Find Method
Supported in versions 2022 and later.
Finds the position of the specified function library file.
Visual Basic |
Public Function Find( _ ByVal FLPath As String _ ) As Long |
The ALM path of the function library file you want to find.
The ALM path is the location of the file in ALM. For example:
[ALM\Resources] Resources\Libraries\Library1.qfl (for a file stored in the Test Resources module) or [ALM] Subject\qtp95\Library1.qfl (for a file stored as an attachment.)
Return Type
The following example finds a function library in the function library collection of an application area:
Set uftApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
uftApp.Launch ' Start the product
uftApp.Visible = True ' Make the window visible
uftApp.OpenAppArea("[ALM\Resources] Resources\manual\AA\AA1")
Set AAFunctionLibraries = uftApp.AppArea.Resources.Libraries ' Get the libraries collection object
MsgBox AAFunctionLibraries.Find ("[ALM] Subject\manual\FL to AA\FL6.qfl")
See Also