Create mobile tests

After you have configured your UFT Developer-Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) connection, as described in Connect to the mobile device lab, you can start creating mobile tests.

In this topic:

Create a new test in your IDE

Create a new UFT Developer project, or a new UFT Developer test in an existing project and import the Mobile SDK.

To create a new test

  1. In your IDE, create a new project or a new test in an existing project. For details, see Create a UFT Developer testing project or module.

    A new class is presented in your IDE.

  2. Add the following code to import the mobile SDK:




    using HP.LFT.SDK.Mobile;				


    var LFT = require("leanft");
    var Mobile = LFT.Mobile;				

    The mobile package includes all the services and APIs required for automating your mobile app.

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Select the device and application

Select the application and device to test through a remote access window in UFT Developer.

After you launch the AUT on the device, you can spy it to create identification code for your test objects. You can use descriptive programming or model the application using application models to create the test script.

To select the device and application

  1. Make sure the UFT Developer runtime engine is running. For details, see Start/Stop the runtime engine.

  2. From your IDE toolbar, click the relevant option in the UFT Developer menu to launch a mobile device on Digital Lab (UFT Mobile):

    UFT Developer 23.4 and later

     Launch a Digital Lab Device.

    UFT Developer 2023

     Launch a UFT Digital Lab Device.

    UFT Developer 2021-2022

     Launch a UFT Mobile Device.

  3. In the window that opens, locate the required device. Use the filters in the Filter pane or use the search capability. For more information on finding a device, see Finding specific devices.

  4. Select the device you want.

    Depending on the version you are using, after you click the device, you may need to click the check mark on the right, or click Save and Close.

    UFT Developer 24.2 and later: If your Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) is connected to devices from other sources, such as an AWS Device Farm, Genymotion, or WeTest, the devices from those sources are visible here as well.

    UFT Developer 23.4 and earlier: If your Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) is connected to an AWS Device Farm, the devices from those sources are visible here as well.

  5. From the device, do one of the following: 

    • Launch an application. Locate an application that is already installed on the device, and click the application icon.
    • Install an application. If the application that you want to test is not installed on the device, do the following:

      1. In the Control Panel (the left pane in the Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) dialog box), expand Device Interactions.
      2. Click the Install App button.
      3. Click the application that you want to install. If you want to install a packaged version, select the Use packaged version check box. For information on packaging, see App packaging and signing services.
      4. If you want the application to remain installed on the device when the session finishes, clear the Uninstall this app at the end of the current session check box.
      5. Click Install.

        The application opens on the device.

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Write the test script

Mobile testing scripts usually start with code for locking a device in Digital Lab (UFT Mobile) so that only UFT Developer can perform operations on your devices during a run session. Locking a device is done by using the MobileLab class, which is part of the UFT Developer SDK.

You can lock a specific device by ID or name, or dynamically lock an available device, based on specified device properties (such as operating system or manufacturer).

UFT Developer 24.2 or later: For devices hosted on AWS and OpenText, you can specify whether to use public or private devices, and for OpenText public devices, you can specify the geographic location of the device.

For details, see the MobileLab class in the .NET, Java, JavaScript SDK reference.

Note: Locking a device is a time-consuming process. If you run multiple tests on the same device, lock the device once before all tests and not once per test.

Launch or install the AUT 

Create code in your script to launch or install the AUT, on your device.


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Identify test objects

You can describe your test objects identification by using descriptive programming or by modeling the application using Application models.

Identify test objects using the Object Identification Center

Spy the application to create test objects, as described in Object Identification Center.

Model test objects using application models

Use Application models to model test objects.

The root of the Application Model is the Application object rather than the Device object. This enables you to model your application once, and reuse it for testing the application with different mobile devices. The device is passed as an argument.

Test object hierarchy

The flow for creating mobile test objects for native apps, hybrid apps, and Web apps is the same. The difference between them is the test objects hierarchy.

App type Hierarchy
Native app Device > Application > Test object
Hybrid app Native objects: Device > Application > Test object
Web objects: Device > Application > WebView > Page > Test object
Mobile Web app

Browser > Page > Test object

Note: This is the hierarchy displayed for Web applications in general, not just mobile browsers, supporting cross-browser testing.

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Perform actions on test objects

You already created a new test in Create a new test in your IDE. Use the Mobile APIs to add steps to your test.

Close or uninstall the application

At the end of your script, use the Application.kill method to close the application or the Application.uninstall method to uninstall the application. For details, see the.NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.

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Test a non-packaged app

To test a non-packaged (non-instrumented) app, set the Packaged value to false.

For example:

var app = device.Describe<IApplication>(new ApplicationDescription
  Identifier = @"com.sample.UICatalog",
  Name = @"UICatalog",
  Version = "2",
  Packaged = false

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Test examples

Automating a mobile native application (.Net)

public void ExampleMobileNativeAppTest()
	// Mobile tests usually start by locking a device from Digital Lab (UFT Mobile). In this step, we'll lock a device by its ID
	IDevice device = MobileLab.LockDeviceById("HT52RWM00361");

	// Identify the application we want to work on
	IApplication app = device.Describe<IApplication>(new ApplicationDescription
		Identifier = @"com.Advantage.aShopping",
		IsPackaged = true

	// In the application we want to work on, identify the label with the text "LAPTOPS" and tap on it by calling the tap() operation
	app.Describe<ILabel>(new LabelDescription
		Text = @"LAPTOPS",
		ClassName = @"Label",
		ResourceId = @"textViewCategory",
		MobileCenterIndex = 2

	// Click on the image of the laptop we would like to add to the cart
	app.Describe<IUiObject>(new UiObjectDescription
		ClassName = @"ImageView",
		Container = @"Table[0][1][0]",
		ResourceId = @"imageViewProduct",
		MobileCenterIndex = 0

	// Click on the "ADD TO CART" button
	app.Describe<IButton>(new ButtonDescription
		Text = @"ADD TO CART",
		ClassName = @"Button",
		ResourceId = @"buttonProductAddToCart",
		MobileCenterIndex = 0

	// Login with username and password and press on the LOGIN button, using the application model objects of the user name field,// password, and login button
	MobileAppModel1 appModel = new MobileAppModel1(device); // Create an instance of the MobileAppModel class
	appModel.AdvantageShoppingApplication.UserNameEditField.SetText("demo_user"); // Enter user name
	appModel.AdvantageShoppingApplication.PasswordEditField.SetSecure("597eeefe1aabcc5812089a773b8a947b8098"); // Enter password
	appModel.AdvantageShoppingApplication.LoginButton.Tap(); // Press on the login button


Automating a mobile native application (Java)

public void exampleMobileNativeAppTest() throws GeneralLeanFtException {
	// Mobile tests usually start by locking a device from Digital Lab (UFT Mobile). In this step, we'll lock a device by its ID
	Device device = MobileLab.lockDeviceById("MY_DEVICE_ID");
	// Identify the application we want to work on
	Application app = device.describe(Application.class, new ApplicationDescription.Builder()
	// In the application we want to work on, identify the label with the text "LAPTOPS" and tap on it by calling the tap() operation
	app.describe(Label.class, new LabelDescription.Builder()
	// Click on the image of the laptop we would like to add to the cart
	app.describe(UiObject.class, new UiObjectDescription.Builder()
	// Click on the "ADD TO CART" button
	app.describe(Button.class, new ButtonDescription.Builder()
		.text("ADD TO CART")
	// Login with username and password and press on the LOGIN button, using the application model objects of the user name field,// password, and login button
	MobileAppModel appModel = new MobileAppModel(device);
	// Cleanup after the test

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