Utility Objects
Note: In addition to the global reserved objects listed in this Utility Objects section, UFT One has some environment-specific reserved objects. These objects are described in the relevant sections of the UFT One Object Model Reference. For example, the SystemUtil and Desktop objects are described in the Standard Windows section.
- Crypt Object
- DataTable Object
- Description Object
- DeviceReplay Object
- DotNetFactory Object
- DTParameter Object
- DTSheet Object
- Environment Object
- Extern Object
- Parameter Object
- JSON Object
- JsonUtil Object
- MercuryTimers Object (Collection)
- MercuryTimer Object
- NV Object
- OptionalStep Object
- ParallelUtil Object
- LocalParameter Object
- PasswordUtil Object
- PathFinder Object
- PDFUtil Object
- Properties Object (Collection)
- QCUtil Object
- RandomNumber Object
- Recovery Object
- Remote Connection Object
- Reporter Object
- RepositoriesCollection Object
- Repository Object
- Services Object
- Setting Object
- SystemMonitor Object
- TestArgs Object
- TextUtil Object
- UIAutomation Object
- VisualRelation Object
- VisualRelations Object
- VisualRelationsCollection Object
- WebUtil Object
- XMLUtil Object
The following utility statements help you control your test.
- CallServiceTest Statement
- CreateObject64 Statement
- DescribeResult Statement
- ExecuteFile Statement
- ExitAction Statement
- ExitActionIteration Statement
- ExitComponent Statement
- ExitComponentIteration Statement
- ExitTest Statement
- ExitTestIteration Statement
- GetLastError Statement
- InvokeApplication Statement
- IsPartialRun Statement
- LoadAndRunAction Statement
- LoadFunctionLibrary Statement
- ManualStep Statement
- Print Statement
- RegisterUserFunc Statement
- RunAPITest Statement
- SetLastError Statement
- UnregisterUserFunc Statement
- Wait Statement