Developing Support for the Object Spy or OIC
Using the pointing-hand mechanism of Object Spy or Object Identification Center (OIC), the UFT One user can view the supported properties and methods of any visible object in an open application. To support this UFT One capability, the Testing Agent must provide the object ID of the object in the application that is located at the screen coordinates that UFT One specifies. To do this, implement the GetElementFromPoint method in the ISpyable interface.
Note: To develop support for the OIC, you also need to configure the OIC in advance. For details, see Configuring and Using the Object Identification Center.
The Object Spy or OIC can also display the native operations and properties of an object in the application if the objects in your environment are COM objects. For more information, see Developing Support for Accessing Native (Run-Time Object) Properties and Methods.
The following diagram shows the general sequence of methods that UFT One calls when the Object Spy or OIC is used. This illustrates the purpose of the methods that the Testing Agent must implement. For example, UFT One calls GetElementFromPoint, which is implemented by the Testing Agent in the ISpyable interface, and then GetElementType from the ITestable interface:
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