Known Issues - Running tests from ALM

This topic describes known issues when running tests from ALM.

Running a GUI test from ALM

Area Limitation
Running from ALM To run a test or component from ALM, you must first invoke UFT One at least once. Otherwise, ALM may be unable to open UFT One.
Connection error when running GUI or BPT tests

Running GUI or BPT tests from the Test Lab may result in an "Ota server is not connected" error.

This is related to the authentication mode used to connect to ALM.

See the ALM Help Center in the section about running UFT One GUI tests.

Launch Report button missing

The following issue exists in ALM version 17.0.x and earlier:

After you upgrade UFT One from a version earlier than 23.4 and finish running a GUI test from ALM, the Launch Report button is not displayed for that run.

Workaround: Perform a repair of UFT One from the Control Panel.

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Running tests remotely from ALM

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Before you run tests remotely from ALM, you must perform the following prerequisites:

  1. You must enable COM+ access. For details, see the UFT One Installation Guide.

  2. Change DCOM permissions and open firewall ports. For details, see the UFT One Installation Guide.

  3. Run RmtAgentFix.exe from the <UFT_One_installdir>\bin folder, or use the Additional Installation Requirementsutility (available from the Windows Start menu).

  4. Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows and restart your computer before you first connect to ALM.

Cross-domain support

Running tests remotely across domains, such as calling tests from a local ALM client to run on an AWS machine, is not supported due to limitations in DCOM cross-domain support.

ALM Lab Service

To run UFT One tests remotely using the ALM Lab service, use one of the following:

Using both of these options together results in the UFT One machine becoming unusable to the ALM Lab Service.

Therefore, if you set this UFT One option, install ALM Lab Service without the Auto Login module, or modify the installation to remove this module.

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Run results

Area Limitation
Fast run results

If an ALM user manually changes the status of a test instance run, ALM creates fast run results to record the change of the test status. The fast run results are not valid run results files.

However, when you try to select results to open or delete in the Run Results Viewer or Run Results Deletion tool, the fast run results are available in the list.

Compressed reports from 24.2 or later

Compressed reports from API tests run by UFT One version 24.2 or later cannot be opened by earlier versions of UFT One or the UFT One Add-in for ALM.

This is because versions 24.2 and later use a more effective compression format for the API test run result reports stored on ALM.

Note: UFT One and the UFT One Add-in for ALM version 24.2 and later can open compressed reports from earlier versions as well.

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ALM versioning

When running a test from UFT One with an ALM project that supports versioning, the test instance run status will not be updated for tests that are checked out.

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External authentication

Area Limitation
Accessing the ALM Test Plan

To run a UFT One test or open a test, component, or application area stored in the Test Plan on an ALM server using external authentication, you must select the Non-interactive mode option in the WebGate Customization tool and select the external certificate in the same dialog.

For details about setting up certificates and the WebGate Customization tool, see the documentation for the WebGate Customization tool included with your ALM server.

Unable to connect

If a test running from an ALM server using external authentication fails with the message Unable to connect to the testing tool, make sure that your external certificate is selected in the WebGate Customization tool.

Note: Make sure that the certificate authority that issued your client certificate is added to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities for the current user.

For details, see the documentation for the WebGate Customization tool for your ALM server.

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Stopping a test in the middle of a run

When running a test set from the Test Lab module, if you stop a test set run in the middle of the run, and then immediately start another run, UFT One behaves unexpectedly.

Workaround: Wait after stopping the test set run.

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Running API tests on Windows 2012 R2

Network COM+ access is not enabled by default on Windows 2012 R2, and is required for running API tests from ALM.

Enable it manually before running your API tests as follows:

  1. Browse to the Windows Add or Remove Programs control panel.

  2. Click Turn Windows features on or off.

  3. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Server Roles, and then select Application Server.

  4. Expand the details of the child features, and select the COM+ Network Access option.

  5. Click Next until you complete the Windows Components wizard, and then click Install to install the features.

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Running an API test with an Excel data source

When running an API test that is configured to use an Excel data source, you may encounter the following error: "Unable to fetch data from <file path>: file not found."

Possible cause: The test is configured to Link to the Excel file in its original location, which is currently not accessible to the test.

Solution: Configure the test to make a local copy of the Excel file:

  1. Open the Change Excel Data Source dialog box:

    Open the API test, select the main node of the existing data source, and in the Properties pane, click Change Excel File.

  2. In the File location option, select Make a copy of the Excel file.

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Running a test with an Excel data source that contains structured references

Structured references in an Excel data source file appear as N/A in the ALM Resource Viewer. If you run a test that is configured to use such a file, the test may fail.

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Using Azure DevOps Server to run UFT One tests from ALM or ALM Lab Management

Using Azure DevOps Server to run UFT One tests from an ALM server version 15.0 or later that requires SSO authentication is not supported.

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See also: