HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAggregatedScanResult A combination of ScanResults.
ClassScanContext The data on the Application Under Test (AUT) read by Sprinter and passed to the scanner.
ClassScanControl A control or an element in the Application Under Test (AUT).
ClassScanCustomActionGroup A collection of custom actions that are treated as a group in the Sprinter interface.
ClassScannersLogger Services to write to the Sprinter log.
ClassScanResult This class represents a condition to be reported that was found by the scanner.
ClassScanResultFoundEventArgs Event Arguments sent from the Scanner when a result is found.
InterfaceIScanCustomAction An action that the scanner can run on a result.
InterfaceIScanner The main scanner interface, declaring scanner properties, methods for handling the scan data, and the scan method.
InterfaceIScannersLogger Services to write to the Sprinter log.
DelegateScanResultFoundEventHandler New scan result event handler.
EnumerationAutExecutionType Types of Applications Under Test.
EnumerationControlVisibility Control visibility possible states.
EnumerationMessageSeverity Cases in which a message can be output.
EnumerationSeverity Severity of the result
See Also