IdentificationProperty Element


An identification property for the test object class.

Important Information

  • This element replaces the Property element that was used iearlier versions of the UFT One Test Object Schema. The Property element is supported for backward compatibility purposes only.
  • You must define all of the identification properties for a specific test object class in a single XML file. Definitions of identification properties for the same test object class in multiple XML files are not merged into the test object class definition.
  • The following attributes specify information that can be modified using the Object Identification dialog box in UFT One: AssistivePropertyValue, ForAssistive, ForBaseSmartID, ForDescription, ForOptionalSmartID, and OptionalSmartIDPropertyValue. These attributes determine the lists of identification properties used for different purposes in UFT One.

    Therefore, by default, UFT One reads the values of these attributes from the XML only once, to prevent overwriting any changes a user makes using the Object Identification dialog box. In this way, UFT One provides persistence for the user defined property lists.

    If the user clicks Reset Test Object in the Object Identification dialog box, the attributes' values are reloaded from the XML.

    If the XML changed since the last time it was loaded (based on the file's modification date in the system), UFT One reads the attributes from the XML. UFT One adds identification properties to the relevant lists (and adjusts their order if necessary) according to the values of these attributes, but does not remove any existing identification properties from the lists.

    To instruct UFT One to completely refresh the identification property lists according to the attributes defined in the XML each time UFT One is opened, set the DevelopmentMode attribute of the TypeInformation element to true.

Note for .NET Add-in users: Do not use this element for the .NET Add-in.



The number that represents the position of the identification property in the assistive property list. The first position in the list is 1. (A value of 0 means that the identification property is not included in the assistive property list.)

Relevant only if the ForAssistive attribute is set to true.

Note: UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.


Indicates whether the identification property is included in the list of assistive properties for test objects of this class.

If you set this attribute to true, you must also set the AssistivePropertyValue attribute to a non-zero value.

Possible values:

True - Include this identification property in the assistive property list.

False - Do not include this identification property in the assistive property list.

Note:UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.


Indicates whether the identification property is included in the Smart Identification Base Filter Properties list for test objects of this class.

Possible values:

True - Include this identification property in the Base Filter Properties list.

False - Do not include this identification property in the Base Filter Properties list.


  • This setting is only relevant if Smart Identification is enabled for this test object class. To enable Smart Identification, use the Object Identification dialog box in UFT One.
  • UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.

ForDefaultVerificationbooleanoptionalfalseIndicates whether the identification property is selected by default for checkpoints on test objects of this class.

Possible values:

True - Check this identification property by default.

False - Check this identification property only if the user selects it for verification.

ForDescriptionbooleanoptionalfalseIndicates whether the identification property should be used in the unique test object description for test objects of this class.

Possible values:

True - Include this identification property in the test object description.

False - Do not include this identification property in the test object description.

Note: UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.


Indicates whether the identification property is included in the Smart Identification Optional Filter Properties list for test objects of this class.

If you set this attribute to true, you must also set the OptionalSmartIDPropertyValue attribute to a non-zero value.

Possible values:

True - Include this identification property in the Optional Filter Properties list.

False - Do not include this identification property in the Optional Filter Properties list.


  • This setting is only relevant if Smart Identification is enabled for this test object class. To enable Smart Identification, use the Object Identification dialog box in UFT One.
  • UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.

ForSpybooleanoptionaltrueIndicates whether the identification property is displayed in the Object Spy for test objects of this class.

Possible values:

True - Display this identification property in the Object Spy.

False - Do not display this identification property in the Object Spy.

ForVerificationbooleanoptionalfalseIndicates whether the identification property can be used in checkpoints and output values for test objects of this class.

Possible values:

True - Enable this identification property to be verified.

False - Do not enable this identification property to be verified.

NameIdentificationPropertyRestrictedStringrequired The property name.

For naming rules, see the RestrictedString simple type.

Note: UFT One uses only lowercase letters in identification property names. If you use uppercase letters in this attribute, they are converted to lowercase.

OptionalSmartIDPropertyValuelongoptional0The number that represents the position of the identification property in the Smart Identification Optional Filter Properties list. The first position in the list is 1. (A value of 0 means that the identification property is not included in the Smart Identification Optional Filter Properties list.)

Relevant only if the ForOptionalSmartID attribute is set to true.

Note: UFT One provides persistence for this attribute. For more information, see Important Information, above.

Used By


<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="IdentificationProperty">
        <xs:documentation>An identification property for the test object class.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="Name" type="IdentificationPropertyRestrictedString" use="required" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForVerification" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForDefaultVerification" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForDescription" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForAssistive" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForBaseSmartID" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForOptionalSmartID" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" />
        <xs:attribute name="ForSpy" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="true" />
        <xs:attribute name="AssistivePropertyValue" type="xs:long" use="optional" default="0" />
        <xs:attribute name="OptionalSmartIDPropertyValue" type="xs:long" use="optional" default="0" />