way, the installer automatically configures the Git server to use the Git command line.

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