Launch AUT code samples (.NET SDK) | Launch a desktop application using different parameter combinations. |
ImageUtils code samples (.NET SDK) | - Verify that an image exists
- Verify that an image matches a test object image
- Search for an image inside another image
- Compare two images
Insight code sample (.NET SDK) | Use Insight to locate and activate objects |
Java code samples (.NET SDK) | |
Grid code samples (.NET SDK) | - Lock a node as part of the launch browser step
- Lock a node and then launch a browser on that node
- Lock a node and perform operations on a desktop application
- Lock a node and perform operations using the node's mouse
Mobile code samples (.NET SDK) | - Tap a button on a mobile device
- Collect accumulated device vitals data
- Tap a label on a public device
- Perform a search with WebView
- Lock and automatically unlock a device at the end of a session
- List all available devices
- Camera simulation
- Simulate fingerprint authentication
- Simulate barcode or QR code authentication
NativeObject code samples (.NET SDK) | - Basic usage of NativeObject on a Web application
- Use native object index to get or modify values from a JavaScript array
OCR code samples (.NET SDK, Windows only) | - Use OCR to get a string of visible text
- Use OCR to recognize text location
Oracle code samples (.NET SDK) | - Select an item from a ListOfValues
- Set the value of a cell in a table
PowerBuilder code samples (.NET SDK) | - Select a Tab from a TabControl
- Set an item in a combo box
Report code samples (.NET SDK) | - Customize the OpenText Functional Testing for Developers run report settings
- Access current report status during runtime
SAPGUI code samples (.NET SDK) | - Launch an SAP GUI session and run transactions
- Run a transaction using IOKCode
- Set data for a table cell
- Set an edit box value
- Select a toggle item in a combo box
SAPUI5 code samples (.NET SDK) | - Select an item in a ListBox
- Delete an item in a ListBox
Standard Windows code samples (.NET SDK) | - End-to-End: Select an item in a combo box
- End-to-End: Locate a button using Visual Relation Identification (VRI)
Terminal Emulator code samples (.NET SDK) | - Wait for text in the emulator screen
- Send a TE Key on the screen
UIA Pro code sample (.NET SDK) | Calculate 2 squared using a calculator application |
Web code samples (.NET SDK) | - Send keystrokes to the AUT
- Simple link click
- Programmatic description vs. Application Model code
- Navigate to a web site
- Access Web objects in a tab opened by the AUT
- Locate an object by its XPath
Use Verify to validate a successful log in - Synchronize objects using WaitUntil
- Retrieve list items and print them
- Retrieve and validate list values
- Identify an edit box via a CSS selector
- Verify that a suggestion box contains content
Find an element by using regular expressions Identify an object using Visual Relation Identifiers (VRI) - Inject JavaScript into your Webpage
- Wait for a button to exist and be enabled
WPF code samples (.NET SDK) | - End-to-End: Reserve a flight using WPF objects
- Use WaitUntil to complete a flight reservation
- Select items from a ComboBox control
- Set the date in a DatePicker control
- Select a row in a DataGrid control
Additional code samples (.NET SDK) | - Implement SpecFlow steps for a calculator feature file
ALM/BPT integration code samples (.NET SDK) | - MSTest test for ALM OpenText Functional Testing for Developers test - includes data driving
- MSTest test for BPT test - includes data driving
- Data drive an ALM test
Verification code samples (.NET SDK) | - Basic verification example
- Custom verification example