IDefectTrackingSystem Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IDefectTrackingSystem members.

Public Methods
MethodConnectConnects to the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodDisconnectDisconnects from the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodGetDefectSubmissionControlReturns the defect submission control containing all fields required to submit a defect to the defect tracking system.  
MethodGetProjectSettingsControlReturns the connection control. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodLoginLogs on to the defect tracking system with the specified project settings. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodLogoutLogs off of the project in the defect tracking system. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.DefectTrackingSystemAPI.IConnectableSystem)
MethodSubmitDefectSubmits a defect to the defect tracking system.  
See Also