Install in silent mode

Silent mode enables you to run an installation in the background using a response file that contains all the configuration properties for your installation.

Before installing, ensure that you have fulfilled the prerequisites. For details, see Before you install.

Response properties

To run an installation in silent mode, first create a file in a text editor. Set the installation properties using this syntax:


The following table provides a list of available response properties:

Property Description

A path to the PulseUno installation directory. Default paths:

Windows USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files\\OpenText\\PulseUno
Linux USER_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/opentext/pulseuno

The PulseUno server.

To install the module, set the property to 1. To skip, set the property to 0.


The Vault server.

To install the module, set the property to 1. To skip, set the property to 0.


The Git server.

To install the module, set the property to 1. To skip, set the property to 0.

PULSE_HOSTNAME If you are not installing the PulseUno server, specify its hostname.
PULSE_PORT If you are not installing the PulseUno server, specify its port.

(Optional) If you are installing PulseUno without the Git server, enter the URL path for the Git server, for example:



(Optional) If you are installing PulseUno without the Vault server, enter the URL path for the Vault server, for example:



The passphrase to connect the modules if they are installed separately. Don’t enclose the passphrase in quotation marks, for example:


Note: If you are installing each module separately, you must use the same passphrase for all the modules. You can later connect other Git and Vault instances to PulseUno using this passphrase. The passphrase is case-sensitive.


The root directory for the data directories. Default paths:

Windows PULSE_DATA_DIR=C:\\ProgramData\\OpenText\\PulseUno
Linux PULSE_DATA_DIR=/opt/opentext/pulseuno/data

Windows only: An embedded PostgreSQL database.

To create an embedded PostgreSQL database, set the property to 1. Otherwise, set to 0.

PG_E_ADMINUSER Embedded PostgreSQL only: The admin’s username.
PG_E_ADMINPASS Embedded PostgreSQL only: The admin’s password.
PG_E_PORT Embedded PostgreSQL only: The port number to connect to PostgreSQL. Default: 5432.

An existing PostgreSQL database.

To use an existing PostgreSQL database, set the property to 1. Otherwise, set to 0.


An existing Oracle database.

To use an Oracle database, set the property to 1. Otherwise, set to 0.


Windows only: An existing MS SQL server.

To use an SQL server, set the property to 1. Otherwise, set to 0.

DB_HOST The hostname to connect to the existing database. Default: localhost.
DB_PORT Existing PostgreSQL only: The port number to connect to PostgreSQL. Default: 5432.
DB_NAME The name of your existing database.
DB_USER The username to connect to the existing database.
DB_USER_PWD The password to connect to the existing database.
TC_PORT The port number for Common Tomcat. Default: 8080.

Linux only: The username for the Common Tomcat owner.

Note: For security, do not use the root user to own and run Tomcat.

MAIL_SERVER_HOST (Optional) The hostname of the mail server for sending notifications. Default: localhost.
MAIL_SERVER_PORT (Optional) The port of the mail server for sending notifications. Default: 25.

For examples of how to set the properties in a file, see Response file examples.

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Run a silent-mode installation

After you create a file, you can run the installation in silent mode.

To install PulseUno in silent mode:

  1. Download and unpack the installation file.

  2. Make sure you have prepared a file, as described in Response properties.

  3. From a command line, change to the directory containing the installer.

  4. Run the command for the silent mode installation:

    • On Windows, as a local system user:

      Copy code
      <installer-location>\<PulseUno-installer>.exe -f <response-file-location>\ -i silent
    • On Linux, as a root user:

      Copy code
      <installer-location>/<PulseUno-installer>.bin -f <response-file-location>/ -i silent


      <PulseUno-installer> Specifies the name of the PulseUno installation file.
      <installer-location> Specifies the full path to the PulseUno installation file.
      <response-file-location> Specifies the full path to the file.

After installing PulseUno, proceed to the Post-installation steps.

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