
This topic describes the usage of the StarTeam REST API for items.

GET - typeid

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method with typeid for a project or view:

Usage: GET: /project/{id}/view/{viewid}/type/{typeid} or GET: /view/{viewid}/type/{typeid}

Description: Gets a list of items of type {typeid} in view {viewid} and project{id}. The project is optional.

Gets a list of items of type {typeid} in view {viewid}.

By default, for each item it returns the following:

  • ItemID
  • Primary descriptor
  • Secondary descriptor (if available).

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/0/view/0/type/42 (using cookie)

Response example






{"ChangeNumber":3,"ItemID":26,"Synopsis":"feature "},

{"ChangeNumber":4,"ItemID":27,"Synopsis":"does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":5,"ItemID":28,"Synopsis":" work"},

{"ChangeNumber":6,"ItemID":29,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":7,"ItemID":30,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":8,"ItemID":31,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"}]





URL parameters

Parameter name Description


The page number to be returned, default is the first page, 25 items per page.


The maximum number of items per page, default is 25 items per page.

list={propertyname}, {propertyname}….

The properties to be returned for each item.

Example: list=ChangeNumber,Description,Synopsis,Status,ModifiedTime


Returns all properties for each item.


Returns items that satisfy the query. queryid refers to a StarTeam query object defined for this component.

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GET - typeid with label

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method with typeid of a specific label:

Usage: GET: /view/{viewid}/label/{labelid}/type/{typeid}

Description: Gets a list of items of type {typeid} using configuration {label} for view {viewid}.

Note: This API cannot be used with revision labels. It gets a list of items of type {typeid} in view {viewid} included in label {labelid}. By default, for each item it returns the following properties:

  • ItemID
  • Primary descriptor
  • Secondary descriptor (if available)

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/view/0/label0/type/42

Response example






{"ChangeNumber":3,"ItemID":26,"Synopsis":"feature "},

{"ChangeNumber":4,"ItemID":27,"Synopsis":"does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":5,"ItemID":28,"Synopsis":" work"},

{"ChangeNumber":6,"ItemID":29,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":7,"ItemID":30,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"},

{"ChangeNumber":8,"ItemID":31,"Synopsis":"feature does not work"}]





URL parameters

Parameter name Description


The page number to be returned, default is the first page.


The maximum number of items per page, default is 25 items per page.

list={propertyname}, {propertyname}….

The properties to be returned for each item.

Example : http://localhost:49206/serverapi/view/0/type/42?page=3&max=100&list=ChangeNumber,Description,Synopsis,Status,ModifiedTime


Returns all properties for each item.


Returns only those items that satisfy the query. queryid refers to a StarTeam query object defined for this component.

Example: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/view/0/type/42?queryID=2

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GET - typeid properties

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to get the properties of typeid for a view and project:

Usage: GET: /project/{id}/view/{viewid}/item{id} or GET: /view/{viewid}/item{id} or GET: /item/{itemid}

Description: Gets the properties of {itemid} in view {viewid} and in project {id}). Project and view are optional, and the response will indicate them.

By default, it returns the following properties for each item:

  • ItemID
  • Primary descriptor
  • Secondary descriptor (if available)

Sample URLs:

http://localhost:49206/serverapi/project/0/view/0/item/25 (using cookie)



Response example


"ItemID": 25,

"project.ID": 0,

"project.Name": "test",

"properties": {

"ChangeNumber": 2,

"Description": "QA found an issue",

"ItemID": 25,

"ModifiedTime": {

"raw": 43693.9001918056,

"text": "2019-08-16T21:36:16Z"


"Status": 1,

"Synopsis": "feature does not work"


"type.ID": 42,

"type.Name": "Change",

"view.ID": 0,

"view.Name": "test"


URL parameters

Parameter name Description

list={propertyname}, {propertyname}….

The properties to be returned for each item.

Example: list=ChangeNumber,Description,Synopsis,Status,ModifiedTime


Returns all properties for each item.

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GET typeid history

The following section illustrates the usage of the GET method to get the history of typeid:

Usage: GET: /item/{itemid}/history

Description: Gets history information of {itemid}. Project and view are optional and the response will indicate them.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/item/83/history

Response example






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POST - add typeid item

The following section illustrates the usage of the POST method to add an item of typeid to view:

Usage: POST: /view/{viewid}/type/{typeid}

Description: Adds an item of type {typeid} to view {viewid}. The body should contain a list of properties for the new item. To add multiple items at once, create an array of properties.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/view/0/type/42

Body example 1 — Add one item

"properties": {

"Description": "QA found an issue",

"Synopsis": "feature does not work",

"Status": 1

Body example 2 — Add multiple items


{ "Description": "QA found an issue",

"Synopsis": "feature1 does not work",

"Status": 1 }

{ "Description": "QA found another issue",

"Synopsis": "feature 2 does not work",

"Status": 1 }]

Response example 1





{"AddressedBy":-1,"AddressedIn":-1,"AddressedInView":-1,"AttachmentCount":0,"AttachmentIDs":[],"AttachmentNames":[],"BranchOnChange":0,"BranchState":2,"Category":"","ChangeNumber":1001,"ClosedOn":{"raw":0,"text":""},"Comment":"","CommentID":-1,"Component":"","ConfigurationTime":{"raw":0,"text":""},"CreatedTime":{"raw":43697.929851215296,"text":"2019-08-20T22:18:59Z"},"CreatedUserID":0,"DeletedTime":{"raw":0,"text":""},"DeletedUserID":-1,"Description":"QA found an issue","DotNotation":"1.0","EndModifiedTime":{"raw":0,"text":""},"EnteredBy":0,"EnteredOn":{"raw":43697.929851215296,"text":"2019-08-20T22:18:59Z"},"ExclusiveLocker":-1,"ExternalID":"","ExternalReference":"","ExternalURL":"","Fix":"","FlagUserList":[],"GlobalID":1029,"ID":1000,"ItemDeletedTime":{"raw":0,"text":""},"ItemDeletedUserID":-1,"ItemID":1029,"LastBuildTested":-1,"ModifiedTime":{"raw":43697.929851215296,"text":"2019-08-20T22:18:59Z"},"ModifiedUserID":0,"NonExclusiveLockers":"","NotificationIDs":[],"ParentObjectID":-1,"ParentRevision":-1,"PathRevision":0,"Platform":0,"Priority":0,"ReadOnly":0,"ReadStatusUserList":[],"ResolvedOn":{"raw":0,"text":""},"Responsibility":-1,"RevisionFlags":0,"RevisionNumber":0,"RootObjectID":1000,"Severity":1,"ShareState":1,"ShortComment":"","Status":1,"StreamState":0,"Synopsis":"feature does not work","TestCommand":"","Type":0,"Usr_StatusDup":0,"VerifiedOn":{"raw":0,"text":""},"ViewID":1,"WorkAround":""},





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PUT - update items by typeid

The following section illustrates the usage of the PUT method to update items of typeid in view:

Usage: PUT: /view/{viewid}/type/{typeid}

Description: Updates multiple items of type {typeid} in view {viewid}. The body should contain an array of properties for the new items, including the ItemID. Items should all be of type {typeid}.

The ModifiedTime property is used to validate if the item is current.

Sample URL:


Body example

The following example changes the Status property for multiple items, items 85 and 84.


{ "ItemID": 85, "Status": 4 }

{ "ItemID": 84, "Status": 4 }]

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PUT - update items by ItemID

The following section illustrates the usage of the PUT method to update items by ItemID:

Usage: PUT: /item/{id}

Description: Updates an item by ItemID. The body should contain the properties to be updated.

Sample URL: http://localhost:49206/serverapi/item/85

Body example


{ "Status": 4, “Fix”: "how I fixed it" }

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See also: