TEOptions Object
Represents the GUI Testing tab > Terminal Emulator pane of the Options dialog box, which enables you to configure how OpenText Functional Testing records and runs steps on terminal emulator applications.
Before you can run an automation script containing steps using the TEOptions object, you must make sure that a supported terminal emulator application is installed on the computer on which you want to run the script. Otherwise OpenText Functional Testing fails to create the TEOptions object and reports a runtime error.
Public Methods
Public Method UseKeyEventInstructs OpenText Functional Testing to perform SendKey commands using keyboard events rather then the corresponding HLLAPI function.
Public Properties
Public Property AutoAdvanceIndicates whether auto-advance fields are supported by the emulator.
Public Property AutoSyncKeysThe keyboard keys after which OpenText Functional Testing enters Sync steps.
Public Property BeepOnSyncIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing beeps after performing each Sync function during a run session.
Public Property BlankLinesThe number of blank lines the emulator reserves at the bottom of the screen.
Public Property CodePageThe code page number for the language used by the emulator (IBM PCOM only).
Public Property CurrentEmulatorThe current selected terminal emulator.
Public Property HllapiDllNameThe HLLAPI dll file used to connect to the emulator and retrieve data on its current status.
Public Property HllapiProcNameThe HLLAPI function used by the emulator as the entry point for all HLLAPI calls.
Public Property PropertyPatternsFileThe property pattern configuration file used to record regular expressions in test object properties.
Public Property ProtocolThe protocol used by the current terminal emulator.
Public Property RecordCursorPositionIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing uses TeTextScreen.ClickPosition or TeField.SetCursorPos to record the cursor position when recording in a text screen or field.
Public Property RecordMenusAndPopupsIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing records operations on emulator menus and dialogs.
Public Property ScreenLabelUseAllCharsIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing captures all characters in the label area for the label property value.
Public Property ScreenTitleColThe column coordinate that marks the beginning of the emulator screen label property.
Public Property ScreenTitleLengthThe size of the emulator screen label (in characters).
Public Property ScreenTitleRowThe row coordinate that marks the beginning of the emulator screen label property.
Public Property SyncTimeThe period of time OpenText Functional Testing waits before checking the emulator status (in milliseconds).
Public Property TrailingFieldLengthThe minimum field length from which to trim white characters.
Public Property TrailingMode Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing trims white characters when recording in context-sensitive mode.
Public Property UsePropertyPatternIndicates whether property patterns are used to record regular expressions in test object properties.
Public Property VerifyHllapiDllPathIndicates whether OpenText Functional Testing displays a warning message when the HLLAPI dll file for the current configuration cannot be found.
Public Property WindowTitlePrefixThe title bar prefix used by OpenText Functional Testing to identify the emulator window.