What's New in earlier versions

This section provides an overview of the features that were introduced or enhanced in previous versions of Service Virtualization.

What's New in 2022


The Service Virtualization 2022 release introduces numerous enhancements and bugfixes, improving SV product usability and expanding usage. The main new enhancements include usage of Service Virtualization for active LoadRunner customers, updated Protocol Hooks API, JMS correlation, versioning alignment, installation, infrastructure, and security updates.


Service Virtualization installation packages for Linux and Windows are now included with LoadRunner Professional and LoadRunner Enterprise. This enables LoadRunner performance engineers to use Virtual Services and simulations during performance testing by enabling limited capacity of Virtual Service - All Protocols Unlimited licenses using a LoadRunner license. Included usage is one SV Server instance for each LoadRunner license, and only in the context of performance testing.

Protocol enhancements

  • Protocol Hooks API. Protocol Hooks API is now generally available. It introduces a new level of customizability making protocol customization simpler. The API provides an easier way to change message payload, protocol header values, and metadata on input and output in all service modes by writing a simple custom code. Examples of usage include creation and processing of custom signatures, implementation of XSLT transformation on input or output, creation of a custom protocol by using a parser for a non-supported message format, and transforming it to already supported message format (such as XML). Protocol Hooks custom code can also be exported to a Virtual Service template allowing reusability in multiple Virtual Services.

  • JMS. Added ability to change CorrelationID in Data Model

Other improvements

  • Versioning.Service Virtualization changed versioning to a year-based scheme to align release numbering with UFT and LoadRunner families.

  • Installation. Simplified upgrades for users who did not perform an original installation by allowing them to copy encrypted passwords from original users directly from the installer.

  • Security. Updated log4j, SharpZipLib, and H2 libraries to address security vulnerabilities.

  • Infrastructure updates. Upgraded the bundled MS SQL database to version 2019. Added the latest version of AutoPass License Server 12.3.

  • Bugfixes and Usability. Improved stability, performance, and fixed issues in SV Designer and SV Server.

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What's New in 5.4.1


The Service Virtualization 5.4.1 release is a cumulative update and introduces numerous enhancements and bug fixes, improving product usability and expanding technology and protocol coverage. The main new enhancements include: easier Virtual Service data modeling, enhanced editing of Service Description, enabled XML over JMS in hybrid simulation, enriched Virtual Service events, simplified export and sharing of logged messages, and enhanced HTTPS, Java Virtualization, JMS, MQ, FTP, Fixed Length, and SAP protocols.

Design and simulation enhancements

Data Model. Improved Virtual Service modeling with the following enhancements to data models:

  • Easier column setup with better table header pre-selection, improved saving of column widths, highlighted collapsed values, marked hidden headers with filter symbol
  • Improved representation of arrays in data rows, improved representation of array items in Virtual Service creation wizard
  • Added access to dynamic functions in Learned Rules
  • Added ability to hide an operation in a Data Model

Protocol enhancements

  • HTTPS. Eliminated a request for client certificate by default when using HTTPS proxy.

  • Java Virtualization. Java protocol now supports interface for a more light-weight EJB virtualization. Added support for Java Virtualization on SV Server on Linux.

  • JMS. New support for Solace JMS, added JSON over JMS protocol, new support for XML over JMS in hybrid simulation mode.

  • MQ. Enabled ReplyToQueueManagerName value in MQ configuration dialog.

  • FTP. Enabled processing of a whole CSV file at once.

  • Fixed length. Shortened operation names by eliminating "operation", "request", and "response" from names. Enabled correlation by time and operation name.

  • SAP. Introduced validation of credentials directly from the Virtual Service creation wizard.

Early Access Program

Service Virtualization version 5.4.1 continues to support the Early Access Program (EAP), allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on feedback and further product development.

The EAP features included in this release are:

  • Protocol Hooks API. Protocol Hooks API introduces a new level of customizability, making protocol customization simpler. It introduces an easier way to change message payload, protocol header values and metadata on input and output in all service modes by writing a simple custom code. Examples of usage are: creation and processing of custom signatures, implementation of XSLT transformation on input or output, creation of a custom protocol by using a parser for a non-supported message format and converting it to a supported message format (such as XML). Protocol Hooks custom code can also be exported to a Virtual Service template, allowing reusability in multiple Virtual Services.

  • Service Description. It is now possible to delete structures from a Service Description in the data model editor.

For a more detailed explanation, see Early access features.

Other improvements

  • Virtual Service Statistics. Enriched Virtual Service event view with message/transaction, error and warning counts.

  • Logging. Added ability to export and share logged Virtual Service messages in bulk. Simplified access to SV Designer logs and made them easily accessible for sharing. Enable/disable option for in-memory simulation.

  • LDAP. LDAP timeout is now configurable.

  • Infrastructure updates. Updated support for deployment of SV Server in Docker image with RedHat OpenShift 4.7. Added support for Oracle 19C, MS SQL 2019.

  • Bug fixes and usability. Improved stability and performance and fixed issues in SV Designer and SV Server.

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What's New in 5.4


The Service Virtualization 5.4 release brings numerous improvements to existing SV product capabilities. The main new enhancements include: Virtual Service creation in SVM, simplified SV Designer trial and deployment, SV Lab embedded license into SV Server, new protocols and technologies like Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ and Kafka, support for CORS, SAP enhancements, improvements to simulation runtime, Virtual Service filtering in SVM, and SV Server statistics. SV Lab technology comes with improved learning, simulation and runtime, as well as new support for JMS, IBM WebSphere MQ, RabbitMQ, and Kafka.

Design, simulation and management enhancements

  • Virtual Service Creation in SVM. Introduced ability to quickly create Virtual Services directly in the SV Management web UI and populate data model by importing sample messages or learning. All without a need for SV Designer, enabling users to quickly and easily create mocks and data simulators without extensive knowledge of how to design Virtual Services.

  • SV Lab with SV Server License. Included limited capacity of SV Lab Virtual Services for use as part of SV Server Enterprise license. All existing users of SV Server with an Instance or Concurrent license can now start using SV Lab without a need to purchase additional Virtual Service licenses.

  • Azure Service Bus. Enabled use of XML and binary/text message payloads for use with Azure Service Bus (AMQP 1.0).

  • RabbitMQ. Enabled use of XML and binary/text message payloads for use with RabbitMQ.

  • XML namespace prefixes. Enabled learning of XML namespace prefixes as a default behavior to better replicate real message structure and minimize the amount of Virtual Services requiring modifications.

  • CORS. Added support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) pre-flight requests. CORS messages are now filtered out during learning and not included in the data model.

  • SAP. Improved validation of SAP agent configuration allowing quicker troubleshooting of parameters and connection issues. Simplified SAP agent maintenance by allowing restarts without a need to undeploy SAP Virtual Services.

  • SV Management. Improved Virtual Service filtering. SV Management interface now remembers Virtual Service filter settings eliminating the need to configure a filter every time a user accesses the list of Virtual Services.

  • SV Server Statistics. Added long term persistence of SV Server level statistics into the database and enabled export to external files for offline processing and reporting.

SV Lab enhancements

  • Learning. Improved incremental learning of VSL variables with COPY FROM/IGNORE and single occurrence IGNORE functions. Improved learning of long scenarios with UFT Mobile.

  • Simulation. Improved stateless simulation precision, data matching, and scenario selection based on incoming data (mainly used with data driving).

  • Runtime. Enhanced SV Lab runtime with:

    • Improved VSL compiler performance when running multiple SV Labs on one host.

    • Added typed SV Client API exceptions when accessing a standalone server.

    • Expanded support for OpenJDK versions 8-13.

  • Connectors. Enabled new messaging protocols into SV Lab and improved existing technologies:

    • Added JMS and IBM WebSphere MQ messaging with XML, binary/text, and JSON message payloads, enabled usage with Azure Service Bus.

    • Added RabbitMQ messaging with XML, binary/text, and JSON message payloads over queues or exchanges.

    • Added Kafka messaging with XML, binary/text, and JSON message payloads.

    • Added support for Azure Service Bus leveraging Apache Qpid.

    • Updated MQTT with learning, multiple operations in service, path variables for wild card subscriptions and mixed input/output messages, enabled XML, binary/text, and JSON message payloads.

    • Updated Bluetooth LE to support Android 9 and 10.

  • API Testing. Improved API testing and invocation mode with new waitForSimulationFinish function with a timeout parameter.

Other improvements

  • SV Designer. Simplified SV Designer deployment and maintenance by adding an in-process database for SV Designer. The in-process database removes the need to setup and configure an external database for SV Designer.

  • SV Designer Trial License. Unified SV Designer Enterprise trial and SV Designer Express distributions. Users of SV Express can now use SV Designer without limitations for the first 30 days after installation.

  • Token Licensing. Updated ADM Consumption and Concurrent Token license enforcement.

  • RedHat OpenShift. Added support for deployment of SV Server in Docker image with RedHat OpenShift 4.

  • Bug fixes and Usability. Improved stability, performance, and fixed issues in SV Designer, SV Server, and SV Lab.

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What's New in 5.3

Design, simulation and protocol enhancements

  • Data Model Usability. Redesigned the way information is highlighted in the data model to quickly understand the overall setup of request and response functions in a visual way.

  • Message Logging. Introduced ability to export and import logged messages into an SV project, making Virtual Service debugging and collaboration easier. Introduced database as a storage for all logged Virtual Service messages. Added an option to view logged request and response messages as they were received before SV processing.

  • Service Call Activities. Added ability to define the After Response Service Call Activity Delay parameter per data model row. All After Response Service Call Activity responses are now logged.

  • Messaging Protocols. Virtual Services with messaging protocols (for example, MQ, JMS) can now listen and send messages to multiple request and response queues.

  • WebSphere MQ. Added ability to connect to multiple Queue Managers with different CCSID with the possibility to change it at runtime. The Queue Manager name is now required only for local connections. Added support for SSL.

SV Lab enhancements

  • Data Driving. Introduced Virtual Service scenarios' data driving by importing JSON files into VSL (Virtual Service Language).
  • Simulation Runtime. Added numerous enhancements to SV Lab simulation runtime:
    • Adjusted simulation algorithm to prefer matching operation responses in the context of stateless simulation, and using correct variable values.

    • Added message diffs into run log.

    • Improved handling of nested variables.

    • Improved handling of schema changes during learning and simulation.

    • Enhanced parameter and syntax validation during VSL compilation.

    • Restricted simulation runs for Virtual Services without scenarios.

  • Learning. Improved learning of variables, application scenario variables, and scenario parameters when updating existing scenarios.
  • HTTP Proxy Connector. Added transparent proxy behavior into the HTTP/HTTPS connector.
  • REST. Improved modeling and simulation of REST with the following capabilities:
    • Improved path parameter handling and learning, Simulation variables can now be used as path parameters.

    • Improved asynchronous request/response timing.

    • Improved primitive JSON string request and/or response support.

    • Added long integer support in JSON.

  • SV Lab Run Log Viewer. Added scenario start timestamp, diffs, phantom responses, and stateless simulation diffs into SV Lab Run Log Viewer.
  • SV Lab Server. Expanded JVM heap size to 4GB by default.

Other improvements

  • Platform. Updated runtime to .NET Core v3.1 improving security and performance, improved SV Management Interface security, and added support for Windows 2019 Server.

  • Bug fixes and Usability. Improved stability, performance, and fixed issues in SV Designer, SV Server and SV Lab.

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What's New in 5.2

Version 5.2 introduced:

Protocols, design, and simulation enhancements

  • Data Model Validation. Introduced validation of a data model against a real service. This helps assess if the simulation model is up to date with real behavior by enabling comparison of simulated responses with responses to real services.

  • Scripting. Improved creation of Virtual Services using scripting by adding:

    • Automatic creation of message structures to ease message modification directly in a script.

    • Class type sharing across multiple scripted rules to enable the possibility of sharing objects via context across different rules and operations.

    • Support for code completion in the C# script editor for newer C# constructs (Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods, Anonymous Types, Named Arguments, Optional Parameters).

  • Message Logger. Added response time to each logged message for easier performance tuning.

  • Usability. Expanded number of SV Designer items that can be copied to the clipboard (for example, operation name, field name in table, row detail and change columns dialog, message structure path an so forth).

Platform and integration enhancements

  • Performance Metrics API. Introduced a new performance metrics API for SV Server on Linux enabling the capture and visualization of Virtual Service simulation and SV Server metrics directly in LoadRunner tools.

  • SV Lab. Service Virtualization Lab technology (SV Lab) provides developers and test engineers with a powerful set of new capabilities to solve advanced simulation use cases in the testing of enterprise applications spanning across web and mobile user interfaces; from legacy back-ends to cloud native applications, connected devices and Internet of Things.

    The main new enhancements of this release include:

    • Mobile Testing. SV Lab is now embedded as part of UFT Mobile in addition to UFT Developer.

      The latest version includes the following enhancements:

      • Improved mobile virtualization agent with a new HTTP Proxy switcher, replacing the previously used PAC mechanism.

      • Added support for Android 10.

      • Introduced a new mobile testing demo showcasing the usage of simulation in the testing of a weather forecast mobile application.

    • Simulation Debugging. Added a new SV Lab Run Log viewer plugin to IDE, enabling graphical visualization of SV Lab messages as they are learned and simulated. Improved run log display on client console.

    • Learning. Improved incremental background learning of simulation scenarios.

    • SOAP. Improved SOAP protocol learning and simulation capabilities.

Other improvements

  • Security Improvements. Introduced numerous security enhancements to SV and SV Lab Servers:

    • Added a public/private key authentication option for the SFTP protocol.

  • .NET runtime. Updated .NET runtimes to v4.8 and .NET Core v3.0, improving security and performance.

  • Localization. Updated localization of the SV Designer and SV Management user interface to French.

  • Bugfixes and Usability. Improved stability and performance, and fixed issues in SV Designer, SV Server and SV Lab.

Early Access Program

Service Virtualization version 5.2 continues supporting Early Access Program (EAP) allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in a “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on the feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features in the Service Virtualization Help Center.

The main enhancement is:

CICS Transaction Gateway. Added support for CICS transaction gateway.

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What's New in 5.1.1

Version 5.1.1 introduced:

Protocols, design and simulation enhancements

  • Swagger. Improved Swagger as a service description for REST services. Added support for Swagger OpenAPI 3.0 and YAML formats.
  • XML. Added the ability to structure nested XML payloads. Support for arbitrary (non-XML) header and footer.
  • IBM WebSphere MQ. Simplified MQ configuration and improved performance by embedding latest IBM WebSphere MQ Client with the SV distribution.
  • SV Lab. Enhanced usage with Mobile Center and improved scenarios learning.
    • Mobile Testing. Improved ability to discover, learn and simulate real and mobile API services on Mobile Center with embedded SV Lab Server directly from sv-capture tool or Appium test.
    • Learning. Improved incremental and repeated learning of scenarios by optimizing simulation variables. Enhanced learning of SOAP communication.
  • SV Designer. Improved SV Designer logging and Virtual Service monitoring.
    • Added icons to logged messages indicating Virtual Service state at the time of message capture.
    • Added last message response time to Virtual Service info page allowing easy check of the Virtual Service performance.

Platform and integrations

Certificate handling. Improved p12 certificate handling on Windows, expanded range of supported .p12 and .pfx file formats. Reduced the number of generated private key files in the system key store folder.

Early Access Program

Service Virtualization version 5.1.1 continues supporting Early Access Program (EAP) allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in a “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on the feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features in the Service Virtualization Help Center.

The main enhancement is:

Performance Simulation. Added ability to override the Virtual Service performance model and set response delay for each response row in the Virtual Service data model.

Other improvements

Bugfixes and usability. Improved stability and performance and fixed issues in SV Designer and SV Server.

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What's New in 5.1

Version 5.1 introduced:

Platform and integrations

  • SV Lab. SV Lab technology is now generally available, providing developers and test engineers with a powerful set of new capabilities. These capabilities allow you to solve advanced simulation use cases when testing enterprise applications that span across web and mobile user interfaces, from legacy back-ends to cloud native applications, connected devices, and Internet of Things.

    The main enhancements of this release include:

    Enhancement Description
    License Enforcement SV Lab Server now requires Virtual Service based license from an AutoPass Server for full usage. If you do not provide a license, you can work in demo mode for 10 minutes, per startup.
    Documentation A complete rewrite of the SV Lab documentation—the addition of a new Simulation Language (VSL) Reference Guide, tutorials, and quick-start videos.
    SV API JavaDoc and SV Lab Config Schema Enhanced the use of SV Lab features in IDE with autocompletion, validation, and an embedded JavaDoc.
    Learning An improved learning flow for the sv-capture tool; The generated sv-lab.json file can be used in tests without further modification. Improved SV Lab model and scenario naming. Improved XML learning.
    Simulation and Simulation Language Fixed reporting of incorrect VSL line numbers during simulation. Enhanced JavaScript data generators. Enhanced stateless simulation and simulation performance.
    Persistent Run Logs Reduced the amount of memory consumed by learning and simulation run logs for long running virtual labs by persisting records into the local database.
    Packaging Improved sv-lab and sv-lab-client artifacts for easier sharing via the Maven repository.
    LeanFT and Silk4J SV Lab is now embedded and integrated with LeanFT and Silk4J test automation tools. You now have the ability to discover, learn, and simulate from within the test automation tool without further SV installation.
    Mobile Testing Added ability to discover, learn, and simulate real and mobile API services on Mobile Center with an embedded SV Lab server, directly from the sv-capture tool or an Appium test.
  • SV Designer with SV Lab. Added possibility to start SV Lab Server directly from SV Designer. SV Express Edition now includes SV Lab binaries.
  • SV Server on Linux. SV Server on Linux deployment is now generally available. The deployment requires Microsoft .NET Core framework and is limited to a subset of SV supported protocols (see SV support matrix for details). It is now also possible to integrate directly to ALM/QC form SV Server and SVM for Linux.
  • SV and SV Lab on Docker. SV Server, SV Management and SV Lab Server as a Docker image on Linux and Windows based operating systems are now generally available. Deployment on Docker allows simplified use of Service Virtualization in continuous delivery and DevOps environments. SV docker images can be obtained from Micro Focus ADM Marketplace https://marketplace.microfocus.com/appdelivery

Protocols, design, and simulation enhancements

  • IBM MQ and JMS on Linux. Added support for IBM MQ and JMS protocols in SV for Linux distribution.
  • Design from Scratch. Improved creation of Virtual Services for non-existing real services. Real service endpoint and data are no longer needed. Such service cannot be switched into learning and standby modes.
  • Operation Specific Rules. It is now possible to add a new rule into single Virtual Service operation without affecting other operations in data model.
  • Project Cloning. User can now clone the whole SV project at once directly from SV designer using project contextual menu.

Early access program

Service Virtualization version 5.1 continues its Early Access Program (EAP) allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on the feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features in the Service Virtualization Help Center.

The main enhancement is:

  • AWS SQS. Introduced support for AWS SQS by adding a new JMS provider.

Other improvements

  • Security Improvements. Introduced numerous security enhancements to SV and SV Lab Servers:

    • Simplified installation of password encryption (now enabled by default), and improved usability
    • Enhanced SV Lab security with 3rd party library security updates
  • Improved Upgrade Process. SV installer keeps additional settings from existing installation and retains a backup of the original configuration files.
  • Bug fixes and usability. Improvements in stability and performance, and fixed issues in the SV Designer, SV Server, and SV Lab.

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What's New in 5.0.1

Version 5.0.1 introduced:

Design and simulation enhancements

Dynamic Response Queues. A new user-defined option for the JMS and MQ protocols allows you to override the Virtual Service configuration and use a different response queue for each response in a data model. For details, see Edit metadata.

Service Description Update. Improved automation options allow the ResourceManager tool to update the VS Service Description from the command line.

Simulation Report Row Identification. Improvement in method of finding and correlating rows in a Simulation report, by unifying the report's row numbers with the corresponding row numbers in the Virtual Service data model.

Platform and integrations

Azure SQL as a Database. Improved SV TCO by adding an option to use the Azure SQL cloud native database. The new database can be configured with both SV Designer and SV Server deployments.

Active Directory and LDAP. Enhanced authentication capabilities by improving Active Directory and LDAP integration:

  • Users from nested groups in Active Directory and LDAP are now properly recognized.
  • Added custom specification and formatting of LDAP user name in the SV Management Console.

Security Improvements. Introduced numerous security enhancements to SV Server and SV Management console:

  • SV Management Console now uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) HTTP header to avoid an HTTPS to HTTP downgrade.
  • Fixed incorrect password issue when user password was changed, by allowing the use of the SV Management Console login password for connecting to the SV Server.
  • Limited SV Server information disclosure by removing several HTTP headers identifying underlying server technology.
  • Added option to use SSL for communication between the JDBC agent and JDBC Virtual Service.

Early access program - 5.0.1

Service Virtualization version 5.0.1 continues its Early Access Program (EAP) allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on the feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features in the Service Virtualization Help Center.

SV Lab. Service Virtualization Lab technology (SV Lab) provides developers and test engineers with powerful set of new capabilities to solve advanced simulation use cases in testing of enterprise applications spanning across web and mobile user interfaces; from legacy back-ends to cloud native applications, connected devices and Internet of Things.

The main new enhancements include:

  • SV Client API. A simplified basic SV Client API for embedding in tests, and an extended API for full project or lab manipulation in advanced use cases
  • Transient SV Lab. Simplified creation and reuse of SV labs without persistent IDs
  • Security. Enhanced security with 3rd party library security updates
  • Documentation. A new section on Secure deployment for Service Virtualization

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What's New in 5.0

Version 5.0 introduced:


Virtual Service Concurrent Simulation Licensing. Virtual Service-based metrics allow Service Virtualization users to grow with their needs. You can start with small number of concurrent simulations and expand them as needed, based on a successful adoption of Service Virtualization. New licensing models allow you to dynamically deploy and run simulations within their continuous delivery pipelines using an unlimited number of SV Server instances (e.g. with Docker deployment). The only restriction will be the number of Virtual Services running concurrently in simulation mode at one time across all SV Server deployments. For details, see concurrent simulation licensing.

Simulation and management enhancements

Response time ranges. An enhanced performance model allows modeling of response time ranges for APIs and operations instead of specifying a single value.

Hybrid simulation for WebSphere MQ. Hybrid simulation allows combined simulation and direct communication with real systems through one channel. It is now possible to use this capability with the IBM WebSphere MQ non-intrusive virtualization agent.

Simulation Reports. Simulation reports allow analysis of the data model rules that contributed to the construction of the simulated response. It is now possible to access simulation reports directly from SV Management Console.

Virtual Service Cloning. Virtual Service versioning is an essential method representing evolution of APIs and behavior. You can now easily version and enhance Virtual Services by cloning Virtual Services programmatically through a command line interface or API.

SCA Enhancements. Service Call Activities (SCA) allow communication with external services and systems during simulation. SCAs now include priority processing and the ability to control the SCA state (on/off) from scripting.

Platform, integrations, and SDKs

Runtime Optimizations. SV runtime is now optimized for cross-operating system deployment by adding Microsoft .NET Core framework support for SV components.

SV on Docker for Windows. SV allows the deployment of an SV Server as a Docker image to simplify the use of Service Virtualization in continuous delivery and DevOps environments. The 5.0 release introduced the Windows Docker image - SV Server and SVM.

AutoPass. Updated integration with AutoPass license server version 10.8.0. It is also possible to deploy the AutoPass server as a Docker image.

SV Protocol Extensibility SDK. Updated Service Virtualization Protocol Extensibility SDK to make it compatible with version 5.0. The SDK and its documentation are not part of the distribution. They are available to customers and partners upon request. For more information, contact Micro Focus ADM product management.

Early access program - 5.0

Service Virtualization version 5.0 continues its Early Access Program (EAP) allowing access to innovative capabilities and technologies in “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use and testing and may be subject to change based on the feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features in the Service Virtualization Help Center.

SV Server for Linux. Improved simulation performance and scalability of Linux distribution by using Microsoft .NET Core framework instead of Mono framework.

Mobile and IoT Testing. Improved mobile and IoT testing by allowing simulations of physical devices and sensors from within UFT Mobile, supporting Android and iOS devices. For details, see SV integration.

  • Android enhancements:

    • HTTP(S)/REST services simulation on Android 7.0+
    • HTTP(S)/REST forcing proxy and disabling certificate pinning
    • Enhanced BLE compatibility
    • Automated lab reconfiguration on Android phone
  • iOS enhancements

    • HTTPs/REST simulation on iOS mobile devices

SV Lab. Service Virtualization Lab technology (SV Lab) provides developers and test engineers with powerful set of new capabilities to solve advanced simulation use cases in testing of enterprise applications spanning across web and mobile user interfaces, These include legacy back-ends to cloud native applications, connected devices, and Internet of Things.

The main new capabilities include:

  • Simulation and Simulation Language. An optimized simulation language and runtime for better support of mobile testing scenarios.

    • JavaScript generators that allow you to generate data directly within simulation scenarios
    • Optimized constants and naming in simulation language for scenarios created by learning
    • Improved simulation with the ability to skip forward in the stateful scenario and fallback to stateless mode
    • Improved handling of HTTP headers/properties during simulation
  • Learning. An enhanced SV-capture tool for easier usage with UFT Mobile. Improved usability.

  • API Testing. A new capability to run Virtual Service scenarios as API tests. In addition, there is an improved scenario validation and a more detailed diff in the test logs.

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What's New in 4.20

Version 4.20 introduced:

Protocols and virtualization enhancements

REST Improvements. JSON learning for REST services was improved. The generated JSON schema was simplified and the number of generated types that are visualized and accessible in data models and scripting, was reduced.

Enhanced MQ Agent Status Reporting. Increased the accuracy of the agent/endpoint status reporting in Service Detail for the IBM WebSphere MQ Agent, accessible from the SV management interface.

Hybrid Simulation for SAP. Hybrid Simulation allows combined simulation and direct communication to real systems through a single channel. This version added the ability to indicate which SAP request/responses should be simulated within SV and when to obtain responses by forwarding requests to a real SAP system.

Fixed Length for SCA. Added the capability to use Fixed Length over TCP protocol for the Service Call activity.

Virtual service design and simulation enhancements

Data Driving from Database. The data driving capability allows you to import and connect external data to a SV data model. Support was added for importing and connecting data located in database spaces and tables, in addition to the existing Excel capability.

Scripted Rule. Enhanced scripted rule and SV scripting API documentation. For details, see Scripted Rules.

Persistent Sequences. Ability to persist the state of a sequence generator. The Persistence sequence configuration is currently accessible only from scripted rule. For details, see Create a Scripted Rule.

Infrastructure, Integrations and SDKs

SV Jenkins plugin. Support added for the Micro Focus Application Automation Tools 5.4 Jenkins plugin. The plugin contains Jenkins build steps for working with the SV Server and virtual services. SV updates include exporting with a directory structure and to archive files.

SV Bamboo plugin. Integration was added for the Bamboo CI tool using a plugin. The plugin contains Bamboo steps for working with the SV Server and Virtual Services. Operations include deploy, un-deploy, change mode of Virtual Services and export Virtual Service with updated models after learning.

Virtual Service Deployment. This version simplifies the transferring of services between SV Servers. Agent configurations in Virtual Services are now matched by an agent name and not only by agent ID for a particular SV Server. It is no longer necessary to manually change the Agent ID in order to transfer Virtual Services between multiple SV Server environments. For details, see Add services to the server.

PostgreSQL as a Database. Improved SV TCO by adding the option to use a low cost database, PostgreSQL. This database can be configured with both the SV Designer and SV Server deployments.

AutoPass. Support was added for AutoPass version 10.5.0. The SV distribution now contains a Linux installation of the AutoPass License Server, thereby reducing the licensing fees for additional Windows machines.

SV Protocol Extensibility SDK. The Service Virtualization Protocol Extensibility SDK was updated for this version. The SDK and its documentation are not part of the distribution and is available to customers and partners upon request. For more information, contact your SV sales representative.

Early Access Program - 4.20

Beginning with version 4.00, Service Virtualization introduced an Early Access Program (EAP) with public access to innovative capabilities and technologies at “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use, and testing may be subject to change based on feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features.

The EAP features included in this release are:

Service Virtualization on Docker. SV allows you to deploy an SV Server as a Docker image to simplify its use in continuous delivery and DevOps environments. The current release adds database connection parameterization. It also has an enhanced deployment in a Kubernetes controlled environment. For details, see Docker installations and Running the SV Server in Kubernetes.

Service Virtualization Server for Linux. The default database on Linux was changed to PostgreSQL. The AutoPass Linux installer was added to the SV distribution zip file.

Mobile Testing and Simulation. Added the capability to virtualize mobile Android applications using the Android app virtualization enabler tool. It is now possible to virtualize HTTP, REST, BLE GATT and NFC communications. The following enhancements were added:

  • HTTP proxy auto-config (PAC) endpoint on Android for simple and automated configuration
  • Android app instrumentation with proxy settings and certificate trust enabling HTTPS endpoint virtualization
  • A CA certificate inside of Android app enabler tool for simple installation on Android
  • Automatic Android connector configuration from an Appium test
  • A new Android/REST learning and simulation demo (Weather Forecast)

SV Lab. The Service Virtualization Lab technology provides developers and test engineers with a powerful set of capabilities for use with advanced simulation. This can assist in the testing of enterprise applications in both Web and mobile user interfaces, legacy back-end systems, native cloud applications, connected devices, and the Internet of Things.

The primary enhancements of the SV Lab for this release include:

  • REST and HTTP/S. A new capability to discover HTTP endpoints with the sv-capture tool. Added an HTTPS proxy connector with certificate generation.
  • Simulation, Design, and Learning. Improved the capability of creating the behavior of a virtual service by observing the real communication and the robustness of simulation and learning:

    • Added capability to learn multiple services at once
    • A cleaner scenario output with several optimizations:

      • Inline variables in JSON and XML messages, and HTTP headers
      • Expressive variable names
      • Externalized long and binary messages
      • Automatic background scenario learning (e.g. for BLE services)
    • Generation of SV Lab Config template with initial learning of the first service
    • Simplified the adding of new services for learning inside SV Lab Config
    • Support for non-valid XML content in learning/simulation
    • Faster simulation language compiler
  • Deployment and Troubleshooting. Virtual Services and simulations can be run either on the standalone server (the SV Lab Server) or embedded into a Java Test (the SV Lab Library). The SV Lab Library is the most direct way to include the simulation for Java integration or end-to-end tests. The SV Lab Server can be controlled from any test using the REST API, regardless of the test environment. The current release increases external control of the simulations in the following ways:

    • A JavaScript client for the SV Lab Server allowing control of the simulation from Mocha or Jasmine Selenium tests
    • Improved run log readability

Other improvements

Accessibility and User Interface Improvements. Both the SV Designer and Service Virtualization Management user interfaces were updated to be compatible with the Micro Focus brand and modern user interface standards.

Bug fixes and usability. Improved stability and performance, and fixed issues in Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

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What's New in 4.10

Version 4.10 introduced:

Protocols and virtualization enhancements

OData Subset. Service Virtualization now supports batch processing for OData version 2.0. Batch requests allow you to group multiple operations within a single HTTP request payload. Service Virtualization also supports referencing requests (using Content-ID headers) and all-or-nothing transaction behavior.

JDBC Improvements. Added support for CLOB & BLOB data types and virtualization of non-XA data sources.

CSV over MQ. The CSV (comma separated values) format is now supported on IBM WebSphere MQ.

Virtual service design and simulation enhancements

Hybrid Simulation. Hybrid Simulation allows combined simulation and direct communication with real systems through a single channel. Service Virtualization now introduces easier way to specify which requests/responses are simulated with virtualization, and when to obtain responses by forwarding requests to a real service. For details, see Hybrid Simulations.

Shared Scripted Rule. Scripted Rules can now use and reuse shared script files defined on the project level. This capability helps reduce virtual service maintenance time and eliminate code duplication. It also allows the use of public JavaScript libraries, and the implementation of advanced data model manipulation scenarios. For details, see Shared Scripting.

Service Duplication. It is now possible to duplicate an existing virtual service. Duplication creates a new virtual service instance without any connection to the original virtual service, allowing you to modify it according to your specific needs. For details, see Virutal Service Editor.

Logging Storage. Added more logging features: Logged messages that track the storage used by each virtual service and simulation reports accessible from a Service Detail page in both the Designer and SV Management Interface. You can configure an automatic purge of older messages/reports after a certain period of item, to remove data of virtual services that are no longer deployed. The SV Server administrator can also see the total storage used by the SV Server and remove any irrelevant artifacts. For details, see Message Logging.

The following features were removed from the Early Access Program and full support was added:

Infrastructure, Integrations and SDKs

SV Jenkins plugin. Updated integration with version 5.3 of the Application Automation Tools Jenkins plugin. This plugin allows you to add Jenkins build steps for interacting with the SV Server and virtual services. Operations include deploy, un-deploy, change mode of virtual services, and export virtual service with updated models after learning.

ALM Integration. Improved integration with ALM configured with non-versioned resources. Support was added for integrations where ALM is installed behind a proxy server.

LDAP. Ability to configure authentication of users accessing SV Server through LDAP, expanding the existing Active Directory authentication on the Windows operating systems.

Live SV. SV Designer introduced a “Welcome” page providing an introduction to Service Virtualization together with regular updates. The Welcome page content includes technical videos, articles, tutorials, demos, marketplace assets, and highlights of community discussions regarding Service Virtualization, all within the SV Designer.

AutoPass. Updated integration with AutoPass version 10.1.2. It is now possible to integrate with AutoPass installed behind a proxy server.

SV Protocol Extensibility SDK. Updated Service Virtualization Protocol Extensibility SDK, with compatibility with version 4.10. The SDK and its documentation are not part of the general distribution, but are available to customers and partners upon request. For more information, contact SV product management.

Early Access Program - 4.10

Starting with version 4.00, Service Virtualization introduced an Early Access Program (EAP) with public access to innovative capabilities and technologies at “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use, and testing may be subject to change based on feedback and further product development. For details, see Early access features.

The EAP features included in this release are:

Service Virtualization on Docker. The ability to deploy the Service Virtualization Server as a Docker image. This helps simplify Service Virtualization's use in continuous delivery and DevOps environments. The current release allows Docker based deployments for the SV Server on Linux and the SV Management interface. For details, see Docker Installations.

Service Virtualization Server for Linux. More protocols are available in the Linux environment. You can now set user authentication to the SV Server on Linux through LDAP. Support was also added for several Linux distributions, including CentOS Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.3. The SV Server for Linux (EAP) now supports IBM MQ, mainframe IMS, and JDBC technologies together with the previously supported HTTP/S (REST, SOAP) and SAP protocols.

NFC. Near Field Communication is a popular technology widely used in banking and other domains in conjunction with mobile applications. SV allows you to virtualize it, learn it, and simulate its behavior. This enables you to automate the testing of mobile applications connected to smart things.

BLE GATT. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Generic Attribute (GATT) is a protocol commonly used by many types of smart devices as a low energy wireless connection protocol. Service Virtualization now allows you to create BLE Virtual Services simulating communication without the actual physical BLE device present. This release adds complete pairing and bonding to cover more devices and mobile applications. For details, see Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Android Emulator Support. Testing the application on emulated smartphones helps to increase test coverage of supported Android versions and speed-up development and debugging of new features. Traditionally, the Android Emulator does not support Bluetooth interface preventing developers of applications communicating with smart devices to leverage benefits of emulators. This release adds emulator support to simulate BLE GATT (and NFC) devices also in emulated smartphones.

SV Lab. The new Service Virtualization Lab technology provides developers and test engineers with a powerful set of capabilities for use with advanced simulation. This can assist in the testing of enterprise applications in both Web and mobile user interfaces, legacy back-end systems, native cloud applications, connected devices, and the Internet of Things.

The primary enhancements of the SV Lab for this release include:

Mobile Devices Protocols. Virtualization and simulation of NFC and BLE GATT in Android OS applications. NFC card reader simulation enables the testing of applications with host-based card emulation like e-wallets. The BLE GATT protocol allows simulation of smart bracelets, home appliances or other “smart” gadgets. Both NFC and BLE GATT allow the learning of simulation models.

Simulation Model and Language. Simulation model and ECMA-6 based simulation language (Virtual Service Language or VSL) enable the authoring of virtual services and simulation scenarios directly in SV Designer or IDEs. Latest enhancements allow an easier design and the simplification of simulation models by using:

  • Simulation variables with unspecified conditions that are now set to ignore function by default.
  • Global variables for sharing of a service state among multiple scenarios and services.

  • The parameterization of scenarios using multiple devices or sensors, with final variables (unchangeable constants).

Service Learning. Enhanced ability to create virtual services by observing the behavior of the actual communication.

  • Learned messages, sequences, and data are stored directly in scenarios and accessible for modification in the simulation language.
  • New ability to create REST services by only specifying the service endpoint. Swagger is no longer needed to create REST virtual services, and all operations are learned into the model.
  • Improved learning of XML messages in REST/MQTT services.
  • New learning demos for REST and BLE (GitHub API and MiBand BLE device).

Design and Troubleshooting. Simplified deployment configuration and troubleshooting of virtual services during the authoring phase:

  • Simplified SV lab configuration and structure are stored inside a “.json” configuration file.
  • VSL compile-phase error messages now point directly to the source code.
  • Simulation report is now available directly from the controlling client's output.
  • The protocol-neutral input/output message display in simulation reports was improved.

Deployment and Distribution. Virtual services and simulations can be run either on the standalone server (the SV Lab Server) or embedded into a Java Test (the SV Lab Library). The SV Lab library is the simplest way to include the simulation into Java integration or end-to-end tests. The SV Lab Server can be controlled from any test over the REST API, regardless of the test environment. The current release enhances deployment and control of virtual services:

  • Unlimited number of service behavior changes during complex test cases, using startScenario()/killScenario() SV Lab API calls.
  • Secured SV Lab Sever management endpoint using SSL.
  • SV Lab Server Docker image for simplified deployment and use in continuous delivery environments.

Other improvements

Accessibility Improvements. Both SV Designer and SVM user interfaces are currently more compatible with accessibility standards and tools.

Bug fixes and usability. Improved stability and performance, and fixed issues in Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

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What's New in 4.00

Version 4.00 introduced:

Protocols and virtualization enhancements

SWIFT. Added support for SWIFT MT/MX messages. This enables you to run SWIFT MQ endpoints locally, and to realistically simulate SWIFT protocol messages without the need for a SWIFT network environment. Service Virtualization Designer visualizes SWIFT MT/MX messages in an annotated, tree-like structure reducing the required technical skills to be able to modify test data, or to amend SWIFT test scenarios. Service Virtualization SWIFT virtualization can also process invalid SWIFT inputs for testing negative scenarios and error handling. You can also import custom defined SWIFT schemas that may be modified by some organizations for internal use.

FIX over IBM WebSphere MQ. Added support for financial FIX messages over the IBM WebSphere MQ protocol. You can now create Virtual Services from the dictionary in Quick FIX .xml format. Service Virtualization contains embedded, standard FIX versions, but you can also use a customized FIX version. The Quick FIX dictionary contains all possible FIX messages. When you create a Virtual Service, it does not contain any operations. You can then create operations manually, via sample message import, or via learning. Message correlation can be set up using either standard MQ message headers (message id, correlation id) or using content correlation.

Generic SAG WebMethods IS Non-Intrusive Virtualization. Added the ability to non-intrusively virtualize SAG WebMethods Integration Server allowing virtualization of any WebMethods Flow Service regardless of transport protocol.

Virtual service design and simulation enhancements

Dynamic Data Rule. New Dynamic Data Rule lets you automatically discover patterns and dynamic data dependencies, greatly reducing the time needed to design Virtual Services with dynamic behavior. Previous versions required a manual comparison of Request and Response data to find data dependencies and set appropriate dynamic functions. Now, you can run automated message analysis on a selected rule with message data. The result of the analysis is stored in a new Dynamic Data Rule with automatically preset dynamic function. This means that you can use learning to store message data in a Learned Data Rule, and then create Dynamic Data Rule based on the Learned Data rule with discovered links and other dynamic data functions.

Data Driving on SV Server. You can now data-drive Virtual Services even if they are running on a standalone Service Virtualization Server, without using Service Virtualization Designer to update and synchronize data models. Data in Virtual Services with data-driven rules are automatically refreshed from referenced data source directly on Service Virtualization Server. Data is refreshed when a Virtual Service is switched to simulation mode or restarted. You can perform the switch or restart from SVM or using the SVConfigurator command line interface.

Integrations and SDKs

SV Jenkins plugin. Updated Application Automation Tools 5 Jenkins plugin. This plugin lets you use Jenkins build steps with Service Virtualization Server and Virtual Services. Operations include deploy, un-deploy, change mode of Virtual Services and export Virtual Service with updated models after learning.

SV Protocol Extensibility SDK. Updated Service Virtualization Protocol Extensibility SDK is now compatible with version 4 and later. The SDK and documentation are not part of the distribution and are available to customers and partners upon request. Please contact Service Virtualization product management for more information.

Infrastructure and licensing

Concurrent Service Virtualization Server License. The new Service Virtualization Server Concurrent license allows multiple Service Virtualization Servers to consume licenses from the AutoPass License Server. Concurrent licenses are not allocated to specific machines or operating systems. Instead, they allow you to run Service Virtualization Servers in a dynamic network environment and/or on cloud deployments. The Commuter license option uses a downloadable file that enables you to run a Service Virtualization Server license offline during a specific timeslot, without the need for a network connection to the AutoPass License Server.

64-bit SV Designer and Server. Optimized utilization of end user hardware and resources by limiting support to only 64-bit versions of Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

SV Distributions.Service Virtualization is newly distributed as a .zip package file instead of an ISO image for MS Windows operating systems, and as a .tgz package for Linux operating systems. Packages contain the prerequisites needed for Service Virtualization to run on the target machine and the installers (.MSI on Windows, .RPM on Linux) for Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

OpenJDK Java. Replaced Oracle JDK with Open JDK—open-source implementation of the Java Platform.

AutoPass. Updated integration with AutoPass version 9.1.1.

Early Access Program - 4.00

Starting with version 4.00, Service Virtualization introduced a new Early Access Program (EAP) was introduced with public access to innovative capabilities and technologies at a “beta level” quality. EAP features are available for experimental use, and testing and may be subject to change based on feedback and further product development.

EXLAP. Introduced support for the Extensible Lightweight Asynchronous Protocol (EXLAP) to showcase how Service Virtualization can support rapid mobile applications development in the world of Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices. Using the EXLAP protocol, you can plug Service Virtualization into a real car and record relevant sensor data, after which you can turn the recordings into a realistic virtual model of a real car. This lets you test a mobile application against a virtual car and without needing to have a real car available. It also lets you modify the recorded data to create test scenarios that are otherwise hard to simulate, even with real environments, for example, speeding with flat tires, or crashing the car.

BLE GATT. Introduced support for Bluetooth Generic Attribute Protocol (BLE), which is commonly used by many types of Smart Devices as a low-energy, wireless connection protocol that provides streams of sensor data, user-device interactions, and management. You can now use Service Virtualization to create BLE GATT Virtual Services to simulate the communication and behavior between a mobile device and developed application, without the need for physical BLE devices. This makes automated testing of mobile applications connected to smart devices much easier and more efficient.

Service Virtualization Server for Linux. You can now run Service Virtualization Server on a Linux operating system using the Mono open source project for cross-platform applications. The current distribution supports Standalone Service Virtualization Server, Service Virtualization Management Interface, and Secured REST Management, providing a direct connection from Service Virtualization Designer and other integrated tools like Loadrunner, LoadRunner Enterprise, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), UFT and Jenkins. Service Virtualization Server for Linux v4.00 EAP initially supports HTTP/S (REST, SOAP) and SAP protocols.

SV Lab. The new Service Virtualization Lab technology provides developers and test engineers with a powerful set of new capabilities, enabling them to solve advanced simulation use cases when testing enterprise applications, from web applications to mobile user interfaces, and from cloud services and Internet of Things (IoT) to legacy backends.

The main new capabilities include:

  • IoT Domain Protocols. The initial version of SV Lab supports HTTP-based communication with REST and MQTT, both of which are used extensively in IoT applications. (More domain protocols will be added with subsequent releases.)
  • Simulation Model and Language. SV Lab introduces a new simulation model and ECMA-6-based simulation language allowing authoring of Virtual Services and simulation scenarios directly in IDEs, leveraging syntax highlighting and auto-completion within any JavaScript-enabled IDE.
  • Dynamic Behavior. Enhanced simulation of dynamic behavior with simulation variables, carrying values, such as IDs and timestamps, across requests and responses of one or even multiple services. The desired simulated behavior of services can either be set up once for a whole test or test set, or it can be altered during the test with a fine level of control.
  • Stateful Simulation. Improved the capability to describe the stateful simulation of one or multiple devices or services using scenarios and intuitive sequences of calls in a simulation language. The simulation runtime falls back to the stateless simulation approach similar to traditional Service Virtualization Runtime (IF {request} THEN {response}), allowing the intuitive writing of desired behavior into the new simulation model with the traditional Service Virtualization mindset.
  • Service Learning. Enhanced possibility to create the behavior of Virtual Services by observing real communications. Learned messages, sequences, and data are stored directly in scenarios and can be modified using the simulation language.
  • Publish/Subscribe and Invocation. SV Lab introduces invocation mode to Virtual Services allowing application services to be invoked, and enabling the simulation of publish/subscribe message exchange patterns and events generated by processes in real time: notifications, offline data processing, sensor measurements, and so on.
  • Server and Library deployment. Virtual Services and simulations can be run either on the standalone server (the SV Lab Server) or embedded in a Java Test (the SV Lab Library). Using the SV Lab Library is the easiest way to include the simulation in Java integration or end-to-end tests. The SV Lab Server can be controlled from any test using the REST API, regardless of the testing environment (Java, C#, JavaScript, and so on)
  • Continuous Delivery. Both SV Lab Server and SV Lab Library can be used naturally with any continuous integration or delivery pipeline automation tools, such as Jenkins, TeamCity, and Travis.

Other improvements

Bug fixes and usability. Improved stability and performance, and fixed issues in Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

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What's New in 3.83

Version 3.83 introduced:

Protocols and virtualization enhancements

SFTP (FTP over SSH). Support added for FTP over SSH (SFTP), complementing the existing FTP/FTPS transports for file exchange simulation. For details, see File System FTP agent settings.

Fixed-length over FTP. Transfer fixed-length messages over FTP transport. For details, see Virtualize Fixed-Length Communication.

SAP RFC in WebMethods. Enhanced SAP IDOC virtualization, enabling the use of SAP RFC with SAG webMethods middleware. For details, see Virtualize SAP RFC Communication.

Virtual service design and simulation enhancements

Duplicate rules. Copy existing Data Model rules. For details, see Data Model Editor Context Menus.

Disable track creation. Disable creation of tracks during learning of stateless simulation, or when the data model contains tracks but simulation is not following them, and simulation accuracy is negatively impacted. For details, see Virtual Service Editor.

Adjust track priority. Control and change the priority of a track. In previous versions, the track priority was derived from a timestamp of a call on the first position within the track. When you changed the first position of the track, the priority also changed. You can now manually define track priority within the Stateful Layout view. For details, see Simulate a Stateful Service.

Message routing to real service when no URI space matches. Define a message to forward to the real service when there is no matching request. In previous versions, simulation returned a 404 error when it handled a request for a known endpoint that did not match any URI space in the virtual service. For details, see HTTP/HTTPS Gateway agent settings.

Service Call Activity (SCA) Enhancements. Improved Service Call Activity configuration and usability:

  • SCA without Service Description. Create Service Call Activity without a service description by importing sample messages, and without providing a service description of the target API.
  • SCA with one-way operations. Support added for Service Call Activity with one-way operations.
  • SCA Service Description naming. Improved generation of SCA service description names to distinguish between service descriptions of different Service Call Activities. For SOAP, the SCA name is generated based on Service Name in the WSDL file.
  • SCA renaming. A Rename option for Service Call Activity was added in the Virtualization Explorer.
  • SCA tooltips. Service Call activity tooltips were added with Service Description reference and endpoint.

For details, see Call External Services.

Other improvements

Simulation function optimization. Simulation performance was improved by optimizing virtual service simulation functions during virtual service migration to Service Virtualization 3.83.

Service Virtualization Jenkins plugin. Application Automation Tools 5.0 added Service Virtualization to the Jenkins plugin. The plugin introduces new build steps enabling manipulation of Service Virtualization Server and virtual services. Operations include deploy, undeploy, change virtual service mode, and export virtual service with updated simulation models after learning. For details, see Continuous integration.

Bug fixes and usability. Improved stability and fixed issues in Service Virtualization Designer and Server.

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What's New in 3.82

Version 3.82 introduced:

Protocols and virtualization enhancement

IBM WebSphere MQ Improvements. The MQ agent is now able to automatically reconnect to WebSphere MQ server infrastructure in the event of a connection failure that can occur in an unstable test environment.

Virtual service design enhancements

Swagger. You can now create REST virtual services from Swagger files.

HTTP Service Discovery. Enhanced discovery of REST HTTP-based endpoints and services invoked during development and test scenarios. Enables you to identify which services need to be simulated and directly create new virtual services from selected endpoints.

C# Rule editing and debugging enhancements. Enhanced Service Virtualization scripted rule authoring with new options to:

Edit a C# or JavaScript rule directly in Microsoft Visual Studio, VS Code, Atom, Emacs, and other IDEs of choice, including Intellisense and code completion capabilities for SV related objects. Script changes that you make outside the built-in Service Virtualization script editor are synchronized directly with the scripted rule.

Debug C# scripted rule execution and watch Service Virtualization objects, variables, and values externally in your Visual Studio IDE.

Other improvements

Bug fixes. Improved stability and fixed issues in Service Virtualization Designer and Service Virtualization Server.

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What's New in 3.80

Protocols and virtualization enhancements

Java Virtualization. Introduced support for the virtualization of Java applications. You can simulate Java method calls and configure runtime for on the fly virtualization.

Files over FS and FTP/S. Added support for virtualization of file transfers over the general file system and FTP. You can use XML and flat file based communication, such as comma separated values and other text based formats.

ISO 8583. Added the ability to simulate ISO 8583 messages using configurable and extendable JPOS bridge. You can virtualize applications using ISO 8583 by converting native communication into XML over HTTP. Service Virtualization also contains a JPOS bridge configuration accelerator, enabling quick adjustments of unsupported JPOS formats.

Local MQ Binding. Improved performance for MQ communication when Service Virtualization is deployed on the same machine as the WebSphere MQ server, by enabling a direct local connection to the MQ queue manager.

Root Element Routing (Lab feature). Improved Data Model maintenance and simulation performance by adding the ability to divide an XML over MQ service into multiple virtual services, and by adding routing based on an XML message root element.

Virtual Service management and logging enhancements

Web Accessible Message. You can now enable and disable message logging and investigate logged messages directly from the Service Virtualization Management Interface. You can leverage the bulk operation functionality for message logging configuration or investigate flows and differences between logged messages.

Runtime Message Logging. You can now enable and disable message logging without needing to restart the virtual service. This functionality is available in both the Service Virtualization Designer and the Service Virtualization Management interface.

Virtual Service Statistics. Improved virtual service statistics user experience and performance.

Integration and performance improvements

Integration with NV v9.00. Added integration with HPE Network Virtualization 9.00, enabling the configuration of network conditions directly within Service Virtualization environments.

Performance Model Improvements. Improved performance of simulation mode when a performance model is used in the simulation.

Java Script Rule Performance. Improved performance of simulation mode when Java Script is used in the Data Model.

Other improvements

Product Stability. Improved stability of the Service Virtualization Designer and the Service Virtualization Management interface.

HPE Rebranding. The Service Virtualization Designer and the Service Virtualization Management interface were modified to conform with the new company brand standards.

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What's New in 3.70

Protocol and virtualization enhancements

  • SOAP over WebSphere MQ. Added support for SOAP over WebSphere MQ. It includes both intrusive and non-intrusive MQ virtualization.
  • WebSphere MQ scalability. Improved saturation of MQ virtualization for many logical processors configured in the operating system.
  • Service call activity (SCA) improvements. SCA now includes the capability to add more protocols for hybrid simulation and out of simulation communication.

    • New support for JMS and MQ. Supported options include:

      • XML over MQ
      • XML over JMS
      • SOAP over JMS
    • SCA service description editor added to enable editing of SCA headers. For example, allows X-Custom-Header for HTTP.

    • Performance improvements in HTTP SCA.

    • Mutual SSL support added.
    • Message logging support was added.

Virtual service modeling and design enhancements

  • REST virtual service modeling. REST modeling capabilities now allow flexible URI modeling and finer definition of virtual services per endpoint.

    • Improved URI modeling and parametrization.

      • New wildcards “*” (one URI segment) and “**” (one or more URI segments) can be used anywhere in the URI path (both in Endpoints and Operations).
      • To maintain compatibility, wildcard “*” functionality from Service Virtualization 3.62 and earlier versions is migrated to the new wildcard functionality “**” for versions 3.70 and later.
    • Enabled multiple services on one endpoint URI.

    • Improved URI collision check.

      • Every URI is evaluated during simulation and learning.
      • Input message is assigned to the operation with the highest priority. A specific definition has highest priority.
    • Improved usability. The virtual service URL indicating a specific operation and data model row is now available from the row context menu.

  • Export row data. Learned messages can be exported in their original raw form and reused, for example, by client applications or tests:

    • Export rows from the Data Model Editor into a text file in source/raw format.
    • Export multiple rows simultaneously.
    • Export headers together with the row data.
  • C# scripted rule. Export/import structures to/from JSON format. This refers to Service Virtualization's internal format, based on the common message structure as displayed in the Data Model Editor.

Integration and automation enhancements

  • SVConfigurator command line interface and Java library enhancements.

    • Added virtual service LEARNING mode. It is now possible to learn virtual services on the Service Virtualization Server without the Designer, using only the command line.

    • Added virtual service UPDATE command. Enables download of datasets from the Service Virtualization Server and merge them with original virtual service files on the file system.

    • Deployment of virtual service to multiple SV Servers. It is now possible to deploy one virtual service on multiple Service Virtualization Servers with a single command.

    • Security improvements. It is no longer necessary to disclose a password as a CLI parameter.
  • Enhanced integration with HP LoadRunner and HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT).

    • New Service Virtualizationintegration dialog box. Integration dialogs now allow easier configuration of virtual services in automation scripts.
    • Virtual service setup improvements:

      • Simplified virtualization setup for test scripts (LR, UFT).

      • Add services directly from the Service Virtualization Server.

      • Configuration is provisioned once the script is executed.

      • Associated virtual services are automatically deployed.

    • Virtual service runtime improvements:

      • Runtime management - virtualization changes take effect immediately.

      • Ability to change virtualization conditions when script is already running.

      • Examine service runtime problems.

Infrastructure enhancements

  • FIPS support added. It is now possible to install Service Virtualization on machines with FIPS enabled.

    The AutoPass client library was updated. AutoPass License Server 8.3 must be used when using floating licenses.

    Note: This does not apply to upgrade. If you are upgrading from a previous version, do not enable FIPS until Service Virtualization Server 3.70 is successfully installed.

  • Service Virtualization runtime was migrated to .NET 4.5.
  • Support for TLS 1.2 was added.
  • Message logging. Full-text searches are no longer case sensitive.

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What's New in 3.62

Protocol Enhancements

  • Non-intrusive WebSphere MQ virtualization. Virtualize queues in IBM WebSphere MQ without creating virtual queues or reconfiguring clients. Service Virtualization now provides a non-intrusive library to add and configure on the MQ server.
  • Fixed-length over WebSphere MQ protocol. Virtualization of fixed-length field based communication defined using a text based service description was enhanced to support WebSphere MQ.
  • Fixed-length improvements. Virtual services using Fixed-Length over TCP or WebSphere MQ can now be created from scratch, without specifying a service description. Service operations need to be added manually.
  • SAP RFC/IDOC improvements. SAP virtualization now uses Java SAP client libraries, providing significantly improved throughput and robustness.

Simulation Enhancements

  • Batch simulation performance enhancements. Improved stability of scheduled batch response simulation with minor UI enhancements, enabling you to:

    • Choose a response sending strategy to send messages sequentially or in parallel.
    • Set the number of messages to send for periodical response sending.
    • Set custom scheduling to repeat daily.
    • Easily view relative scheduling using the Delay since simulation launch value, added to the custom scheduling table.
  • C# scripted rule. Scripting is enhanced by the support of the C# language, including the ability to limit the scope of execution using .Net permissions. The C# scripted rule is available as a Service Virtualization Lab feature.

Service Virtualization Statistics Improvements

  • Automatic statistic deletion. Service statistics are automatically removed after the configured time period (1 month by default).
  • Chart navigation. Improved statistics chart zooming and scrolling.
  • Latency. A metric for measuring virtual service latency and overall Service Virtualization Server latency was added. Both service and server latency are also exposed as performance counters.
  • Simulation Accuracy in Events. The virtual service statistics Events chart now displays simulation accuracy.

SVN Integration Improvements

  • SVN 1.8. The Service Virtualization Designer now contains a plugin for SVN 1.8. TortoiseSVN 1.8 is required.
  • Upgrade working copy. Upgrade your SVN working copy directly from the Service Virtualization Designer.
  • Import. Import Service Virtualization projects to SVN directly from the Service Virtualization Designer.

Other Improvements

  • Message logging:

    • Message import. Logged messages selected in the Message Viewer can now be imported into the data model.
    • Disabled message logging. Message logs store raw message data. To further protect your data, message logging is now automatically disabled if data masking is configured for the service.

  • SVConfigurator. A command line EXPORT option to export all deployed projects from a Service Virtualization Server was added.
  • Service Virtualization Management performance. Loading of the Service Virtualization Management interface is now optimized for interactions over low bandwidth networks.
  • IBM WebSphere MQ communication performance. Improved speed of communication in Simulation and Standby modes for WebSphere MQ.

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What's New in 3.61

Service Virtualization Management Enhancements

  • Virtual Service Statistics and Event Audit. New virtual service metrics and statistics are accumulated during the virtual service deployment lifetime. The new metrics allow you to understand virtual service utilization in the organization across a specific time span, help to calculate Service Virtualization ROI, troubleshoot service problems, understand long terms trends in usage, and optimize Service Virtualization performance.

    Service Virtualization now also audits virtual service change events, such as a change of virtual service state or simulation model, marking the change with a timestamp and the identity of the user that performed the change. Each event also shows average virtual service metrics measured from the previous virtual service event.

    Virtual service statistics can be analyzed using charts available in the Virtual Service Details view or exported into an MS Excel file for further processing and reporting.

  • Service Virtualization Server Statistics. New Service Virtualization Server metrics show various aspects of Service Virtualization Server utilization, performance, and health across all deployed virtual services. The new server metrics help Service Virtualization Server administrators understand hardware utilization and overall communication performance, identify and troubleshoot server problems, and optimize Service Virtualization deployment based on real usage and demand.

    Service Virtualization Server metrics can be analyzed per Service Virtualization Server node, accessible over Windows performance monitors and consumed by monitoring tools for alerting and long term analysis. The top 5 Servers by hardware utilization are now visible on Service Virtualization Management Dashboard with an indication of server health.

  • Virtual Service Portfolio Export. Export a list of virtual services deployed on a Service Virtualization Server to an HTML report. The exported list includes details about each service, such as service name, ID, mode, deployment state, and data and performance models. Reports can then be saved and used for further processing.

For details, see the Service Virtualization Management help within the application.

Protocol Enhancements

  • WebMethods SAP Connector Virtualization. Virtualize IDOC document exchange between flow services hosted in WebMethods Integration Server and SAP. The SAP system is not required during simulation.

  • MSMQ Virtualization. Virtualize binary and XML messages over Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ).

  • Fixed-Length Protocol Virtualization. Virtualize fixed-length field based communication defined using a text based service description. This protocol is currently limited to TCP streams.

Logging Enhancements

  • Message Logging Improvements. View message logs for the Service Virtualization Server directly from the Designer interface. It is also possible to save message logs to your local machine, display XML messages in a structured view, and change log levels without a restart of Service Virtualization Server or Designer.
  • Data Logging. Logging of request and response data for a specific data element of a virtual service is now possible inside a scripted rule.

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What's New in 3.60

Protocol and Virtualization Enhancements

  • Multiple Queue Managers. You can now configure up to four different WebSphere MQ agents per virtual service. This enhancement enables you to configure, for example, the following typical scenarios:

    • Different Queue Managers for real/virtual requests and responses. Request processing (virtual + real request queues) uses a different queue manager than the queue manager used for response processing.
    • Different Queue Managers for virtual and real MQ Endpoints. Virtual queues (request and response) are hosted by a different MQ queue manager than the MQ queue manager used for the real queues (real request and response MQ queues).
  • Multiple JMS Providers. You can now configure up to four different JMS agents per virtual service. This enhancement enables you to configure, for example, the following typical scenarios:

    • Different JNDI contexts for real/virtual requests and responses. Request processing (virtual + real request endpoints) uses a different JNDI context than the JNDI context used for response processing.
    • Different JNDI contexts for virtual and real JMS endpoints. A lookup for virtual queues (request and response) is performed within a JNDI context different than the JNDI context used to lookup real (request and response) queues.
  • MIME attachment support. With support added for MIME attachments, it is now possible to virtualize HTTP based services (SOAP, XML, Binary, REST) with payload in multipart format.
  • SOAP RPC/Encoded.Service Virtualization SOAP capabilities are now enhanced by support for RPC/Encoded based communication.

Virtual Service Modeling Enhancements

  • Multiple SOAP service creation wizard. The Designer now enables you to create WSDL/SOAP based services in bulk. Define multiple services using a CVS file with WSDL files paths, or by manually enter a list of WSDL file paths in the wizard.

Service Virtualization Management Improvements

New Service Virtualization Management enhancements enable the decoupling of Service Virtualization Agent administration, technical configuration of communication to Service Virtualization, and deployment of virtual service data and behavior. Each part of the virtual service (simulation models and agent configurations) can be provided by different teams and restricted by permissions.

This includes:

  • Agent management. You can now perform complete agent management from the Service Virtualization Management interface. You can create, duplicate, update, delete, and test agent configurations. You can also import and export agent configurations, for use by other Service VirtualizationServers.
  • Access permissions for agents.Service Virtualization server administrators can define access permissions for agents, to restrict the modification and configuration of agents.
  • Virtual service deployment improvement.You can now deploy virtual services using existing agent instances and configurations.

Additional Improvements

  • Agent sharing. The ability to import and export agent configurations is introduced. In addition to sharing Service Virtualization projects, different user groups can now also share agent configurations used in the project. You can import and export agent configurations using both the Designer and Service Virtualization Management.

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What's New in 3.50

Service Virtualization 3.50 introduces:

Protocol Enhancements

  • SAP IDoc. The new SAP RFC/IDoc implementation brings more robust support for SAP RFC/IDoc protocol.

    • Browse and edit the full IDoc tree more easily.
    • Simulate asynchronous SAP IDoc responses with custom correlation for recording.
    • Design a SAP RFC virtual service from scratch by importing an RFC function from the target SAP system.

    • When simulation models are ready, the target SAP system is not required during simulation for request-only virtualization.
  • WebLogic JMS virtualization. You can now set the client certificate and authority of the server certificate of Mutual SSL authentication.

Simulation Enhancements

  • Performance batch simulation.

    • Simulate delayed asynchronous responses, with options to define periodic repetition, schedule response sending for several times in day, and define a maximum number of messages that can be set at specified times.
    • Limit performance with the new transactions per second (TPS) metric.

Service Virtualization Management Improvements

  • Safari browser support.Service Virtualization Management now officially supports Safari browser.
  • SVM Users group. Limit access to Service Virtualization Management by configuring the new SVM Users user group.

Administration Update

  • Oracle Database. In addition to Microsoft SQL Server, Service Virtualization now supports Oracle DB for storing data.

Service Virtualization Labs

  • Scripted rule enhancements. Four times faster java script simulation, as well as:

    • Improved error reporting.

    • Editing of large scripts in separate tabs.

    • Simple Intellisense.

Additional Improvements

  • Array editing. Easily move and duplicate array items in the Row Detail view.

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What's New in 3.11

Simulation Enhancements

  • Performance model hot swap. Change the virtual service performance model during simulation without the need to restart the virtual service. You can change the performance model during performance testing without affecting virtual service availability and metrics. Available from Service Virtualization Designer, Service Virtualization Management Interface, Service Virtualization Management API, and external tools HP LoadRunner and HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT).

  • Learn request messages without responses. Learn and simulate both one-way and two-way messages in a single Data Model. Available for messaging protocols IBM® WebSphere® MQ, Oracle® AQ, and JMS.

  • Conditional and Hybrid Simulation. Simulate using the virtual service when the connection to the real service is not available, using Service Call Activity Failure Handling. Add service call activity to a simulation model and define simulation behavior for different types of service call activity failure:

    • Connection timeout
    • Host not found
    • Connection failed

Service Virtualization Labs

  • PCAP import. Import HTTP streams together with XML, SOAP, REST, or text messages stored in packet capture files (PCAP) into your virtual service data model. This enhances the current capability to import sample messages from request/response pairs stored in files or from the clipboard.

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What's New in 3.10

New Virtualization Capabilities

  • Oracle® Advanced Queuing. Virtualize communication between applications that are using Oracle Advanced Queuing, a message-oriented middleware technology developed by Oracle Corporation and integrated into its Oracle database.

  • IBM WebSphere® MQ queue browsing. Search, browse, and quickly virtualize IBM MQ queues using a direct Service Virtualization connection to IBM MQ from the Designer.

Enhanced Service Virtualization Management Web Interface

  • Enhanced web-based management user interface. The improved user interface is accessed over standard web browsers, and enables you to view and manage deployed environments, without requiring access to the Service Virtualization design environment.
  • More robust architecture and ease of use. Easily search, filter, group, and navigate through numerous virtual service environments and projects. Open and control virtual services in a separate window for continuous visibility of usage, and for control of deployed virtual services.
  • Simultaneous management of multiple Service Virtualization servers. View and manage multiple servers from the Service Virtualization Management interface.

Access Control Improvements

  • Advanced granularity in defining user access to virtual service management. Access to specific virtual service management functions are based on user roles and defined privileges. Using the Service Virtualization Management interface, you can grant or deny access to various virtual service levels and enable administrators and users to control configuration and state of their virtual testing environments.

    User management can be integrated with traditional enterprise identity management systems, such as Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP through Microsoft Windows configuration. This enables administrators to use the same tools for user and group management as they use for other enterprise systems.

Virtual Service Management Automation

  • Manage virtual services deployed on a Service Virtualization Server using the SVConfigurator command line tool.

Simulation Modeling Enhancements

Improved manipulation of arrays in data models with more deterministic and transparent behavior.

  • More control over array item count. The new CopyArrayItemsCount and SetArrayItemCount array functions give you full control over the number of items in an array, even when the array is copied from another array. Previously, the array item count was based on the source array, which created issues in several use cases.
  • Array item templating. Specify how to populate all array items from just one array row using the ArrayTemplate function.

Service Virtualization Labs

Service Virtualization Labs is a test area for experimental features in Beta quality. Lab features provide early access and enable you to provide feedback from direct usage. You can enable or disable individual experimental features. Note that lab features may change, break, or disappear at any time in future releases. For details, see Labs.

Lab features in Service Virtualization 3.10 include:

  • Scripted rules.

    Some more complex modeling use cases requiring manual definition are not easily achievable with current capabilities. The new scripted rule type further assists you in defining functional behavior.

    • Manipulate request and response messages using JavaScript.
    • Use variables, conditions, cycles, and other standard scripting features to define request conditions and construct responses.

    A scripted rule is evaluated the same way as already existing rule types so virtual service designers can use it to manipulate just portions of messages and combine it with other rule types to fill remaining parts of the message. Designers can also leverage sharing of the message context and variables among simulation rules, service operations, and instances of services and calling sessions.

  • Network modeling - integration with Shunra Network Virtualization™ (NV).

    Simulate network environments. In addition to functional (data) and performance behavior (scalability) of distributed services and systems, you can now define and control network parameters to use in your simulations.

    Leverage the vast catalog of performance metrics of networks and operators across the globe as provided by the Shunra community.

License Management

HP Service Virtualization 3.10 is now distributed with HP AutoPass 8.01, enabling concurrent license enforcement on private networks.

By default, HP Service Virtualization installs with a 30-day trial Seat license for the Service Virtualization Designer, and a 30-day trial Instance license for the Service Virtualization Server.

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What's New in 3.01

Administration Updates

  • Server backup and restore. Using Server Backup and Restore, it is now possible to upgrade Service Virtualization Server to a new version, and have all previously deployed services (starting with Service Virtualization 3.00) up and running after installation . This tool can be used after upgrade to perform regular backups of the server.
  • Project migration. With the new Resource Manager command line tool, you can migrate Service Virtualization projects stored in the file system or in HP ALM to the new Service Virtualization version without the need to open each project in the Service Virtualization Designer.
  • Automated service deployment. The Resource Manager can also be used to automate the deployment of services stored in the file system or in HP ALM to a Service Virtualization Server.

Service Virtualization Management improvements

  • Problem notification. The detailed list of errors and warnings occurring when using a virtual service is now displayed and managed in Service Virtualization Management web interface. The filtering and deletion of resolved items is supported.

Enhanced Protocol Support

  • REST over HTTP. The new support of REST over HTTP Gateway allows the virtualization of REST services in an environment where it is not possible to change HTTP proxy settings. The client can access the virtual service exposed on a new virtual endpoint.
  • XML over HTTP service call activity. A virtual service can invoke other services during simulation using the XML Over HTTP service call activity, extending the current SOAP over HTTP service call activity support.

Improved Editing and Troubleshooting of Data Models

  • Row Detail. The Row Detail dialog box in the Data Model Editor now also displays and enables you to edit simulation data of service call activities.
  • Column Highlighting. The Data Model Editor now color codes table headers according to simulation function type -- condition/action/ignore. This helps you to troubleshoot a data model by pointing out mistakenly assigned functions.
  • Import to Simulation Preview. You can now import a request message to Simulation Preview when troubleshooting simulation, in order to check simulation results, or compare wire data with simulation data.

  • Compare Rows. You can now also compare rows in the data model using Simulation Preview. This helps you troubleshoot when trying to determine why a rule has not matched the request data. Service Virtualization evaluates and highlights differences between the request imported to or pinned to Simulation Preview, and the selected row in the Data Model Editor.

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What's New in 3.00

Enhanced Protocol Support

SAP is the new family of protocols added to the continually growing Service Virtualization supported protocol set. SAP protocol support enables the virtualization of your SAP® server that communicates with 3rd party SAP servers using SAP RFC/IDOC.

Virtual Service Management

The new web-based Service Virtualization Management interface enables you to control virtual services deployed on any Service Virtualization Server, right from you browser. Installation of the Service Virtualization Designer is not required. You can manage existing services or deploy new services from a project stored in either the file system, or in HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).

Integration with HP Application Lifecycle Management

The integration of Service Virtualization with HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) enables you to store and collaborate on projects in the ALM repository.

Leverage the ALM repository for project collaboration between integrated products. For example, you can create a virtualization project in the Service Virtualization Designer, save it in ALM, and open it in HP LoadRunner or HP UFT/Service Test.

Virtualization projects are stored as test resources in an ALM project. Both version control enabled and non-version control enabled ALM projects are supported for this integration.

Simulation Modeling Enhancements

  • Data Masking. Protect your sensitive data with Data Masking. Configure part of a message to be masked, using either the hash algorithm or by replacing part of the value. Sensitive data are then never stored in Service Virtualization.
  • Sequential Number Generator. The Sequential Number Generator simulation function can now be configured to produce zero or non-zero prefixed numbers with a nearly unlimited length.
  • Random Number Generator. Generates unique random values. Using this function’s formatting capabilities, which are similar to the Sequential Number Generator, you can generate, for example, different ID or key variations.
  • Substring function. The new substring simulation function enables you to copy values between parts of the message, similar to the Copy from function, with additional formatting options for the substring.
  • Post-Response Service Call Activity. Enables you to issue a SOAP call during simulation, after the response is returned. This supports numerous integration scenarios, in which the service delivers the response outside the usual request-response channel by an active call of the client's SOAP endpoint.

Security additions

A new WS-Security signature scheme without a timestamp has been added to the supported WS-Security profiles.

Administration Updates

  • License Management. Each Service Virtualization Designer now requires a valid license. Service Virtualization 3.00 integrates with the HP AutoPass License Server, enabling you to organize and manage your product licenses and client users.
  • Server Access Control. Previously, server access was limited based on membership in the Service Virtualization Users Windows user group. Service Virtualization 3.00 introduces 3 new user groups, providing increased granularity of permissions, based on user roles. You can grant or deny access to various levels of viewing and managing services and Service Virtualization agents.

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