Backup and restore the SV Server

The backup and restore tool enables you to create a backup archive file of your Service Virtualization server, and then to restore the content to any Service Virtualization server machine.

In this topic:

Backup and restore utility

The Backup and Restore utility is a command line tool included in the Service Virtualization Server installation. You can only run it on the Server machine.

Tip: For enhanced security, use the backup tool's encryption option.

Server upgrade. When you run the Server installation wizard to install a new version of the Service Virtualization Server, the installation wizard provides the option to run the backup tool before the new version is installed. After installation is complete, you can select an option to run the restore tool on the upgraded server. For more details on upgrade, see The upgrade process.

You might also use the backup and restore tool for the following:

  • For general backup. Create a backup when you plan to make changes in your virtual services and may want to roll back.
  • When moving to a new server machine. Back up the Service Virtualization Server, and restore it on the new server machine.

The following data is backed up and restored:

  • Virtual services that are deployed on the server and their data.
  • Virtual service mode. Services that are in Simulation or Standby modes are backed up and then restored to those same modes. Services that are in Learning mode at the time of backup are removed from the server and must be manually redeployed after the restore process is complete.
  • Service Virtualization agent configurations defined on the server.
  • The list of servers that are accessed and managed through the Service Virtualization Management interface.


  • If you restore the backup to a later version of the Service Virtualization Server, the backed up content is automatically migrated to the new version. For more details on migration, see Project migration.
  • The restoring of a backup may take an extended amount of time, especially for a large database. Restoring a backup from the version preceding the current one, takes less time than restoring the backup of an older version.

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Server backup and restore on Windows

  1. On the Service Virtualization Server machine, stop the server service.

    For Windows, you can select Stop Services of Service Virtualization Server from the Start menu.

  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the \bin folder under the Service Virtualization Server installation folder. By default, C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin.

  3. At the command line, run BackupandRestore.exe using the following options:

    Option Description

    Creates a backup file, and saves it in a location you specify.

    [archive_path] Specify a file system location and a name for the backup file. For example, C:\Server_backups\backup_june17.

    /r:[archive_path] Restores the server state from the backup file you specify in [archive_path].

    Runs the backup or restore process in silent mode. No user interaction is required.

    Use this option when you are working with automation.


    Encrypts or decrypts the backup file.

    When you run a backup, you are prompted to enter an encryption password.

    If the backup is set with encryption, you must also use this option when running the restore tool.

    For more details on encryption, see Password encryption.


    When moving to a new server machine:

    1. On the current server machine, navigate to C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin and run the following command to backup the server:

      backupandrestore.exe /b:C:\Server_backups\backup_June17

    2. Install Service Virtualization Server on the new machine.
    3. Copy the backup file from the old machine to the same location on the new machine.
    4. On the new server machine, navigate to C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Virtualization Server\Server\bin and run the following command to restore the server:

      backupandrestore.exe /r:C:\Server_backups\backup_June17

  4. After you restore a Service Virtualization Server, you may want to do the following:

    1. Redeploy additional services stored in shared repositories, such as in the file system or in ALM. For details, see Deployment.
    2. Review group memberships for Service Virtualization user groups. For details, see Authenticate the SV Server.

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Server backup and restore on Linux

You can use the sv-BackupAndRestore tool to back up and restore the Service Virtualization Server on Linux.

  1. On the Service Virtualization Server machine, stop the server service, as described in Starting and stopping Service Virtualization on Linux.

  2. Run the sv-BackupAndRestore tool:


    The sv-BackupAndRestore tool logs are stored in .cache/sv-server/logs under the home directory, for example, /root/.cache/sv-server/logs.

    Use the following options:

    Option Description

    Creates a backup file, and saves it in a location you specify.

    [archive_path] Specify a file system location and a name for the backup file. For example, server-backups/backup_june17.

    Restores the server state from the backup file you specify in [archive_path].

    Runs the backup or restore process in silent mode. No user interaction is required.

    Use this option when you are working with automation.


    Encrypts or decrypts the backup file.

    When you run a backup, you are prompted to enter an encryption password.

    If the backup is set with encryption, you must also use this option when running the restore tool.

    For more details on encryption, see Password encryption.

    Example: When moving to a new server machine:

    1. On the current server machine, run the following command to backup the server:

      sv-BackupAndRestore /b:server-backups/backup_June17

    2. Install Service Virtualization Server on the new machine.
    3. Copy the backup file from the old machine to the same location on the new machine.
    4. On the new server machine, run the following command to restore the server:

      sv-BackupAndRestore /r:server-backups/backup_June17

  3. After you restore a Service Virtualization Server, you may want to do the following:

    1. Redeploy additional services stored in shared repositories in the file system. For details, see Deployment.

    2. Review group memberships for Service Virtualization user groups. For details, see Authenticate the SV Server.

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