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ClassesDefintions Schema
Element | Description |
AdditionalInfo | Placeholder for additional information.
Argument | The argument definitions for the operation.
ClassInfo | The test object class.
Description | The description of the element (ClassInfo or Operation).
Documentation | The documentation string for the operation.
ExternalTypeInfo | External type library information for the test object class.
HelpInfo | Context-sensitive Help information for the element (ClassInfo or Operation).
IconInfo | Icon information for the element (ClassInfo or Operation).
IdentificationProperties | The group of identification properties for the test object class.
IdentificationProperty | An identification property for the test object class.
ListOfValues | A predefined list of values that can be used for test object method arguments or return values.
ListOfValues\EnumValue | A possible value in a predefined list of values.
Operation | A single operation (method or property) for a test object class.
ReturnValueType | The type of value returned by the operation.
Type | The argument or return value type.
TypeInfo | Type information for a test object class, including the location of the external type library and a list of additional operations.
TypeInformation | The top level element containing all of the test object classes (ClassInfo elements) and predefined lists of values (ListOfValues elements).
Simple Types
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