Project and view

This topic describes the usage of the StarTeam REST API for project and view.

GET - project list

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to retrieve a list of the projects.

Usage: GET: /project

Description: Gets a list of available projects.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/

Response example:


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GET - project properties

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to retrieve the project properties.

Usage: GET: /project/{id}

Description: Gets the project properties for project {id}.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/0 (using cookie)

Response example


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GET - view list

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to retrieve the views in a project.

Usage: GET: /project/{id}/view

Description: Gets a list of available views in a project {id}.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/0/view (using cookie)

Response example


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GET - view

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to retrieve the properties of view.

Usage: GET: /project/{id}/view/{viewid} or GET: /view/{viewid}

Description: Gets the properties of view {viewid} in project {id}, where project is optional.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/0/view/0 (using cookie)

Response example


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POST - project

The following section illustrates the usage of the POST method to create a new project and root view:

Usage: POST: /project/

Description: Creates a new project and root view with the same name.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/ (using cookie)

Body example

{"properties": {

"Name": "RESTProject_Wed",

"Description": "created from REST"}

Response example


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See also: