Install UFT One from the Package for the Web Bundle

This topic explains how to install UFT One from the lighter UFT One installation package. Before running this process, make sure you review the instructions in Before you install.


The Package for the Web Bundle is a self-extracting installation package, which contains an MSI installation program.

Installing this version of UFT One includes the following steps: 

  1. Extract the installation package.

  2. Run the MSI installation program to install UFT One.

You can run these steps together automatically, or you can perform them separately.

This package includes the UFT One prerequisites, but does not install them automatically. If you need to install any prerequisites, run their installation programs after you extract the installation package and before you run the MSI installation.

The sections below describe running this installation using a UI wizard or a command-line interface.

For details on other UFT One installation packages, see Installation packages.

Caution: Make sure that the installation files are extracted to an empty folder, at a location whose path does not exceed 80 characters.

Windows is limited to 260 characters in these files. The installation will fail if the file paths of the individual installation files are longer. In such cases, move the extracted installation files to a location with a shorter path.

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Download the UFT One Package for the Web Bundle

Access the installation packages from the free trial page or by selecting your account on the Software Licenses and Downloads page.

Download the UFT One Package for the Web Bundle.

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Install UFT One using an installation wizard

Run the *Setup.exe file you downloaded. This file self-extracts, providing the necessary installation files, and then automatically performs the installation.

If you need to install any of the prerequisites provided in this package: 

  1. Stop the wizard after it completes the file extraction.

  2. Install all missing prerequisites by running the setup.exe file included in the extracted files.

    Alternatively, install specific prerequisites manually using the executable files available in the prerequisites folder included in the extracted files.

  3. Run the .msi file included in the extracted files to performs the UFT One installation.

For details on the selections and configuration details you can customize during the installation, see Install UFT One with the install wizard.

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Install UFT One using a command line interface

When using a command line to run the *Setup.exe file you downloaded, you can control various aspects of the installation process:

  • You can choose whether to install silently or to display a user interface.

  • You can specify whether to extract the installation package and automatically run the MSI program, or to stop after the extraction.

    Stopping the process after the file extraction enables you to:

    • Install prerequisites before running the installation.

    • Specify command line options for the MSI run, instructing it to run silently, or configuring features, add-ins, and options to customize the installation.

Use the following commands to install UFT One:

Command Syntax


UFT_One_<version>_Setup.exe -y

Extracts the installation package and installs UFT One using a simple UI (a single dialog box with a progress bar only).

UFT_One_<version>_Setup.exe -y -gm2

Extracts the installation package silently, and installs UFT One using the full installation wizard UI.

UFT_One_<version>_Setup.exe -InstallPath="c:\<path>"

Extracts the installation package to a specific target folder instead of the default.

UFT_One_<version>_Setup.exe -! <parameter list>

Extracts the installation package and installs UFT One, passing the defined parameter values to the MSI installer.

Possible parameters: 

  • /s. Do not present the prerequisite dialog box.
    Without this option, user intervention is required during installation to close this dialog box.

  • /qn. Install UFT One completely silently.

  • /l*v "<custom log file location>.log". Generate the installation log file in a custom location; the default location is %temp%.

  • INSTALLDIR="<installation folder>". Install UFT One to a custom location (not relevant in upgrade scenario).

  • ADDLOCAL="<features to install>". For details, see UFT One silent installation: Include specific UFT One features.

UFT_One_<version>_Setup.exe -ExecuteFile=""

Extracts the installation package without running the UFT One installation.

When the extraction is complete, you can install prerequisites, as described in Silent commands for installing UFT One prerequisites.

You can also use the commands and options described in Install UFT One silently, to perform a silent UFT One installation, selecting the required add-ins.

Tip: In the silent installation commands, change <UFT One Installation files> to the folder where you extracted the installation content.


Extract the package to the default location (c:\temp), but do not start the UFT One installation:

UFT_One_2021_Setup.exe -y -ExecuteFile=""

Extract the package to the specified location (c:\UFTinstall) in silent mode, but do not start the UFT One installation:

UFT_One_2021_Setup.exe -y -gm2 -InstallPath="c:\UFTinstall" -ExecuteFile=""

Extract the package silently and start installing UFT One using the simple UI:

UFT_One_2021_Setup.exe -y

Extract the package and start installing UFT One silently:

UFT_One_2021_Setup.exe -y -gm2 -! /s /qn

Extract the package to a specified location, install UFT One silently, customizing the log file location and installation location, and installing several add-ins and features:

UFT_One_2021_Setup.exe -InstallPath="C:\2021\extractedUFT" -y -gm2 -! /s /qn /l*v "C:\UFT_INSTALL.log" INSTALLDIR="C:\UFT_Program" ALLOW_RUN_FROM_ALM=1 ALLOW_RUN_FROM_SCRIPTS=1 CONF_MSIE=1 DLWN_SCRIPT_DBGR=1 ADDLOCAL="Core_Components,Web_Add_in,ALM_Plugin,Test_Results_Viewer,Samples,ActiveX_Add_in,Visual_Basic_Add_in,Delphi_Add_in,Flex_Add_in"

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