Welcome to UFT One

Welcome to UFT One, a unified functional testing product solution for functional test and regression test automation, combined with functional testing for headless systems.

This Help Center covers UFT One versions 2021 through 2023. Any version-specific differences are indicated where relevant.

In this topic:

Where do I start?


Install UFT One

See Installation guide.

Keep your version current

Upgrading to the latest version ensures that you benefit from all the latest features and developments, including fixes and security updates. For more details, see the UFT One version upgrade hub.


New to UFT One?

Follow the steps in the tutorial.

See UFT One Tutorial.

Note: The screen captures in the documentation may look different from your UFT One user interface, depending on the UFT One version you are using.

Ready to start testing?

See below for the types of testing you can perform using UFT One.

Learn more

To try out UFT One and access additional resources and case studies, see UFT One at microfocus.com.

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Testing types in UFT One

GUI Test

GUI testing

Use UFT One's keyword-driven testing method to create GUI test steps early and maintain them with only minor updates.

Use actions, steps, test objects, checkpoints, function libraries, and parameters to create your test.

Then, run the test and view the test results, including details about each step and checkpoint used.

See GUI test design.

API Test

API testing

UFT One's API (service) testing solution provides tools for the construction and execution of functional tests for headless (GUI-less) systems or the back-end of applications with a GUI.

Create API tests using standard, service, or custom activities, as well as checkpoints, parameters, and custom code.

See API test design.

Combined testing

Combined testing

UFT One enables you to integrate GUI and API tests in a single test run. 

See Run API Tests with GUI Tests.

Integrated testing

Integrated testing

UFT One integrates with numerous other Micro Focus testing tools:


Integration with CI systems

Run UFT One tests as part of your continuous integration processes.



Cloud testing

Leverage cloud environments when testing with UFT One.

Open instances of UFT One from Amazon Web Services and run your tests directly from these individual sessions.

See the UFT One page on Amazon and the UFT and AWS: Driving Continuous Quality through Simplified Functional Testing blog.

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Bookmarking the Help Center

To ensure that you are always viewing the most up-to-date version of the Help Center, bookmark this link: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/uft.

To create a link that will always point to the most recent version of a topic, replace the version number in the URL with 'latest'. For example:

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See also: