Advanced Java Options Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to specify additional Java options. You can configure table record mode preferences, enable retrieving text information from the run-time object for checkpoints and output values (tests only), and specify lists of controls.

To access

  1. Make sure that a GUI test is open and select Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Java node > Advanced button.

  2. Click the relevant option once to highlight it.

  3. Click the option again or press F2 to open an edit box in which you can add or modify a list of controls.

  4. Change the value as necessary.

    Specify editor class names separated by a space, tab, newline, or return character. Values are case sensitive.

  5. When you finish editing the value, click another location in the dialog box to set the value.

Important information

  • If you are using the Oracle Add-in, and you add steps to your test for Java objects within your Oracle application, the options in this dialog box are relevant for the Java steps in your test.

  • Any changes you make are not applied to the currently open test or business component. To apply your changes, close your test or business component and reopen it.

Related tasks

Modify options for recording on Java tables

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
JavaTable record mode

The record mode for table objects. The following modes are available:

  • Context sensitive. (Default) Records operations on table objects in context-sensitive mode: SetCellData or SelectRow.

  • Analog. Records only low-level (analog) table methods: ClickCell, DoubleClickCell, and Drag.

This option corresponds to the Setting.Java("table_record_mode") variable.

Checkpoint and output value options

The preferences for checkpoint and output value steps on Java objects. The following option is available:

Enable retrieving text data from the Java run-time object: Enables UFT One to retrieve text information from the Java objects in the application for checkpoints and output value steps. This option is not relevant if UFT One is configured to use the OCR mechanism for text recognition (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Text Recognition node)

Retrieving text information from the run-time object is supported only for Java objects that meet very specific criteria. Therefore, this option is off by default.

Table cell controls

The preferences for the way that UFT One identifies controls inside table cells. The following options are available:

  • Controls to identify as separate test objects: Specifies the list of controls that you want UFT One to identify as separate test objects and not as part of a JavaTable object. Use this option to access methods that are specific to the object type or to otherwise improve the functionality of steps that UFT One would normally record and run as operations on a JavaTable object.

    • This option is relevant for JTable Swing toolkit tables.

    • Control class names must be separated by a space, tab, newline, or return character. Values are case sensitive.

    • This option corresponds to the Setting.Java("table_internal_editors_list") variable.

  • Controls to treat as part of the JavaTable test object: Specifies the list of controls for which you want UFT One to record and run JavaTable operations. Use this option to record and run JavaTable operations (such as SetCellDataandSelect) on controls that UFT One would normally treat as separate test objects.

    • This option is relevant for JTable Swing toolkit tables.

    • Editor class names must be separated by a space, tab, newline, or return character. Values are case sensitive.

    • This option corresponds to the Setting.Java("table_external_editors_list")variable.