General Troubleshooting and Known Limitations

This section describes troubleshooting and general limitations for Sprinter.

In this topic:

Note: Beginning with version 14.50, the mirroring (running on multiple machines) feature is no longer supported.

Operating system and browser issues

  • Maintenance for Internet Explorer was discontinued.
  • Sprinter records on any open Chrome or Firefox window, whether or not the window was opened by Sprinter.
  • Chrome is supported on Citrix only when it is defined as a Desktop application and not a Web application. Specify Chrome as a Desktop application by including the --allow-no-sandbox-job and --disable-gpu keys after the URL.

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Record and Replay

Sprinter Agent

During Steps Capture or Run Test startup, the first time you perform the operation on a given machine, a popup message may report that the Sprinter Agent is not responding. This may indicate that the initialization of the agent exceeded the allotted time.

Workaround 1: (per machine)
Repeat the operation several times. If you do not succeed, refer to Workaround 2.

Workaround 2: (per machine)

  1. Close Sprinter.
  2. Increase the agent's initialization time. Open the Sprinter.exe.config file located in Sprinter's bin folder and locate the entry Initialize:80. Increase its value, for example to Initialize:280.
  3. Start Sprinter and repeat the problematic operation (Steps Capture or Run Test startup).
  4. If the operation succeeds, open the above Sprinter.exe.config file that you modified earlier. Revert to the original value—Initialize:80.

Sprinter Communication Error

While running a manual test in ALM using Sprinter, when you click Run with Sprinter, a communication error occurs. This can happen when the machine you are running on is very slow.


  1. Close Sprinter and ALM.
  2. Open the 'C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\HP\ALM-Client\<ALM version> \SprinterProxy.config' file.
  3. Change the value of MnRCreationTimeout from 20K to 200k.

  4. Restart ALM and Sprinter and continue running.

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Sprinter ports

By default, Sprinter chooses ports during runtime. You can control the ports used by Sprinter when it communicates with the agent and other clients. This may be required if you are working over a firewall.

To set the ports, modify Sprinter's configuration files, located in the installation's bin folder. Uncomment the appropriate keys according to the table below. Accept the default value or provide a custom port.

File to Edit Affected Process Key to uncomment and edit
Sprinter.exe.config The port number to use by the TCP listener at the Sprinter.exe process (to enable requests from the AlmClient.exe process). Only applicable if you log in using ALM. <!--<add key="Port.IMnR.Tcp" value="9091"/>-->
SprinterRTE.exe.config The port number to use by the TCP listener at the SprinterRTE.exe process (to enable requests from the Sprinter.exe process). <!--<add key="Port.Station.Tcp" value="9092"/>-->
SprinterAgent.exe.config The port number to use by the TCP listener at the SprinterAgent.exe process (to enable requests from the Sprinter.exe process). <!--<add key="Port.Agent.Tcp" value="9093"/>-->

The changes will take affect the next time you start Sprinter or the Sprinter Agent. (To restart the Agent, right-click its tray icon and select Exit. To start it again, select Sprinter Agent from the Start menu.)

For additional information about each of the settings, refer to the comments in the configuration files.

Note: This configuration only allows you to run a single instance of Sprinter per machine. Therefore, you will be unable to run multiple instances of Sprinter on terminal servers or Citrix environments on the same machine.

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WPF Applications: To ensure proper recording of WPF applications, Sprinter must launch the application. Alternatively, Sprinter may attach to a WPF application that is running with administrator privileges.

Apple Applications: If you receive a "The record service is not active" error when testing an application with an Apple device, ensure that the application has an Apple trusted digital certificate.

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The following issues are known regarding highlighted controls in the Storyboard:

Highlighting issue Relevant controls
Some controls are not highlighted in the Storyboard when you perform actions on them; instead the control’s container is highlighted. For example, when you click the button in the Notification dialog box, the Storyboard highlights the whole dialog box instead of only highlighting the button.

This pertains to the following controls:

  • Buttons in notification dialog boxes
  • Radio buttons in a radio group
  • Items in a list
  • Items in a tree
  • Items in a table
  • Items in a grid
  • Maximize, Minimize, and Close buttons
Some controls' highlight in the Storyboard is offset.

This pertains to the following objects: 

  • Terminal emulator TeField controls.
  • Web control in an Edge browser.

  • Java controls in AWT and Swing applications, developed using Java 11 or later.

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Defect reporting


If you cannot log in to JIRA using your email address, log in with your account name.

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Power Mode features


When scanning a Web site with an encoding other than UTF-8, the Web Standards scanner may display some false positive results.

Data Injection

When manually mapping SAP5UI radio buttons or check boxes, an error may occur that the selected control is not editable.

Workaround: Ignore the error message, and manually switch to the next object in the table to continue mapping the next controls.

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Non-Latin characters are exported to a csv file as unclear characters (ANSI). For non-Latin characters, export to Excel and from there to CSV.

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See also: