Properties Grid Area (Output Value Properties Dialog Box) - Database Output Values

Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components

This topic is part of the Output Value Properties Dialog box.

For database output values, the Properties Grid area displays a grid containing the database values of the object for which you are creating an output value.

Important information
  • Double-clicking on the grid toggles the settings for all selected cells. Therefore, if you double-click a row header, a column header, or the top left corner of the grid, any cells that were previously included in the output are removed from it, and any cells that were not previously included in the output are added to it.
  • You can change the column widths and row heights of the grid by dragging the column and row header dividers.
  • If row range selection is supported, the row range you specify when creating the output value is displayed above the grid.
See also

Define/Modify Row Range Dialog Box

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


<grid area>

The grid area displays the captured\expected values of all the cells in the table. Only the ones with checkmarks are outputted. You can instruct UFT One to output the entire table, specific rows, specific columns, or specific cells.

Note: UFT One checks only cells containing a check mark.


Enables you to define or modify the row range to output by opening the Define/Modify Row Range Dialog Box.

Add/Remove Output. Add or remove the selected cells from the output.

Return to the Output Value Properties Dialog box topic.