Mobile testing features
This topic describes how to use different OpenText Functional Testing Lab features in OpenText Functional Testing for Developers tests.
In this topic:
- Fingerprint and facial recognition authentication
- Simulate scanning a barcode or QR code
- Check device vitals
Fingerprint and facial recognition authentication
When running tests on mobile devices, use the mobile application test object's simulateAuth* methods and properties to simulate fingerprint and facial recognition authentication. For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
Simulate scanning a barcode or QR code
In your mobile OpenText Functional Testing for Developers tests, you can include steps that simulate scanning a barcode or QR code using an image file. Use the mobile application test object's simulateBarcodeScan method in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers SDKs. For details, see the .NET, Java, and JavaScript SDK references.
Check device vitals
OpenText Functional Testing for Developers's mobile SDK includes an API for checking a device's CPU and memory usage. The information retrieved is an accumulation of the vitals from the moment the device was locked until it has been released.
To check device vitals:
When locking a device, specify the device vitals that you want to collect during this session.
Retrieve the collected vitals for the locked device by calling the getVitals method.
The returned value of this method, is a string in the following format:
<requestedVitalName1> <value> <timestamp>
<requestedVitalName2> <value> <timestamp>
<requestedVitalName3> <value> <timestamp>
<requestedVitalName1> <value> <timestamp>
<requestedVitalName2> <value> <timestamp>
<requestedVitalName3> <value> <timestamp>
View the accumulated data for the device vitals in the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers run report:
View a graphical representation of the data collected over time in the System Monitor tab.
Hover over an area in the graph to see the device vitals relevant to that point in time.
For more details, see the SDK references:
Java SDK | .NET SDK | JavaScript SDK | |
Methods for locking a device and specifying device vitals to collect |
lockDevice | lockDeviceWithOptions | |
Example of collecting accumulated device vitals |
Java example | .NET example | JavaScript example |
See also: