Configuration parameters
Site and space admins can set configuration parameters that determine various settings, defaults, and behaviors.
In this topic:
Configuration parameters can be set to control the behavior of different areas.
Space administrators can access the space-level parameters at Settings > Spaces > Parameters.
Tip: Admins can also set configuration parameters using the REST API.
Changes to parameters are audited. You can retrieve the audit information via the REST API. For details, see Audit entities (technical preview).
The following configuration parameters are included.
Parameter | Description |
Allows admins to add external email addresses to the Send to list in a Send email action, auto action, or business rule. Enter multiple domains as a comma-separated list without spaces. To allow any external domain, enter an asterisk, *. For details, see Rule actions. Example:, Type: string |
Determines whether a many-to-many or a one-to-one relation is available between the following test subtypes:
A many-to-many relationship means that you can cover multiple manual or gherkin tests with multiple automated Type: boolean Default: true |
When creating attachments in bulk, this number defines the maximum size of the request. Type: integer Default: 100 |
When creating attachments in bulk, this number defines the maximum file size of attachments in the request. Type: integer Default: 100 |
Defines a list of the permitted file-type extensions for attachments. To permit all attachments, regardless of file extension, enter an * (asterisk). For security purposes, this is not recommended. Separate each extension with a semi-colon (;). You cannot add extensions that are prohibited, as specified in the ATTACHMENTS_FILE_EXTENSION_BLACK_LIST configuration parameter. Note: You can also add additional, custom file extensions to the list of permitted extensions for attachments. The file types (mime) must be of a supported mime type, but you can choose any extension you like. For details, see the EXTENSION_TO_MIME_TYPE and the VALIDATE_MIME_TYPE_MATCH_TO_EXTENSION configuration parameters. Type: string Default: ngalink; links; jpg; bmp; png; pdf; word; doc; docx; msg; xml; xls; xlsx; ppt; pptx; zip; txt; wmv; mp4; m4p; mkv; vob; log; wrf; fbr; jpeg |
Defines the file-type extensions that can be previewed. The file types listed in this parameter are previewed in a protected mode. For example, any malicious scripts are blocked in the preview. To allow the unprotected preview of the files, also list the file extensions in the ATTACHMENTS_PREVIEW_LOW_SECURITY_FILE_EXTENSIONS parameter. To allow previewing Microsoft Office files, or other files for which browsers do not have embedded previews:
Separate each extension with a semi-colon (;). Type: string Default: pdf;txt;log;html |
Defines the file-type extensions that can be previewed without any security protection. Malicious scripts could also run in the preview. Note: To allow previewing the file types, list the file extensions in the ATTACHMENTS_PREVIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS parameter as well. Separate each extension with a semi-colon (;). Type: string Default: pdf;doc;docx;xls;xlsx |
Determines whether the duration of manual and Gherkin test runs is measured automatically. The timer starts when the Manual Runner window is launched, and stops when the Manual Runner window is closed. The timing is stored in the test run's Duration field. Type: boolean Default: false |
Defines how long the REST API basic authentication result is cached (in seconds). Subsequent requests are validated against the cache, rather than requiring full authentication. For details, see Basic authentication. Type: integer Default: 120 seconds |
Determines whether new BDD content is automatically injected as a BDD specification. If false, it is injected as a Gherkin test. For details, see Automated scenario injection. Type: boolean Default: true |
The file extensions to exclude from the Commit Message and Commit Files analyzers. Files with these extensions are not analyzed as the main cause of failures. For example, you can add .md files to this list, along with other files that do not affect test failures. For details, see Find commits related to failures. Type: string (entries separated by commas). The strings are not case-sensitive. |
The words to exclude from the Commit Message and Commit Files analyzers. The analyzers won't trigger a blame report for the committer when it detects one of these words. For details, see Find commits related to failures. Type: string (entries separated by commas). The strings are not case-sensitive. Default: data, defect, feature, revert, fix, implement, service, review, tech, test, exception, graph, widget, entity, run, module, it, case, cases, tests, itcase, assert, add, remove, read, class, handler, getter, setter, error, check, pre, post, create, update, action, rest |
The maximum number of columns to display in a Board view. Type: integer Default: 30 |
The maximum number of boolean-type and string-type UDFs combined that can be defined per workspace. Boolean values are saved internally as strings, so their limit is a combined limit. If I have defined 98 UDFs of type string, I can add two more UDFs and they can be strings or booleans, or one of each. Type: integer Default: 100 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100 |
Determines the number of DA items that can be obtained from a single request. Type: integer Default: 100 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 500 Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the timeout period in seconds, for the deployment server HTTP client. Type: integer Default: 30 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 600 Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the number of CD servers that can be integrated per tenant. Type: integer Default: 50 Minimum: 1 Configurable by site admin only. |
Defines a timeout (in seconds) for completing a request to the CI Server. Type: integer Default: 30 |
Allowlist of client types that can access the REST API with a regular user, as opposed to an API key. Type: string Default: HPE_SWAGGER_API,OCTANE_IDE_PLUGIN,MF_QOT |
Determines the period, in minutes, during which users without the Modify Completed Run permission can edit a manual run and its steps, after the run is completed. Users can modify a completed run while the manual runner is still open. If the manual runner is closed, users cannot reopen it to edit the run, regardless of the provided grace period. Note: The parameter is applied only when the log-in session in which the run was completed is over. If the user has not logged out, and a manual runner is open, they can modify a completed run regardless of the provided grace period. Type: integer Default: 30 Minimum: 0 |
Determines whether user-defined field (UDF) values that are defined for a test suite run (or plan) are copied to the associated test runs. Type: boolean Default: true |
Determines whether the Milestone and Sprint fields of a new defect are automatically populated when the defect is created from a run. Type: boolean Default: true |
A list of domains that can connect to the server using browser CORS functionality. Syntax: http(s)://<yourdomain>.<ext> Type: string |
Indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a pre-flight request can be cached. Type: integer Default: 7200 |
Determines whether manual test run steps are created together with a test run. If 'true': Test run steps are created when a manual test run is created. If 'false': Test run steps are created when the manual test run starts running in Manual Runner. Type: boolean Default: false |
The browser cache duration (in seconds) for dashboard widgets. After the specified duration passes, the browser cache for widgets is cleared. If the value is set at -1, the cache is never cleared. Type: integer Default: 3600 (one hour) |
The maximum number of date/time UDFs that can be defined per workspace. Type: integer Default: 20 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 20 |
The default language for the site or the shared space. Type: string Default: lang.en Values: English:
lang.en |
The default license type that is assigned to new space users. The default value is applied if the user is not assigned another license type during their creation, such as users created at the workspace level, or users created in API calls where the license is not provided as a parameter in the API call. Note: Use the license's logical name. For details, see License usage. |
Determines whether the Delete reason field is required when deleting a workspace. Type: boolean Default: true |
Allows the administrator to generate reports with color for scripts or steps in Gherkin and manual tests. Type: boolean Default: true |
The number of widgets allowed in Document reports. Default: 20 |
DOCUMENT_REPORT_ATTACHMENTS_SIZE_LIMIT | This maximum size of all of the report's attachments in MB. The default is 16 MB for the entire report. |
Defines a list of domains for which image URLs can be embedded in document reports as images. Example: Suppose you have an image: To allow this image to be included in the document report, add the domain in this parameter. To have images from several domains available, enter them separated by a semi-colon (;) in the parameter. Note: Ensure that the image file extension that appears in the URL is listed in the ATTACHMENTS_FILE_EXTENSION_WHITE_LIST parameter. Separate each domain with a semi-colon (;). Type: string |
The allowed file extensions for document report logos. Type: string (multiple values separated by semicolons) Default: jpg, bmp, png, and jpeg. |
The maximum allowed size of a document report logo in MBs. Type: integer Default: 5 |
The maximum number of pages allowed in a document report. Type: integer Default: 1000 |
The maximum number of items that are displayed in dropdown lists. Type: integer Default: 200 Minimum: 30 Maximum: 1000 |
Allows the editing the Test Type field of a test run. Type: boolean Default: true |
Stops the 'Elasticsearch index maintenance' post-upgrade job from running, or prevents it from running if it did not start yet. The job completes with the FAILURE status and can be re-run at a later time to complete the process for indexes that were not yet re-indexed. Type: boolean Default: false |
A semicolon separated list of the allowed image file extensions, when uploading a picture as the email header. Type: string Default: jpg;bmp;png;jpeg |
Determines whether users can reply to comments they are mentioned in via a slimmed down web page. The web page requires an initial user log in. For details, see Comment on items. Type: boolean Default: false |
If true, allows to assign user to relevant tenant. Type: boolean Default: false |
Activates the duplicate entity functionality in the UI. Type: boolean Default: true |
Defines whether sharing public favorites is allowed on the shared space. For details, see Public favorite links. Type: boolean Default: false |
Allows link images embedded in an entity's rich text fields, to be downloaded during document report generation. Type: boolean Default: false |
Defines whether the REST API still accepts the HPE_REST_API_TECH_PREVIEW value for the HPECLIENTTYPE request header. This request header is used for working with REST API resources that are a technical preview. Set this parameter to false, and use the ALM-OCTANE-TECH-PREVIEW request header instead, set to true. This is because the HPE_REST_API_TECH_PREVIEW value for the HPECLIENTTYPE request header will soon be deprecated. Type: boolean Default: false |
Defines whether test assignment rules affect future test runs in the testing framework. Type: boolean Default: true |
Let users add widgets to Document reports, on a shared space level. For details, see Document reports. Type: boolean Default: true |
The bulk threshold. If the number of bulk entities is higher than the threshold, it skips the cache and read directly from the database. Default: 100 |
Instruction to trim only the listed entities, when the TRIM_DEFAULT_VALUES_FOR_REST_API and MQM_CLIENT_UI are not set to false. Type: string Values: comma separated list of entities |
Lists the additional protocols that custom external actions are allowed to invoke. By default, the following protocols are supported: http, https, mailto For details, see Create external actions. Type: string Values: comma delimited list |
Excludes the specified client types, separated by commas, from the default value trimming. This is relevant when TRIM_DEFAULT_VALUES_FOR_REST_API is set to true. For details, see ENTITIES_TO_RETURN_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUES. Type: string Values: comma delimited list |
Determines whether data from inactive workspaces is excluded from cross-workspace dashboard widgets. If the parameter is set to true, the data is excluded. Type: boolean Default: true |
Allows site admins to add additional, custom file extensions to the list of permitted extensions for attachments, as defined with configuration parameter ATTACHMENTS_FILE_EXTENSION_WHITE_LIST. The file types (mime types) must be of a supported mime types, but you can choose any extension you like. Note: All mime types defined as valid by Apache Tika are supported. The value of this parameter is one or more mappings between a custom file extension and its mime type. You can specify multiple mime types for each extension. Format: <custom_extension>=<mime_type>[,<another_mime_type>][; <another_custom_extension>=<mime_type>[,<another_mime_type>]] Separate each mapping with a semi-colon (;). Separate multiple mime types with commas (,). Do not add spaces between mappings. To bypass the validation of if an attachment's mime type matches the file extension, see the VALIDATE_MIME_TYPE_MATCH_TO_EXTENSION configuration parameter. Type: string Example of one mime type per extension: Example with multiple mime types per extension: |
The maximum size (in megabytes) of zipped external action files that you can upload. Type: integer Default: 20 |
If you upload external actions, you can restrict the file types that can be included in the uploaded zip file. Type: string Default: * |
Defines if feature predictive end date is calculated and displayed. For details, see Predictive analytics. Type: boolean Default: true |
Defines a timeout in seconds, for fetching CI jobs from a CI server during creating new pipeline. Type: integer Default: 180 (3 minutes) |
Defines if the Execution module is visible. Type: boolean |
Defines the terms for personal data processing to display in a dialog box when first-time users log in. The terms are only displayed if the GDPR_REQUIRE_USER_CONSENT configuration parameter is true. Basic html text is supported. The text cannot exceed 1000 characters, so for long notices, use a link to a different page. When linking to another page, we recommend you use the target="_blank" attribute to open the notice in a different window. Tip: You can set a title for the dialog box using the GDPR_NOTICE_TITLE configuration parameter. Type: string Default: blank Maximum number of characters: 1000 Examples:
Defines the title of the dialog box that displays the terms for personal data processing when first-time users log in. The title is only displayed if the GDPR_REQUIRE_USER_CONSENT parameter is true. Type: string Default: blank Maximum number of characters: 1000 |
Determines if consent is required when first-time users log in. Terms of data usage are defined using the GDPR_NOTICE_TITLE and GDPR_NOTICE_BODY configuration parameters. If the user does not consent, the user cannot log in. If the user does consent, the date and time of the consent is stored in the user's GDPR consent time field at the site level. Type: boolean Default: false |
The maximum number of images that can be sent in each Smart Assistant request. If there are too many images, the request is sent with the first N allowed images. For details, see Include images in requests. Type: integer Default: 5 |
Determines whether inline images in rich text fields or test scripts can be used in Smart Assistant requests. For details, see Include images in requests. Type: boolean Default: true |
Sets the default language for scenarios and scenario outlines in Gherkin tests and BDD specifications. For details, see Gherkin tests. Type: string Values: a language notation. Refer to the product documentation for more details. Default: en |
Determines whether the Start time and End time fields in release process items display the date and time, or the date only. Note: If the time is hidden, the system uses the time at which an item was created for the start and end times. Type: boolean Default: false |
Hides the language selection dropdown for the user. Type: boolean Default: false |
Determines whether to ignore the "Alert user" business rules when items are created in draft mode. If set to 'true', the "Alert user" business rule is ignored. As a result, users do not get errors when items defined in the rule are created in draft mode. If set to 'false', the "Alert user" business rule is not ignored when creating items in draft mode. As a result, when a rule is triggered, an error occurs. The item draft cannot be created. Type: boolean Default: true |
Defines the maximum number of tests that can be imported in a single import operation. At the space level, the parameter can be edited only by the site admin. Type: integer Default and recommended value: 300 |
Includes the specified client types, separated by commas, in default value trimming. The listed client types do not get default values, even if they have private access, unless they are specifically requested. This is relevant when TRIM_DEFAULT_VALUES_FOR_REST_API is set to false. |
The maximum number of integer UDFs that can be defined per workspace. Type: integer Default: 50 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 50 |
Determines whether or not the license_usage API request groups the license usage by license type or not. For details, see License usage. The default behavior (true) does not group usage by license type. Note: The old_report request attribute overrides the parameter setting. Type: Boolean Default: True |
Defines the maximum number of suggestions displayed in autocomplete for Gherkin steps. Type: integer Default: 20 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 20000 |
Defines the maximum number of tests that are recommended to reduce an application module's quality risk. Default: 30 Minimum: 0 Note: If the parameter is set to 0, the Reduce risk button is not available in the Quality Risk insights pane. |
Determines whether the Backlog items, Requirements, and Feature fields are automatically populated when a new defect is created from a run. Type: boolean Default: true |
Sets html text to display in the Login page under the Login button. Basic html text is supported. The text cannot exceed 1000 characters, so for long notices, use a link to a different page. When linking to another page, we recommend you use the target="_blank" attribute to open the notice in a different window. Type: string Default: blank Maximum number of characters: 1000 Examples:
Sets the text to display in the banner, such as the company name. Unicode emojis are supported. Type: string |
The maximum number of long string UDFs that can be defined per workspace. Type: integer Default: 5 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 20 |
Defines the footer (rich text) for emails. Can be blank. Type: string You can customize email footers in the Defaults tab. For details, see Customize email header and footer. |
Defines the header (rich text) for emails. Can be blank. Type: string |
The mail server host. You can also set the host in the UI: Settings > Site > Servers tab. Type: string |
The mail server port. You can also set the port in the UI: Settings > Site > Servers tab. Type: integer Default: 25 |
A string that is added as a suffix to the subject line in all email notifications that are sent. A subject suffix may be necessary in your organization as a classification tag, to ensure that the mail server allows OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform emails. Type: string |
The default view of the manual test script editor for new users. For details, see Add steps to a test. Type: string Values: GRID, TEXT, LIST Default: TEXT |
The maximum number of attachments that can be added to any one entity. Caution: Attaching high numbers of files to an entity can cause performance and functional issues. It is recommended to allow up to 50 files per entity. In some cases, the specified number of attachments might be marginally exceeded. For example, when multiple uploads are processed simultaneously. Type: integer Default: 30 Maximum: 1000 Recommended to not exceed: 50 |
The maximum number of cards to display in the Board view of the board. Type: integer Default: 200 |
The maximum number of concurrent reports that can be generated per user. If the user exceeds the maximum, a notification is issued. Type: integer Default: 5 |
The maximum number of entities to which auto-fit will be applied when exporting a widget to Excel. The greater the value, the higher the utilization of CPU resources. Note: This parameter applies only if the exported widget contains memo or long string type fields.
Default: 500 |
The maximum number of steps that can be in a run report. Type: integer Default: 1000 |
The maximum number of hierarchical levels supported in the application modules tree, including the root. This means that if you specify the value 4, the tree contains the root plus three more levels. Type: integer Default: 4 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 20 |
The maximum number of hierarchical levels supported in the requirements tree, including the root. This means that if you specify the value 12, the tree contains the root plus 11 more levels. Type: integer Default: 12 Minimum: 3 Maximum: 30 |
The maximum tree depth for the SCM resource tree. Type: integer Default: 12 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 20 |
The maximum number of pages allowed for a single exported document. If a negative number is entered, the value of MAX_VALUE is used. Type: integer Default: 1000 |
The maximum number of filters that a user can define for all the existing datasets. |
Controls the threshold between the two modes. The threshold is applied on the total number of nodes and links. Type: integer Default: 500 |
The maximum number of memo-type UDFs that can be defined per workspace. Type: integer Default: 10 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 30 |
The number of minutes a session can remain idle (not in use) before it is considered expired. Once this time has elapsed, the session ends. Any subsequent request requires starting a new session. After setting this parameter at the site level, restart the server. Type: integer Default: 180 minutes (3 hours) Minimum recommended: 10 minutes (due to performance impact) Submit a support ticket to change the value. |
When moving a feature and its child backlog items between workspaces, determines which permissions are required on the target workspace for move actions. If set to 'true', the Create permission is required in addition to the Move to Different Workspace permission in the target workspace. If set to 'false', only the Move to Different Workspace permission is required in the target workspace. Type: boolean Default: true |
The number of entities to be considered a large report. Small reports take precedence over large reports. This value cannot exceed the maximum number of entities allowed in a report (NUMBER_OF_ENTITIES_PER_REPORT_PAGE multiplied by MAXIMUM_DOCUMENT_REPORT_PAGES). Type: integer Default: 1000 |
The approximate number of entities we expect to see on one page of document report. Type: integer Default: 3 |
The number of search strings to store in the recent global search list. Type: integer Default: 10 Minimum: 3 Maximum: 20 |
Indicates whether OData should encode name fields. This can be relevant when returning non-english characters as part of an OData response. Type: boolean Default: false |
Indicates whether OData should encode memo fields. This can be relevant when returning non-english characters as part of an OData response. Type: boolean Default: false |
Internal: Indicates if merge join cartesian should be disabled when using multiple cross filters in Oracle. Type: boolean |
Determines the threshold to calculate the slowdown for epic and feature phases, in percentage. The phase slowdown value is based on the average phase time for work items that were done in previous releases. For example, if an item remains in the same phase for more than 100% of the phase average time, a Slow phase icon is displayed in the timeline. Type: integer Default: 100 |
The number of days to keep pipeline runs and their data. Type: integer Default: 365 (1 year) Range: 7-728 (2 years) Note: Only relevant if PR_PURGE_ STRATEGY_TYPE is set to days_to_keep. |
The number of pipeline runs to keep from each pipeline. Type: integer Default: 10,000 Range: 10-20,000 Note: Only relevant if PR_PURGE_ STRATEGY_TYPE is set to runs_to_keep. |
The purge state for the shared space: None: Suspends both automatic and manual purging for the site (default) or shared space. Automatic: Purges the pipeline runs based on the policy indicated in the PURGE_ STRATEGY_TYPE site parameter. Manual: Allows a manual purge of the pipeline runs. Note: The values are not case-sensitive. |
Set up a purge strategy for removing pipeline runs from the site: days_to_keep: Purges the pipeline runs after the number of days specified in the PR_PURGE_ NUM_DAYS_TO_KEEP site parameter. (default) runs_to_keep: Purges the pipeline runs after the number of runs reaches the value of the PR_PURGE_NUM_RUNS_TO_KEEP site parameter. For details, see Purge policy. |
Disallows all purging of pipeline runs. Type: boolean Default: false |
Populates application module changes in the BDD specification to its scenarios. Type: boolean Default: true |
Determines whether BDD scenarios automatically inherit backlog item coverage from the parent BDD specification. Type: boolean Default: true |
Determines whether favorite pubic links can be embedded in online pages. For details, see Public favorite links. Type: boolean Default: false |
When calculating quality risk, this parameter defines how critical an area is as part of the business flow, and what might be the impact of defects in this area. The business impact value is determined via the Business Impact system field per application module. For details, see Risk factors. Type: string Default: No Impact, Low, Medium, High, Critical |
When calculating quality risk, this is the weight that determines the relative impact of number of commits on the final risk score. The higher this number, the greater the weight of this element in the calculation. For details, see Risk factors. Type: integer Default: 40 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100 Configurable by site admin only. |
When calculating quality risk, this is the weight that determines the relative impact of failed manual runs on the final risk score. The higher this number, the greater the weight of this element in the calculation. For details, see Risk factors. Type: integer Default: 10 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100 Configurable by site admin only. |
When calculating quality risk, this is the weight that determines the relative impact of risky commits on the final risk score. The higher this number, the greater the weight of this element in the calculation. For details, see Risk factors. Type: integer Default: 10 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100 Configurable by site admin only. |
When calculating quality risk, this is the weight that determines the relative impact of number of manually run tests on the final risk score. The higher this number, the greater the weight of this element in the calculation. For details, see Risk factors. Type: integer Default: 40 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100 Configurable by site admin only. |
Auto actions of the following types:
Determines the interval at which auto actions considered outdated are checked to verify their run status. Type: integer Default: 60 minutes Minimum: 5 minutes Configurable by site admin only. |
A comma separated list of URLs that can be specified by a user for a REST API call with a generic REST Call auto action. For details, see REST auto actions. |
The maximum allowed time in seconds, for an auto action to send a REST Call request to a generic service. For details, see REST auto actions. Type: integer Default: 60 seconds |
The minimum or maximum REST Poll interval. For details, see REST auto actions. Type: integer Default: minimum=1, maximum=1440 |
The maximum number of polling attempts for REST Poll auto actions. For details, see REST auto actions. Type: integer Default: 30 |
Determines the number of outdated CD server auto actions for a single run check-up. An auto action is considered outdated if its status remains In Progress after the period defined in the RC_AA_RUN_CD_PROCESS_OUTDATE_TIME parameter is over. The most outdated auto actions are checked first. If the number of outdated auto actions exceeds the defined number, the remaining auto actions are examined during the next run check-up. Note: The interval for run check-ups is defined in the RC_AA_CHECK_EXECUTION_INTERVAL parameter. Type: integer Default: 100 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 200 Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the completion period, in minutes, for CD server auto actions. When the defined period is over, and an auto action is still In Progress, the auto action is considered outdated. The CD server polling is then triggered to verify the auto action run status. Note: The status of auto actions that were completed or aborted within the defined period is not checked. Type: integer Default: 120 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 1440 Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the number of outdated CI server auto actions for a single run check-up. An auto action is considered outdated if its status remains "In Progress" after the period defined in the RC_AA_RUN_CI_JOB_STATUS_OUTDATE_TIME parameter is over. The most outdated auto actions are checked first. If the number of outdated auto actions exceeds the defined number, the remaining auto actions are examined during the next run check-up. Note: The interval for run check-ups is defined in the RC_AA_CHECK_EXECUTION_INTERVAL parameter. Type: integer Default: 100 Maximum: 200 Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the completion period, in minutes, for CI server auto actions. When the defined period is over, and an auto action is still In Progress, the auto action is considered outdated. The CI server polling is then triggered to verify the auto action run status. Note: The status of auto actions that were completed or aborted within the defined period is not checked. Type: integer Default: 120 minutes Minimum: 20 minutes Configurable by site admin only. |
Determines the maximum number of items that can be updated by an auto action. Type: integer Default: 500 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 500 |
Determines the number of criteria allowed in a single quality gate. Type: integer Default: 10 Maximum: 30 |
If true, restricts access to REST API to only API Keys (blocking access for regular users). Type: boolean Default: false |
Controls the returned total count value of the history log api. If false, 'total_count' is limited to the fetched result size. If true, it is the total number of matching results in the database or Elasticsearch. Type: boolean Default: false |
Defines the test run phases that are considered run. You can use this parameter to exclude test runs with certain phases, such as Blocked, Skipped, or In progress, from the Test runs burn-down widget. The excluded phases are added to the Planned line. Type: string Default: passed, failed, blocked, not_completed, skipped |
Determines the default setting for new users of the Include Searchable Fields option in the global search. For details, see Searchable fields. Note: If set to true, global search performance may be impacted, especially when using long or complex search phrases. Type: boolean Default: false |
The number of user-defined fields that can be marked as searchable in a shared space. The sum of all searchable UDFs (including the ones enabled in SEARCHABLE_UDFS_LIMIT_IN_WORKSPACE) may not exceed 20. For details, see Add a custom field. Type: integer Default: 14 |
The number of user-defined fields that can be marked as searchable in a workspace. The sum of all searchable UDFs (including the ones allowed in SEARCHABLE_UDFS_LIMIT_IN_SHARED_SPACE) may not exceed 20. Type: integer Default: 0 |
Determines whether a custom field's description is displayed as tooltip when the user hovers over the field's name. Type: boolean Default: false |
Allows the fields in the Run dialog box to show the values that were selected in previous runs. This applies to the Default Environment and Default Release fields in suite runs, and the Environment and Release fields in manual runs. Default: true |
Sets the "From" email address to be used when a user clicks the Send Email button on the toolbar for an entity. If blank, the mail is sent from the current user. Submit a support ticket to change the parameter. Type: string Configurable by site admin only. |
Defines whether the SMTP server needs to be authenticated. Type: boolean Default: false |
Determines whether STARTTLS is used when connecting to the mail server. Type: boolean Default: false |
Sets the "From" email address to be used when an email is sent for notifications, such as "follow" notifications, notifications sent using API access key sessions, or notifications from rules. This parameter is relevant only if notifications are turned on:
Submit a support ticket to change the parameter. Type: string Configurable by site admin only. |
Sets the password for connecting to the SMTP server. Type: string |
Defines whether to connect to the SMTP server using SSL Type: boolean Default: false |
Sets the user for connecting to the SMTP server. Type: string |
Sets the maximum size for storage files, including attachments (in megabytes). Note: When uploading attachments in the UI, the maximum allowed file size may be up to 500 bytes less than the specified parameter value. Type: integer Default: 100 Minimum: 0 Maximum: |
Sets the maximum size for storage per shared space. By default, no maximum storage size is set. The space storage size is set by the site admin. Available workspace storage is set on the space level, and not per workspace. This means the amount of total available workspace storage is shared between the workspaces in the space. Type: integer Default: 0 (unlimited) Minimum: 6000 MB |
Indicates whether external actions can be uploaded. For details, see Host external actions. Type: boolean Default: true |
Allows your integration to use basic authentication when using an API key to authenticate, instead of the OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform authentication REST API. Note that basic authentication is not secured. Turning this parameter on reduces the security level. When setting this configuration parameter:
Type: boolean Default: false |
Allows basic authentication for OData, per space. This allows OData integrations to connect to using basic authentication. Note that basic authentication is not secured. Setting this parameter to true reduces the security level. When setting this configuration parameter:
Type: boolean Default: false |
Turns off user notifications in My Work > Notification, and email notification by business rule. This is useful when you are performing massive bulk update operations. Type: boolean Default: false |
Determines whether the task Estimated hours can be whole numbers or decimal fractions.
Caution: Setting this parameter to true is a permanent action. You cannot revert this parameter back to false. Type: boolean Default: false |
The maximum number of test runs to be taken from the pushed test result. For the remainder of the runs, an exception is thrown. Type: integer Default: 10000 |
Indicates whether TestRunner uses the JSON format to pass the list of tests to run on the CI server. Type: boolean Default: false |
Sets the limit for the number of items to display in the tree for the Backlog, Quality, and Requirement modules. Also sets the number of items to return using the REST API. If the tree contains a parent with more than this number of children, a message displays indicating that not all items are displayed. You can search for items by name if the one you need is not displayed. Type: integer Default: 500 (recommended, for performance reasons) Configurable by site admin only. |
Defines whether shared spaces should return only client requested fields. Use this in conjunction with EXCLUDED_CLIENT_TYPES_FROM_DEFAULT_VALUE_TRIMMING to exclude specific client types from trimming, or Configuration parameters. Type: boolean Default:true |
When set to true, runs that are migrated or synchronized from other tools, are added to My Work. Enabling this parameter may affect performance. Type: boolean Default: false |
When set to true, hovering over a user's avatar shows contact details as defined in the USER_DETAILS_BOX_OPTIONS parameter. Type: boolean Default: true |
Defines which user details are shown when USER_DETAILS_BOX_ENABLED is true. If empty, all contact information is displayed. When you enter one or more of the following values (comma separated), only the specified details are displayed: email, phone, chat, teams, team_leaders. Type: string |
Indicated whether mime types are validated. For details about which mime types are validated if set to true, see the EXTENSION_TO_MIME_TYPE configuration parameter. Type: boolean Default: false |
If the URL specified in Trigger webhook rules can use the http protocol in addition to the secure https protocol. When using HTTP, use only the standard port 80 for outgoing requests, Type: boolean Default: false |
Determines the fields by which a user can rank backlog items. This applies to user-defined or system fields that are editable and of integer type. List only logical names of fields. Separate field names with a comma. Note: Logical field names should not contain any special characters other than underscores. Type: string Default: none |
Defines the default workflow customization setting in new workspaces.
Type: string Default: phase_extension_only |
See also: