PDF Add-in

Use the UFT One PDF Add-in to test interactive PDF documents.

General Information

Add-in Type

This is a Windows-based add-in. Much of its functionality is the same as other Windows-based add-ins.


To test a PDF document, you must open it in UFT One's PDF Testing Utility. Do one of the following:

  • In UFT One, using the PDF Testing Utility button or menu command (in the Tools menu).

  • In your test, use a PDFUtil.Open statement.

Caution: You can open only one instance of the PDF Testing Utility, testing only one document at a time. If you open a document while another is open, the open one is automatically closed and any changes are discarded. Make sure to first save any changes you do not want to lose in the open file.

Important Information

UFT One recognizes PDF documents with different names as different test objects.

If your test saves a file with a different name, subsequent test steps must use a different test object for the file. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Add another test object to the object repository

  • Use a programmatic description for the test object, which uses the new file name.

    For example:

    PDFApplication("name:=NewFileName.pdf").GoToPage 5

Test Object Methods and Properties

The PDF Add-in provides test objects, methods, and properties that can be used when testing interactive PDF documents. For details, see the PDF section of the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.

Running PDF tests created in previous versions

To run tests created in previous versions of UFT One:

  1. Change your tests to open the PDF document using the PDF Testing Utility, as described above.

  2. Run your test in maintenance mode to update the properties that UFT One uses to identify the objects in the PDF document. For details, see Maintenance Run mode.

Relevant tasks Work with PDFText test objects
Known issues Known Issues - PDF Add-in


Configuration Options

Use the Windows Applications pane.
(Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab >Windows Applications node)

Record and Run Settings

Use the PDF tab.
(Record > Record and Run Settings > PDF tab)

For details, see PDF Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box).