Tips and tricks for AI-based testing
Mobile, web, and windows-based SAP GUI tests
This topic provides tips and tricks for writing AI-based tests in UFT One.
Learn how to transform your property-based test steps to AI-based ones
Run your tests with the AI Transformation Assistant enabled, to receive suggestions for transforming technology-based test steps to AI-based testing steps. Replace existing steps with the suggested AI object steps to create a more resilient and platform-agnostic test.
To enable the assistant in Tools > Options > GUI Testing > AI, select Replace run results with AI step suggestions.
When this option is selected, your test run results do not reflect the results of the test. Instead, the report suggests an AI object and operation for any step where a property-based test object can be replaced with an AI object.
Note: The AI Transformation Assistant does not provide AITable or AICalendar object suggestions.
Send keyboard commands to AI objects
In some applications, a Type operation on an AI object requires an additional keyboard command, such as pressing Enter. You can simulate this command using Windows Scripting or Device Replay for desktop browsers and Device.EnterKeys for mobile applications.
Example #1 Type a model name in the Cell Phone combo box and send the Enter key to trigger selection
For desktop browsers
Using Windows Scripting
Copy codeAIUtil("combobox", "Cell Phone").Type "Pixel 2"
Dim mySendKeys
Set mySendKeys = CreateObject("")
'Send Enter key
mySendKeys.SendKeys("~")For details, see SendKeys Method of Windows Script Host.
Using Device Replay
Copy codeAIUtil("combobox", "Cell Phone").Type "Pixel 2"
wait 5
Dim myDeviceReplay
Set myDeviceReplay = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
myDeviceReplay.PressKey 28 'Send Enter key
' Other example keys:
' myDeviceReplay.PressKey 14 'Send Backspace
' myDeviceReplay.PressKey 211 'Send Delete
' myDeviceReplay.PressKey 15 'Send Tab
' myDeviceReplay.PressKey 199 'Send HomeFor details, see DeviceReplay Object in the UFT One Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.
For mobile applications
Using Device.EnterKeys
Copy codeAIUtil("combobox", "Cell Phone").Type "Pixel 2"
wait 5
Device("Device").Enterkeys typeKey, "Enter"Tip: Add a wait step before sending keys to the application if the mobile device is slow to process keyboard input.
For details, see EnterKeys Method of Device Object.
Example #2 Clear a text box before writing in it on desktop browsers
Using Device Replay
Sub CleanInputField(Label)
Dim myDeviceReplay
Set myDeviceReplay = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
for i = 1 to 25
myDeviceReplay.PressKey 14
end sub
Improve performance by minimizing re-inspections during a test run
Use the new AIUtil.Context.Freeze and UnFreeze methods to prevent UFT One from reinspecting the application between steps, if you know the application is not expected to change.
Handle cases where AIUtil("search").Search does not perform a search
In some applications, the search box is shown after clicking the search icon. In these cases, AIUtil("search").Search may not be able to perform a search operation in your application.
You can perform the search using multiple steps, as demonstrated in the following examples:
Scenario #1
Text is not typed in the search box after AIUtil("search").Search
Suggested solution
'Wait a while until the search box is displayed
wait 2
AIUtil("search").Search "telekom"
Scenario #2
After clicking the search icon, the search box is not in focus and two search icons are displayed
Suggested solution
'Wait a while until the search box is displayed
wait 2
AIUtil("search",micNoText,micFromBottom,1).Search "telekom"
Scenario #3
After clicking the search icon, the search icon disappears and the search box is not in focus
Suggested solution
'Wait a while until the search box is displayed
wait 2
AIUtil("input","search").Type "telekom"
'Press Enter key
Dim myDeviceReplay
Set myDeviceReplay = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
myDeviceReplay.PressKey 28
Find an object in a scrollable pane
This example demonstrates how to use the AIUtil.Scroll method to find objects in scrollable panes of your application.
Set ObjBrowser= Browser("creationtime:=1")
AIUtil.SetContext ObjBrowser
print ClickAndScrollTo ( AIUtil("home"), AIUtil.FindTextBlock("Report history"))
print ClickAndScrollTo (AIUtil("down_triangle", micAnyText, micFromTop, 5), AIUtil.FindTextBlock("Home Appliances", micFromBottom, 1))
Function ClickAndScrollTo (ObjStart, ObjTarget)
For i = 1 To 4
if ObjTarget.Exist(0) then
exit function
end if
'ScrollUsingPointerPosition([in] micAIScrollDirection direction, [in] double numberOfWheelTicks);
'Move the mouse over the scroll object using AIUtil.Hover or another method, for example device replay
AIUtil.Scroll "down", 1
End Function
Prevent OCR failure on misspelled text
When running tests, OCR fails to identify text displayed with a misspelling indication, such as a wavy line under the text.
Use one of the following solutions:
Deactivate spell checking in your browser or application.
Move the focus away from the field with the misspelled text. To do this, add a step to your test that clicks somewhere outside of the text field before the step that retrieves the text.
Horizontal scrolling on an SAP GUI application
If AIUtil.Scroll and AIUtil.ScrollOnObject do not provide horizontal scrolling on an SAP GUI application, you can use AIUtil.Click and AIUtil.MultiClick to perform horizontal scrolling.
' Click the right triangle to perform right scrolling
' If there are more than one right_triangles, you can identify the control by relative location.
Set ObjRightTriangle = AIUtil("right_triangle")
'Click the right triangle four times
ObjRightTriangle.MultiClick 4
' Click the left triangle to perform left scrolling
Set ObjLeftTriangle = AIUtil("left_triangle")
'Click the left triangle
See also: