Schema Validation Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components

This dialog box enables you to specify an XML schema against which you want to validate the hierarchy of the XML in your application or file.

To access

In the Configure checkpoint details, select the Activate Schema Validation button.

Important information
  • If you are validating an XML file using a schema referenced in the XML file, the schema reference can be defined with an absolute or relative path. When you specify a relative path, UFT One searches for the schema in the folders listed in the Folders pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Folders node).
  • If you are validating an XML document located on the Web with a schema file located on your file system, you cannot use UNC format (for example, \\ComputerName\Path\To\Schema) to specify the schema file location. Instead, map the schema file location to a network drive.
  • If there is a schema with a namespace defined in your XML document, the namespace of the external schema must be identical to the one defined in your document. Using an external XML schema file to validate an XML document may cause an unexpected result if the XML document has an XML schema declaration, and the namespace in the external schema file and the schema defined in the document are not identical.
  • When you perform a schema validation, UFT One validates all of the elements in the XML document, even if certain XML elements are not associated with a schema file. Any XML elements that are not associated with a schema file cause the schema validation to fail.
Relevant tasks

Insert a checkpoint step

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Validate against the schema defined in the XML document

Instructs UFT One to use the schema or schemas referenced within your XML document to validate the hierarchy of the XML in your Web page/frame, XML file, or XML test object.

Validate against the schemas specified below

Instructs UFT One to use one or more external XML schema files to validate the hierarchy of your XML. Any schemas referenced within your XML document are also checked.

Note: If you select this option:

  • The Validate against the schema defined in the XML document option is automatically turned off.
  • The Add Schema, Remove Schema, and Modify Schema buttons are enabled.

Add Schema. Enables you to add an external schema file to the list. For details, see Add Schema Dialog Box.

Remove Schema. Enables you to remove the selected external schema file from the list.

Modify Schema. Enables you to modify the details of the selected external schema file in the list. For details, see Edit Schema Dialog Box.