Dashboard templates

Several built-in dashboard templates are available with preconfigured widgets. Each template contains the widgets that are most relevant for specific roles, such as a project or QA manager.

Use a dashboard template

You can add widgets from a template to a new dashboard or an existing dashboard.

To use a dashboard template:

  1. Select a new or existing dashboard to which you want to add widgets from a template.

    Dashboard Procedure
    New dashboard In the Dashboard module, on the toolbar, click the Add new tab button + to open a new dashboard tab and select + Create new dashboard.
    Existing dashboard Open the existing dashboard, and click the Add widget button + in the dashboard toolbar. In the Widget Gallery, click the View dashboard templates button .
  2. Click a template to view a preview of the template.

    The template preview is read-only. The widgets include demo data, not your actual workspace data.

  3. Hover over each widget title to learn about the graphs, their configuration, and content. Some graphs have additional icons as described in the table below. Note that the icons are not active in the demo template.

    Icon Description

    Indicates that the graph has insight cards that help you analyze the graph's data. For details, see Insight cards.

    Choose columns Select which columns to display in this widget.
    Filter applied

    Indicates that a filter has been applied to this widget. Hover over the icon to view the filter.

  4. After you determine the template that fits your needs, select the widgets you want to include in the dashboard. You can select or deselect a widget by clicking its checkbox.

    Tip: By default, all widgets in the template are selected. To clear the selection, click Clear selection.

  5. Click Use template. The selected widgets are added to the dashboard, and you can configure each of the widgets. For details, see Configure widget settings.

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Value Stream Management template

The Value Stream Management template is most suitable for PMs and team leads. It includes widgets with a recommended set of KPIs that reflect the current value stream management status.

The widgets include measurements and insights that help you assess whether the development speed, quality, and flow are improving. This helps you evaluate how a value stream is performing.

For details, see Value Stream Management widgets.

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Agile Quality template

The Agile Quality template is most suitable for QA managers who need to understand where the bottlenecks are in the testing process and to identify the problematic areas. The Agile Quality dashboard helps you do the following:

  • View quality metrics to track quality release criteria.
  • Determine investment areas and testing coverage to optimize your testing strategy.
  • Identify risk areas, allowing you to optimize and focus testing activities in high risk areas.
  • Track automation stability and progress, and improve automation suites.
  • Continuously improve your development cycle by identifying bottlenecks in QA processes and tracking quality trends across releases.

The Agile Quality template displays a recommended set of KPIs for managing lifecycle management in Agile & DevOps. The widgets include tracking and insights needed by various personas, providing the visibility needed to manage, learn, and optimize the application delivery process.

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Release Management template

The Release Management template is most suitable for project managers who need to understand how things are progressing and if the projected dates are correct.

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Cross Release Trends & Analytics template

The Cross Release Trends & Analytics template is most suitable for managers who need to understand trends in quality, speed, and efficiency in order to evaluate development costs.

DORA widgets

The Cross Release Trends & Analytics template includes some of the common DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics in several dashboard widgets. These metrics are relevant for release processes and release process items. Adjust the time range and change the resolution to days or weeks, depending on your methodology.

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Security Status template

The Security Status template includes a set of widgets that help you track security-related defects and vulnerabilities. It is suitable for teams that want to integrate security testing throughout the development process, following DevSecOps principles.

This template helps you understand both the current security status (for example, open security defects and unaudited vulnerabilities), as well as trends (such as the number of security defects reported per day).

Note: A defect is defined as security-related if its Custom Subtype field is set to Security.

For details on managing defects and vulnerabilities, see Issues.

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See also: