Known Issues - Windows-based SAP

This topic contains troubleshooting and limitation information about testing windows-based SAP applications.

Object recognition

Toolbar controls

Toolbars inside other controls

Toolbars inside other controls (such as a toolbar within a text area control) are not supported.

Toolbars inside grid controls

Toolbars inside grid controls are supported by the SapGuiToolbar test object (GuiComponentType is 204).

However, the Object Spy does not recognize these toolbars because they are part of the grid.

You cannot add these toolbars to the object repository using the Add to repository option from the Active Screen or the Add Objects option in the Object Repository window.

To add these toolbars to the object repository, record on them.

Separate toolbar controls

Separate toolbar controls (ones that are not part of a grid or other object) are supported by the SapGuiToolbar test object (GuiComponentType is 202), and the Object Spy recognizes them because they are separate objects.

Note that tree controls do not have associated toolbars. Toolbars displayed on top of tree controls are recognized as separate toolbars, and are therefore supported as described above.

SAP Editor

The SAP Editor control is not supported.

Microsoft Office controls

Microsoft Office controls within the SAP window are not supported.

Edge-based HTML controls inside SAP GUI for Windows

If you define environment variables for testing WebView2 applications, these may override the EdgeBrowserRemoteDebuggingPort (REG_DWORD) registry key.

This registry key is required for testing embedded HTML controls that are set to use Edge (based on Chromium). For details, see Enable testing HTML controls when using a specific browser control option.

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Test objects and test object methods

Calls to external actions / copies of actions

If you insert a call to an external action or a copy of an action, and that action includes an SAPGuiTable.Input, SAPGuiGrid.Input, or SAPGuiAPOGrid.Input statement, the corresponding input data sheet is not copied to the Data pane with the action.


Insert and run Datatable.AddSheet and Datatable.ImportSheet statements to import the sheet referenced by the action's Input method.

Ensure that the name of the data sheet exactly matches the name specified in the corresponding Input statement.

SAPGuiTextArea objects

Right-click operations are not supported for the SAPGuiTextArea object.

Drag-and-drop operations

Drag-and-drop operations in the SAP GUI for Windows application are disabled when UFT One is open.


The following step syntax results in errors in your script:

SAPGUIComboBox.Select “ ”

Workaround: Use SAPGUIComboBox.SelectKey " " instead.


SAP GUI 7.70 patch 1:

Running SAPGUIToolBar.SelectMenuItem steps results in a run error.

Solution: Upgrade to SAP GUI 7.70 Patch 2 or later.


SAP GUI 7.60 patch 10 or 11 or 7.70 patch 1:

Running SAPGUIToolBar.SelectMenuItem steps results in a run error.

Solution: Upgrade to SAP GUI 7.60 patch 12 or 7.70 Patch 2 or later.

Closing connections or sessions

SAP GUI 7.60 patch 11 or 7.70 patch 2:

Running SAPGUIUtil.CloseConnections and SAPGUISession.Close steps results in unexpected behavior.

Solution: Upgrade to SAP GUI 7.60 patch 12 or 7.70 Patch 3 or later.

SAPGuiTable objects If a SAPGuiTable object cannot be pulled to the end, a step with the FindAllRowsByCellContent will fail.
SAPGuiGrid objects

To get column titles of SAPGuiGrid objects, add the following test steps to your test:

Set mygrid = SAPGuiSession("<session name>").SAPGuiWindow("<window name>").SAPGuiGrid("<table name>")
Set col_col = mygrid.getroproperty("ColumnOrder")
For i=0 To col_col.count -1    
   print mygrid.object.GetColumnTitles(col_col(i))(0)

Use programmatic description to describe SAPGUI test objects

When you use programmatic description to describe SAPGUI objects in your script, make sure to add the GuiComponentType, micclass, or type property to the description to reduce the object identification time and prevent UFT One from operating on the wrong object.


SAPGuiSession("GuiComponentType:=12").SAPGuiWindow("micclass:=SAPGuiWindow").SAPGuiEdit("GuiComponentType:=32","enabled:=True","index:=0").Set "123"


SAPGuiSession("GuiComponentType:=12").SAPGuiWindow("GuiComponentType:=21").SAPGuiEdit("type:=GuiCTextField","index:=0").Set "321"
Use SAPGuiUtil.AutoLogon methods or Record & Run Settings to auto logon to S/4HANA server

If the logon page of S/4HANA server with SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 Patch 2 or later hides the Enter icon on the upper left corner, SAPGuiUtil.AutoLogon methods or Record & Run Setting may fail to automatically log on to S/4HANA server.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

  • Uncheck Activate SAP Fiori features in Theme Settings to show the icon.

  • Add the following test step after username and password input test steps.

    SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP").SendKey ENTER

SAPGuiEdit objects

Using DeviceReplay may fail to type the entire value into SAPGuiEdit objects on SAPGUI clients.

Workaround: Use the SAPGuiEdit.Set method to set the value.

Steps that open Standard Windows controls

When an SAPGui operation opens a Standard Windows control, UFT One may stop responding.

For example, if an SAPGuiButton.Click opens a Standard Windows drop-down list, UFT One stops responding.

Workaround: Use the Spy to verify that UFT One identifies the opened control as a Standard Windows object. If so, use a Standard Windows operation to open the control, instead of an SAPGUI one. For example:  Replace the SAPGuiButton.Click with WinButton.Click.

To create a step with a Standard Windows operation, use the Standard Windows recording mode. For details, see: Switch to other recording modes.

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Editing tests

Highlighting Edge-based HTML controls

When highlighting controls in an SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 patch 6 application, if you have a browser page open, UFT One may fail to bring the application to the foreground.

Workaround: Before performing the highlight, close any open browser page and make sure the application is fully visible.

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Standard Windows dialog boxes

UFT One does not automatically record standard Windows dialog boxes used by your SAP GUI for Windows application (such as the Open File and Save As dialog boxes).

This is because the SAP scripting API does not support these dialog boxes. This also applies to the SAP GUI Security dialog box and may also occur when using SAP GUI for Windows with GuiXT.


  • Change to Standard Windows Recording mode (select Standard Windows Recording from the Recording Modes drop-down in the Record toolbar) to record on these objects.

    Make sure that you switch to Standard Windows Recording mode before you perform the operation that opens the standard Windows control in your SAP application.

  • Use low-level recording to record on these objects.

  • Use programmatic descriptions to run steps on these objects.

F4 key presses

If you record the step of pressing an F4 key, and that key press results in setting new values for multiple fields, a step is recorded only for the field from which the F4 key was pressed.

Therefore, only that field will be populated during the run.

SAPGUITree objects

UFT One cannot record steps on SAPGUITree objects when working with SAP GUI 7.50 Patch 14 or 15 and SAP GUI 7.60 Patch 4 or 5.

Solution: Upgrade to SAP GUI 7.60 Patch 6 or later.

Workaround: Use the Object Spy to add SAPGUITree objects to the object repository and then manually add steps to your test.

SAP Gantt chart (SAP Bar Chart) /Image/Picture controls

The SAP Gantt chart (SAP Bar Chart) and Image/Picture controls are supported by the SAP GUI for Windows alternative recording mechanism.

The current support for these controls is limited.

You can override the default recording behavior for SAP Windows test objects, or add limited recording support for other SAP GUI for Windows objects.

Recording passwords

For security reasons, the SAP scripting API prevents the recording of passwords.

When you record the operation of inserting a password in a password box, UFT One records a Set statement using asterisks (****) as the method argument value.


  • Configure and enable the Auto-logon settings in the SAP Tab (Record and Run Settings Dialog Box).

  • Insert a step using one of the SAPGuiUtil object's AutoLogon methods.

  • Record the password normally during the recording session.

    After the recording session, modify the password step to use the SetSecure method, and enter the encrypted password value or parameterize the value.

Fail to record on SAP GUI for Windows application

UFT One fails to record and run steps on SAP GUI for Windows application if it was launched from a browser.

Workaround: Use the Spy to identify an SAP GUI object and then start recording. Before running steps, add the following step to the beginning of your script:

systemUtil.Run "Installation path of saplogon.exe"

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Active Screen

Drop-down menus

Drop-down menus are not captured in the Active Screen.

Active Screen technology captures the data after the menu is closed and the menu item is selected.

Active screen images

While recording, UFT One captures one Active Screen image for several steps.

UFT One records steps only when the SAP GUI for Windows client sends information to the SAP back-end server.

When this occurs, all steps that were performed between the previous communication and the current one are added to the script.

The last screen that was sent to the server is captured by the Active Screen for all steps recorded during that communication.

Web elements

When recording on Web elements inside SAP GUI for Windows applications, HTML images are not captured.

Adding objects to the object repository

Adding objects to the object repository from an Active Screen created from a step recorded on a Web element inside an SAP GUI for Windows application generates an incorrect object hierarchy in the object repository.

This includes adding objects the object repository using the View/Add Object option, or creating checkpoint or output value steps.

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Running tests on SAP GUI for Windows applications

HTML elements

By default, the recording and running of steps on HTML elements embedded in an SAP GUI for Windows application is performed using the UFT One Web Add-in.

In some cases, steps recorded using the Web Add-in are inserted into the script before SAP Add-in steps that use the SAP Scripting API.


Use the option of recording HTML elements embedded in SAP GUI application using the SAP Scripting Interface.

To do so:

  1. Stop recording.
  2. Select the Record HTML elements using SAPGui Scripting interface check box in the SAP pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > SAP > General node).
  3. Close and reopen the test and then begin recording again.
"Object is disabled" error

Running a test on HTML elements embedded in an SAP GUI for Windows application may result in an "Object is disabled" error.

This may happen if the HTML control is not ready for the test run.


Add a Sync statement such as SAPGuiSession.Sync or a Wait statement to the script in order to run the test successfully.

"SAPGuiSession object not found" error

If your test uses a .sap file to log on to an SAP system using SAP GUI for Windows, you may get an "SAPGuiSession object not found" error when you run the test. The test successfully starts SAP GUI for Windows and logs on to the system, but fails to identify the SAPGuiSession.SAPGuiWindow object. This is because the SAPGuiSession.SAPGuiWindow step runs before UFT One has a chance to connect to the launched system.


  1. Add a loop statement before the SAPGuiSession.SAPGuiWindow step and after the server logon steps to check whether the connection is established.

    Loop example:

    For Iterator = 1 To 6 Step 1

    wait 3

    If SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("Log Off").SAPGuiButton("Yes").Exist Then

    print "connection established"

    Exit For

    End If


  2. In the Run pane of the Test Settings dialog box, set When error occurs during run session to proceed to next step for your test.

  3. Run your test in UFT One.

SAP Enterprise Portal

In the SAP Enterprise Portal environment, occasional synchronization problems may occur during the test run when alternating between SAP Web and SAP Windows environments.


Add a WaitProperty or Wait statement between the Web steps and the Windows steps.

SAP Logon or SAP Logon Pad

UFT One can connect to your SAP Logon or SAP Logon Pad application for recording and running tests on SAP GUI for Windows sessions.

If you use both SAP Logon and SAP Logon Pad processes on your computer, UFT One connects to the latest process that was launched.

SAP tree nodes

UFT One fails to run steps on SAP tree nodes that contain the ";" character.


When working with SAP NWBC, UFT One does not support multiple NWBC clients. If you open more than one NWBC, SAP LOGON, or SAPGUI client at a time, UFT One recognizes only the first one.

Screen captures in test results In HTML test results, SAPGui test objects are not highlighted in screen captures. To see the objects highlighted in screen captures, use Run Result Viewer reports.

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Checkpoints and Output Values

Ensure correct object properties

To ensure that the correct object properties are captured with your checkpoint, always record a step that results in communication with the server (such as pressing ENTER) before inserting a checkpoint or output value.
Unsupported controls

You cannot use the Object Spy or create checkpoints for the controls listed below.

However, you can successfully record and run steps on them.

  • Toolbar buttons in grid controls.

  • Internal controls in tree or table objects.

    For example, a radio button in a table cell or a check box in a tree.

Objects located in an inactive SAP screen

Creating checkpoints or using the Object Spy on an object that is located in a currently inactive SAP screen (for example, if the screen is behind an invoked dialog box) is not supported.

However, you can create checkpoints on status bar messages (displayed in an inactive window) using the Record status bar messages option.

(Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > SAP node > Record status bar messages).

Old 6.20 tests on a 6.40 client

When running old 6.20 tests on a 6.40 client, checkpoints on the following may fail due to changes to tooltip property values for these objects in the 6.40 client:

  • Radio buttons
  • Check boxes
  • Edit boxes
  • Plain buttons
Rows in table controls

UFT One can estimate the number of rows in a table control, but it cannot retrieve the exact number because only the table content that is visible on the client is actually available.

Data from non-visible rows are stored only on the back-end server.

Therefore, when inserting or modifying checkpoints for a table control object, the number of rows specified in the Define/Modify Row Range Dialog Box may not be accurate.

Table checkpoints

Do not perform any operations on the SAP GUI window while UFT One retrieves the data for a table checkpoint even if it seems to take a long time, as this may cause severe problems.

Example operations include changing the transaction state or navigating to another window.

Active screen tables / grids

When inserting a checkpoint on a table or grid from the Active Screen, the actual table must be open in your SAP GUI for Windows application to extract the correct information from the table or grid.

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SAP Structured Parameters

Edit Test Script button

When you launch UFT One by clicking the Edit Test Script button directly in the SAP Solution Manager Test Automation:Initial Screen transaction(Transaction Code: stce) or in the SAP Solution Manager Configuration transaction (Transaction Code :Solar02), clicking the Maintain SAP Parameter button in UFT One might not return you to the correct page in SAP Solution Manager.


Use the External Test button in the Change Test Configuration transaction to launch UFT One.

Creating a test in the Change Test Script transaction

When you create a test in the Change Test Script transaction of SAP Solution Manager and then click the Back button, UFT One may not show the test.


Save and close UFT One and click the External Test button to call UFT One.

Maintain SAP Parameter / Back/External Test buttons

When you click the Maintain SAP Parameter button or the Back/External Test button to switch from UFT One to SAP, you may receive an error in SAP Solution Manager: OBJECT_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED.

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Solution Manager

Working with SAPGUI 8.00 64-bit

Integration with SAP Solution Manager is not supported.

GUI test parameters in Solution Manager

If you run UFT OneGUI tests as part of a composite test in Solution Manager, make sure that the test parameter names are all in capital letters. Otherwise, the test run in Solution Manager fails.

Updating SNC settings

After setting up the connection to a Solution Manager server in UFT One, SNC settings updated in the SAP GUI client are not automatically updated on the UFT One side. This inconsistency can cause an error to occur when trying to use the connection.

Workaround: After updating SNC settings in the server or the SAP GUI client, open the Solution Manager Connection dialog box and reselect the server to update the information.

Working with SAP GUI 7.70 patch 2 or later, SAP GUI 7.60 patch 11 or later

Setting up a connection to a Solution Manager server using SNC may not succeed at first.

Workaround: Repeat the attempt to establish the connection (may take two to five attempts).

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