PDF Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box)
This tab enables you to define preferences for recording and running tests on PDF applications.
Access the PDF tab
Select Record > Record and Run Settings and then select the PDF tab.
Note: If you load only the UFT One PDF Add-in, then only the PDF and Windows Applications tabs are displayed in the Record and Run Settings dialog box. If other add-ins are loaded, the corresponding tabs (if any) are also displayed.
Record and run on any open instance of PDF Testing Utility
Select Record and run on any open instance of PDF Testing Utility to instruct UFT One to record all operations performed on any PDF application that is open while recording your test, and to run steps on any such application during a run session.
To enable UFT One to record or run on a PDF application, open it in UFT One's PDF Testing Utility.
Open a new instance of PDF Testing Utility when a record or run session begins
Select this option to instruct UFT One to open a specific PDF application at the beginning of a record or run session.
Define the path to the PDF application. If your PDF application requires a password to open, enter the PDF password.
This setting controls only which application, if any, is opened at the beginning of a record or run session. It does not affect the applications that UFT One recognizes. Even if this option is selected and no application is specified, UFT One can still record, recognize, and run on any open UFT One-ready PDF application.
See also: