What's New in StarTeam 17.3
This topic describes the new and enhanced features available with StarTeam 17.3.
In this topic:
MyWork Web Dashboard
Full capability of creating new Change Request, and editing Change Requests by selecting the Edit button from the Action column.
For details, see MyWork Web Dashboard.
Support for Oracle database encryption
StarTeam 17.3 supports Oracle Data Network Encryption and Integrity using Oracle 19c.
For a list of supported databases, see Databases.
Java 11 upgrade
Upgrade to Java 11 version Azul Zulu OpenJDK 11.56.19 in all binaries included in 17.3.
PulseUno Enhancements
You can now browse the contents of folders and files in a specific project/view. You can browse the current (tip) version of a view or previous versions.
Each file or folder that you open displays the following information:
- The user who delivered the changes
- The changeset ID and delivery message
- The health of the changes
- The review associated with the changes
The files also display:
- Findings from experts when a chain has run on the stream or branch
- Peer review comments<
- Colored code syntax
The folders also display:
- A summary of problems with any associated reviews
- The number of contributors who made the changes
- (Optional) A readme file that describes the folder's contents
PulseUno is now localized.
- You can now set the language system setting for PulseUno under Administration/System Properties/ui.language.
- Each user can also set their preferred locale under the Preferences/User Interface.
For details, see the PulseUno Help Center.
See also: