Document reports

You can generate document reports for multiple entities. You can customize the details shown in the reports and generate them in Word and PDF formats.

In this topic:

Create document reports

Create a document report, configure its general settings, and select the sections that it includes.

To create a report:

  1. Open the Settings menu and select Reports > Document report. The Generate document report window opens.

  2. If you have a saved template, select it from the Autofill dropdown.

Report settings

Click the Settings tab and configure the general report settings.

Field Details
Title, Description Type a title and description for the report.
Show author, Show date Select whether to include the report's author and creation date.
File Name

Type a file name, and select the file format.

Available file formats: docx (Word), PDF

Orientation Select the report's page orientation: Portrait or landscape.
Attachments > Attachment links

Select the default behavior for attachment links:

  • Attachments are included as links to the application: Links in the report lead to the attachments in OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform. Requires access to OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform.

  • Attachments are included as links to files in a downloaded zip: The attachments are downloaded together with the report in a zip file. Links in the report open the downloaded attachment files. This option allows external users to view the attachments.

    For the links in the report to work correctly, the user needs to unzip the package, and keep the report and its attachments in the original folder structure.

The selection can be overriden in specific report sections.

Attachments > Image attachments

Select the default behavior for image attachments:

  • Image attachments are displayed with links: Links in the report open the attachments, either in the application or in the downloaded folder, depending on the selection in the Attachment links setting.

  • Image attachments are displayed inline: The images are embedded in the report. This option is applies only to sections in Details format. See below. In Summary format, images are always displayed as links.

The selection can be overriden in specific report sections.

Logo image

Select a logo that is displayed on the report's cover page.

The logo can be set for all workspace reports in the Settings area. You can override the default workspace logo in specific reports.

Click the menu button alongside the logo for the following options: 

  • Update: Select another logo file.

  • Reset to default: If you overrode the default logo with another file, you can restore the default logo.

  • Remove. Delete the logo.

Header Text, Footer Text

Type header and footer text that is displayed on each of the report's pages.

The header and footer text can be set for all workspace reports in the Settings area. You can override the default workspace texts in specific reports.

If you modify the default texts, you can click the Reset to default button in the text boxes to restore the default workspace text.

Report sections

A report can contain multiple sections, each section including a different entity.

Besides data sections, you can add the following special section types.

Section type Details
Custom Section A rich text section, including tables, images, and links.
Widget Insert a widget from a saved dashboard.

To add a report section:

  1. In the Content tab, click the Add Section button . Select a data section, custom section or widget.

    Type a section header. The header is also used for the node in the report tree.

    Perform the following according to the section type:

    • Custom section: Add rich content to the memo field.

    • Widget: Select a dashboard from your saved dashboards. Select one of the widgets from the dashboard. You can select to also include the data in tabular format below the widget.

    • Data section: Refer to the steps below.

  2. For each data section, set the following.

    Field Details
    Section Header Type a section header.

    Select the section's display format:

    • Table: The data is displayed in a grid format.

    • Details: Each item is displayed individually. Details format supports embedded images.


    Select fields and conditions to define a subset of items to include in the report.

    You can create complex filters based on multiple fields and conditions.

    On some fields you can create cross-field filters, filters based on properties of the referenced field. Where available, click the cross-field button to list the field properties.

    Order by

    Select a field to sort by.

    Select whether to list the items in ascending or descending order.


    Select the entity fields to display in the report. Some fields allow you to display a property of the referenced field. Where available, click the cross-field button to list the field properties.


    Select whether to include an item's attachments.

    For test sections, you can include also test steps or test scripts, as applicable. Test tests and scripts are available only in the Details format.


    Select the following attachment options:

    • Attachment links: Select whether to use the default report behavior for attachment links, or select a different behavior for the section. For a description of the link options, see Report settings.

    • Image attachments: The options for image attachments depend on the selected section format:

      • Table format: Image attachments are displayed as links. The link behavior is determined by the Attachment links selection.

      • Details format: Image attachments can be embedded inline in the report, or displayed as links.

        Select whether to use the default report behavior for image attachments, or select a different behavior for the section. For a description of the image attachment options, see Report settings.

  3. Add additional report sections. The order of the sections in the generated report corresponds to their order in the tree.

  4. To add a sub-section to a top-level section, hover over the top-level section, and click the Add button . For example, a tests section can be followed by Last Test Run sub-section. Each test in the report is followed by its last test runs.

    The available sub-sections differ according to the selected top-level section.

    Last Test Runs sub-section: Select the Include test runs of each <entity type>'s descendants option to include all last runs related to the entity or one of its children. Clear the option to include only last runs directly related to the entity.

  5. Click the Save as template button to save the current report configuration as a template for reuse.
  6. Click Generate.

    The generated report is downloaded to your default Downloads folder with the file name you specified in the Settings tab. When the report is ready, the My Work module displays a direct link to the report under the Notifications tab.

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Document report headers and footers

The administrator can create a document report default for each space that includes a custom header, footer, and logo.

To create a report template:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a space.
  2. Open More Settings > Document report.
  3. Upload a logo and add header and footer text.

This header, footer, and logo is used by default when creating a report in the selected space.

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Customizations and permissions

Admins can configure document report setting and their permissions in the Settings area or through parameters.

Admin permissions for document report creation

Admins can control the creation of document reports by setting the following permissions in the Permissions tab > General System Actions:

  • Generate a document report

  • Manage Document Report Configuration

  • Manage Document Report Contents

  • Override Default Document Report Format

For details, see Roles and permissions.

Configuration parameters

The following table lists parameters that admins can use to configure document report settings.

Parameter name Description

This parameter lets you control the number of widgets in a report. By default, users can include up to 20 widgets.


By default, images added to the Custom section as URLs are not embedded in the report. Your admin can enable embedding images, added as URLs, by listing the URL domains in this parameter separated by semicolons.

DOCUMENT_REPORT_LOGO_FILE_EXTENSIONS The default extensions for logo images are JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP.
DOCUMENT_REPORT_LOGO_MAX_SIZE By default, logo image sizes are limited to 5 MB.

This parameter lets you limit the number of embedded image attachments in a document report. The default is 100 embedded attachments and the maximum 400.

Caution: If you exceed 100 embedded attachments, performance is affected.


By default, users can generate reports with color for scripts or steps in Gherkin and manual tests. To block this capability, set the parameter to false.

MAX_CONCURRENT_REPORTS_PER_USER By default, each user can send a maximum of 5 report requests at a time. Requests for more reports can only be processed after the previously requested reports are generated.
MAXIMUM_DOCUMENT_REPORT_PAGES The maximum number of allowed pages in a document report. The default is 1000 pages.

For details, see Configuration parameters.

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The following table addresses possible issues with document reports.

Issue Solution
Embedding widgets

If you encounter problems embedding widgets in a document report, refer to the troubleshooting methods described in KM000001556. This KB refers to the Share Public Link feature, which uses similar mechanisms as document reports. Rather than the parameters mentioned in the KB, use the following:



If this does not help, contact Support for further instructions.

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See also: