UseKeyEvent | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to perform SendKey commands using keyboard events rather then the corresponding HLLAPI function. |
AutoAdvance | Indicates whether auto-advance fields are supported by the emulator. |
AutoSyncKeys | The keyboard keys after which OpenText Functional Testing enters Sync steps. |
BeepOnSync | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing beeps after performing each Sync function during a run session. |
BlankLines | The number of blank lines the emulator reserves at the bottom of the screen. |
CodePage | The code page number for the language used by the emulator (IBM PCOM only). |
CurrentEmulator | The current selected terminal emulator. |
HllapiDllName | The HLLAPI dll file used to connect to the emulator and retrieve data on its current status. |
HllapiProcName | The HLLAPI function used by the emulator as the entry point for all HLLAPI calls. |
PropertyPatternsFile | The property pattern configuration file used to record regular expressions in test object properties. |
Protocol | The protocol used by the current terminal emulator. |
RecordCursorPosition | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing uses TeTextScreen.ClickPosition or TeField.SetCursorPos to record the cursor position when recording in a text screen or field. |
RecordMenusAndPopups | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing records operations on emulator menus and dialogs. |
ScreenLabelUseAllChars | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing captures all characters in the label area for the label property value. |
ScreenTitleCol | The column coordinate that marks the beginning of the emulator screen label property. |
ScreenTitleLength | The size of the emulator screen label (in characters). |
ScreenTitleRow | The row coordinate that marks the beginning of the emulator screen label property. |
SyncTime | The period of time OpenText Functional Testing waits before checking the emulator status (in milliseconds). |
TrailingFieldLength | The minimum field length from which to trim white characters. |
TrailingMode | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing trims white characters when recording in context-sensitive mode. |
UsePropertyPattern | Indicates whether property patterns are used to record regular expressions in test object properties. |
VerifyHllapiDllPath | Indicates whether OpenText Functional Testing displays a warning message when the HLLAPI dll file for the current configuration cannot be found. |
WindowTitlePrefix | The title bar prefix used by OpenText Functional Testing to identify the emulator window. |