Run parallel tests in UFT Developer
Save testing time by running multiple tests, or a single test with multiple data sets, in parallel on the same host machine.
When using a seat license, you can run up to four tests in parallel (different tests or the same test with different run data).
When using concurrent licenses, additional licenses are dynamically consumed, each enabling four parallel test runs. The maximum number of licenses to consume is defined in the UFT Developer runtime engine settings.
Running four test operations
Run parallel testing on:
Native and hybrid mobile applications
SAPUI5-based applications
Web applications in the following browsers:
Browser Window Linux Mac Mobile Google Chrome Google Chrome (on Android) N/A
N/A N/A Headless Chrome Mozilla Firefox PhantomJS Safari (on Mac and iOS) N/A N/A
Create and run your tests in a unit testing framework that supports running tests in parallel. UFT Developer supports TestNG and NUnit 3, but you can also use any custom framework that launches tests in parallel.
Tip: To minimize performance issues when testing mobile applications, lock each device once for all tests. To do this, lock the device at the beginning of the class running your tests and not before each test.
See also: