Install from command line on Linux

To install PulseUno from a command line on Linux, run the installation in console mode.

Before installing, ensure that you have fulfilled the prerequisites. For details, see Before you install.

To install PulseUno from a command line on Linux:

  1. Download the installation .tar file.

  2. As a root user, change to the location of the .tar file and extract the installer using this command:

    Copy code
    tar xvf <PulseUno-installer>.tar 
  3. Run the installer in console mode:

    Copy code
    <PulseUno-installer>.bin -i console

    For example:

    Copy code
    pulseuno-23.2.0-setup-linux.bin -i console
  4. Select the language of the installer. Enter the number for German, French, or Portuguese, or press the Enter key to accept English as the default.

    Note: This option doesn't set the language of the PulseUno user interface. The installer delivers the English version of PulseUno. To change the default UI language after the installation, see Set system properties.

  5. Read and accept the license agreement.

    Press any key other than Enter to move through the license agreement.

    Then press the Enter key to accept the terms.

  6. Enter the installation path or press the Enter key to accept the default location:


  7. Select the modules for installation:

    • PulseUno server

    • Vault server

    • Git server

    To install all modules (default), press the Enter key.

    To install specific modules, enter their corresponding numbers separated by a comma and press the Enter key. For example, to install PulseUno and Git, enter: 1,3

  8. Enter an encryption passphrase to connect the modules.

    Note: If you are installing each module separately, you must use the same passphrase for all the modules. You can later connect other Git and Vault instances to PulseUno using this passphrase. The passphrase is case-sensitive.

  9. If you are installing PulseUno without the Git or Vault modules:

    • To configure the Git and Vault connection, enter the hostname and port for the remote Git and Vault servers. To enable an HTTPS connection, enter Y.

    • To skip configuring the Git and Vault connection, press the Enter key for each connection option. You can connect the servers after the installation. For details, see Post-installation steps.

    If you are installing only the Git and/or Vault modules, specify the hostname and port for the PulseUno server. To enable an HTTPS connection, enter Y.

  10. Enter the root directory for the data directories or press the Enter key to accept the default location:


  11. Select the database you have set up for PulseUno:

    • For Oracle, enter 1.

    • For PostgreSQL, enter 2.

  12. Enter the database details:

    Setting Description
    Host The hostname for the database server.
    Default: localhost
    Port (PostgreSQL only) The port for the PostgreSQL server.
    Default: 5432
    Database The database name.
    User The username to connect to the database.
    Password The password to connect to the database.
  13. Enter the Common Tomcat network settings:

    Setting Description
    Tomcat user name

    The username for the existing user whom you authorize to run Common Tomcat and have write access to the Tomcat directories.

    Note: For security, do not use the root user to own and run Tomcat.

    Tomcat port The port for Common Tomcat.
    Default: 8080
  14. Enter the host name and port for the mail server to use for sending notifications.

    Or press the Enter key to accept the default settings:

    Default host name: localhost

    Default port: 25

  15. Review the installation details and press the Enter key to install.

  16. When the installation is finished, press the Enter key to exit the installer.

After installing PulseUno, proceed to the Post-installation steps.

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