AAFunctionLibraries Collection
Supported in versions 2022 and later.
A collection that represents the top part of the Resources pane of the Application Area Settings dialog box, which enables you to specify the function library files associated with the current application area.
Public Methods
Add | Adds a function library file to the specified position in the collection. |
Find | Finds the position of the specified function library file. |
MoveToPos | Moves the function library file entry from the current position to the specified new position. |
Remove | Removes the function library file from the function library list. |
RemoveAll | Removes all the function library files from the function library list. |
Public Properties
Count | The number of function library files in the collection. |
Item | Returns the function library file located in the specified position. |
The following example adds a function library file to the new application area.
uftApp.NewAppArea "[ALM\Resources] Resources\manual\AA\AA3"
Set AAFunctionLibraries = uftApp.AppArea.Resources.Libraries ' Get the libraries collection object
Dim file1
file1 = "[ALM\Resources] Resources\manual\Add FL to AA\FL1.qfl"
AAFunctionLibraries.Add (file1)