Map Repository Parameters Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

This dialog box enables you to map values for the repository parameters that are used in shared object repositories that are associated with your action or component. This enables you to specify the property values used to identify the test object during a run session.

To access
  1. Open the test or component for which you want to map repository parameters.

  2. Use one of the following:

    • Select Resources > Map Repository Parameters

    • In the Errors pane, double-click the Repository Parameters row (Relevant only if your test or component contains unmapped repository parameters (repository parameters without a default value)).

See also

Repository parameter value mappings

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Map parameters for

Enables you to filter the list of parameters that is displayed. You can choose to display:

  • All unmapped parameters. Displays all of the parameters in your test that are not mapped to values.

  • Entire test. (Tests only) Displays all of the parameters in your test (with mapped or unmapped values).

  • <Action name> or <Component name>. (For example, LogIn) Displays all of the parameters in the specified action or component (with mapped or unmapped values).


The name of the repository parameter.


The parameter's current value, if any. This column shows either the new value you defined, or the default value that was defined when the parameter was created. If no default value was defined, then the parameter is currently unmapped, and the text {No default value} is shown.

You can:

  • Enter a new constant value or modify an existing constant value by typing directly in the Value cell.

    Tip: You can also enter a constant value in the Value Configuration Options Dialog Box by clicking the parameterization button .

  • Parameterize the value by clicking in the Value cell of the relevant parameter and then clicking the parameterization button .

    You can parameterize the value for actions, using the Data pane (Global sheet only), random number, environment, or test parameter.

    You can parameterize the value for components, using a local or component parameter.

    For details, see Value Configuration Options Dialog Box.

  • Reset a parameter to its default value by clicking in the Value cell of the relevant parameter and then clicking the Reset to Default Value button . The default value, if any, that was defined in the Add Repository Parameter Dialog Box is displayed in the cell.


A textual description of the parameter, if any.

Find in Repository

Opens the Object Repository window and highlights the first test object in the object repository tree that uses the selected repository parameter. You can click this button again to find the next occurrence of the selected parameter.