TableElement Complex Type


This complex type defines the attributes for the Control element you define for Custom Servers that implement support for custom table controls.


MappedTostringrequired The SwfTable UFT test object class, because it supports behaviors that are required in order to support table checkpoints and output values.

The full type of the custom control, including wrapping namespaces. Example: System.Windows.Forms.CustomTable

Note: If you need to refer to a control that is contained in more than one assembly, you can include the name of the assembly, and other information that fully qualifies the type.

For example, you could set this attribute to values similar to these:

  • System.Windows.Forms.CustomTable, System2.Windows.Forms.v8.5
  • System.Windows.Forms.CustomTable, System2.Windows.Forms.v8.5, Version=8.5.20072.1093, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8aa4d5436b5dd0cb


Sequence (Required, 1 element allowed)CustomRecord Element (Optional, up to 1 element(s) allowed)Sequence (Required, 1 element allowed)Component Element (Required, 1 element allowed)
CustomReplay Element (Optional, up to 1 element(s) allowed)Sequence (Required, 1 element allowed)Component Element (Required, 1 element allowed)
CustomVerify Element (Optional, up to 1 element(s) allowed)Sequence (Required, 1 element allowed)Component Element (Required, 1 element allowed)
Settings Element (Optional, up to 1 element(s) allowed)Sequence (Required, 1 element allowed)Parameter Element (Required, 1 element allowed)
