Manage shared object repositories

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

This task describes the different operations you can perform to manage shared object repositories using the Object Repository Manager.


If your shared object repository is stored in ALM, connect to ALM either from UFT One or from the Object Repository Manager by clicking the ALM Connection button .

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Enable editing for a shared object repository

Select File > Enable Editing or click the Enable Editing button . The shared object repository becomes editable.

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Associate a shared object repository with actions or components

Do one of the following:

To associate it with an action
  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the action name node and select Associate Repository with Action.

  2. In the Open Shared Object Repository dialog box, select your object repository and click Open.

To associate it with a component
  1. In the application area, open the Object Repositories tab.

  2. In the Object Repositories tab, at the top of the tab, click the New button . A new row is added to the list of object repositories.

  3. At the right side of the object repositories list, in the new row, click the Browse button.

  4. In the Open Shared Object Repository dialog box, select your object repository and click Open.

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Merge object repositories into shared ones

In the Object Repository Manager, select Tools > Update from Local Repository and select the object repositories to merge.

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Add test objects using Navigate and Learn

  1. Select Object > Navigate and Learn. The Navigate and Learn toolbar opens. For a user interface description, see Navigate and Learn Toolbar.

    Note: You cannot learn Insight or Text test objects using this option.

  2. Click the parent object (for example, Browser, Dialog, Window) you want to add to the shared object repository to focus it. The Learn button in the toolbar is enabled.

  3. Click the Learn button. A flashing highlight surrounds the focused window and the object and its descendants are added to the shared object repository according to the defined filter.

  4. When you finish adding the required objects to the shared object repository, click the Close button in the Navigate and Learn toolbar. The Object Repository Manager is redisplayed, showing the objects you just added to the shared object repository.

    Note: When automatically adding objects the object repository, test object names are limited to 30 characters.

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Manage repository parameters

  1. In the Object Repository Manager, select Tools > Manage Repository Parameters.

  2. In the Manage Repository Parameters dialog box, add and edit repository parameters as needed.

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Import a shared object repository from XML

You can import an XML file (created using the required format) as a shared object repository. The XML file can either be a shared object repository that you exported to XML format using the Object Repository Manager, or an XML file created using a tool such as UFT One Siebel Test Express or a custom built utility. You must adhere to the XML structure and format.

  1. In the Object Repository Manager, select File > Import from XML. In the Open Dialog Box, navigate to the XML file to import..

    The XML file is imported and a summary message box opens showing information regarding the number of test objects, checkpoint and output objects, parameters, and metadata that were successfully imported from the specified file.

  2. Click OK to close the message box. The imported XML file is opened as a new shared object repository. You can now modify it as required and save it as a shared object repository.

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Export a shared object repository to XML

  1. Make sure that the shared object repository whose objects you want to export is the active window.

  2. Make sure that the shared object repository is saved.

  3. In the Object Repository Manager, select File > Export to XML. In the Open Dialog Box, select a location and provide a name for the XML file.

    UFT One exports the objects in the shared object repository to the specified XML file, and a summary message box opens showing information regarding the number of test objects, checkpoint and output objects, parameters, and metadata that were successfully exported to the specified file.

  4. Click OK to close the message box. You can now open the XML file and view or modify it with any XML editor.

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