Data Link/Relation Message Box

Relevant for: API testing only

This message box lists the elements that were not found in the new Excel file, when you changed the data source's existing Excel file.

To access
  1. Save the test.

  2. In the Data Pane, select the main node of an existing Excel data source.

  3. In the Properties pane, select Change Excel File.

  4. In the New/Change Excel Data Source Dialog Box, specify a new Excel file.

  5. Click OK to permanently remove all of the listed items and save the test.

Note: This dialog box only opens if the new Excel file has renamed or missing worksheets or columns, which affect data links or data relations.

Relevant tasks
See also

Navigate within a data source

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


More Details/Less Details

Expands or collapses the Details section to show or hide data links or data relations that will be removed when you click OK.

Data Links table

A table of all of the affected data links. The table displays the step name, the affected property of the step, and the specific data link.

Data Relations table

A table of all of the affected data relations. The table lists the name of the Primary Data Source, the name of the Child Data Source, the affected column in the primary data source (Primary Key) and the affected column in the child data source (Foreign Key).

Copy details to clipboard

Copies the details to the clipboard, in a comma separated format.