Server-side REST API
The server-side REST API allows you to effectively access the StarTeam Server resources.
The server-side REST service runs within the server process, using the server caches when executing commands. MPX is not required. All the basic operations for server components, project, views, and items are supported.
Note: Currently, support is not available for:
- Checking in or checking out files.
- APE extensions.
Start the REST service
To start the REST service, you need to configure the REST API port.
To configure the port:
Ensure that the following entry in the starteam-server-configs.xml file stores the ServerRESTAPIPort value of 49206:
Copy code<option name="ServerRESTAPIPort" value="49206"/>
Enable the
secure port by using the following setting:Copy code<option name="ServerRESTAPISecure" value="1"/>
Note: If ServerRESTAPIPort is not set, the service will automatically start on the next available port. The above setting will be updated with this port value.
The following entry in the server log will indicate if the REST service started successfully:
StarTeam Server REST API listening for requests at: http://+:49206/serverapi/
Sample scripts using cURL (
) are installed in the Samples folder, under the StarTeam server installation folder.
Disable the REST service
To disable the server-side REST service, in the starteam-server-configs.xml file, set the value of ServerRESTAPIPort to -1:
<option name="ServerRESTAPIPort" value="-1"/>
Note: MyWork Web Dashboard requires server-side REST service, disabling the REST service will also stop the MyWork Web Dashboard from working correctly.
Configure certificates for a secure protocol
StarTeam Server REST uses Windows HTTP Server API and requires that the X.509 certificate is stored in Local Computer/Personal/Certificates.
The certificate must be configured for a specific port used by StarTeam Server REST. Use the Windows Netsh utility to configure the certificate.
Note: It is recommended to use the certificate configured for the StarTeam Server TLS protocol.
To configure the certificate for a secure protocol:
- If the certificate and key are in two separate files (.crt and .key), convert them to .p12 using openssl:
..\openssl pkcs12 -export -in "mycert.crt" -inkey "mycert.key" -out "mycert.p12" -name myCert -passin pass:changeit -passout pass:changeit
- On your local computer, click Start, and type mmc.exe .
- In the MMC window, go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
- In the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, select Certificates(Local Computer)/Personal/Certificates, and click Add.
- In the new dialog box, select All Tasks/import to import the certificate.
Note: Ensure the Root CA for the certificate is trusted. This requires importing the certificate to Certificates/Local Computer/Trusted Root certificates/Certificates.
- In the MMC window, open the certificate. In the Details pane, select Thumbprint, and copy the hash value.
The thumbprint hash should not contain any spaces. For example: df5bb4713271bbfcad49e82c7ac8e8e9a75b48a7.
- Open the Command Prompt window. Using the Netsh utility, associate the certificate with the Server REST https port by running the following command:
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=*yourthumbprint* appid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
After you run the command, the following message appears: SSL Certificate successfully added.
If another certificate is associated with this port, an error occurs.
Possible actions:
- To view the certificate that is currently associated with the port, use the following command:
netsh http show sslcert ipport=
- To delete the certificate that is currently associated with the port, use the following command:
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
See also: