ALM template tests
Relevant for: GUI tests only
Template tests serve as the basis for all tests created in ALM. A template test is a test that contains default test settings and comments or steps to include in all tests. For example, a template test might specify the UFT One add-ins, associated function libraries, and recovery scenarios that are associated with a test.
All template tests are saved in your ALM project (except for the default template test, which is located on the ALM client) and do not need to be copied to each user's local computer. This enables users to customize their local default template tests, if needed, and still have access to globally maintained template tests. When an ALM user creates a new test in ALM, the default template test for the installed UFT One version is automatically associated with the test unless the user selects another template test.
A default template test is installed on each ALM client when the UFT One Add-in for ALM is installed in the <UFT One installation folder>\bin\Templates folder on your computer. Because this test is installed locally, any changes you make in the template test are applied only to the tests created on your computer (using the ALM client).
For details on how to create and work with template tests, see Create a template GUI test.