MBT lifecycle
Working with MBT includes the following basic steps.
In this topic:
- Step 1: Create units
- Step 2: Create a model
- Step 3: Choose testing strategy
- Step 4: Create and run tests
Step 1: Create units
A unit represents an actionable component in your model. Examples of units:
Log in
Search for item
Pay with credit card
Each unit corresponds to a single automated test script.
For details, see Units.
Step 2: Create a model
Business analysts and QA leads work together to create a comprehensive model of the business processes run by the application. The model is comprised of units.
You can use different approaches to building models:
Build a model using placeholders and create test scripts in a testing tool. You can then replace each placeholder with a unit or model, and connect each unit to a test.
Aviator's Generative AI to generate an initial model based on a feature description. The result is a model containing placeholders. Review the suggested model and adjust it to your feature. Then replace the placeholders with units and models.
Create tests in a testing tool and save them in your Git repository. After creating a cloud runner address in your Git repository, tests are automatically discovered in Git, and units are created for the tests. You can then use these units to build a model.
In addition, you can associate a model with related features or requirements. This can help you to ensure that new features or requirements are properly covered by testing.
For details, see Models.
Note: You can also import a BPMN file to inject its model into MBT. For details, see Import a BPMN file.
Step 3: Choose testing strategy
After building a model, you need to decide on a testing strategy that defines which paths in the model should be tested.
For example, you might want to focus on testing closed defects. In this case you would test the paths that contain units where defects were recently closed, to ensure that defect fixes did not have unintended consequences.
After you select a testing strategy, a comprehensive list is automatically created of all the paths along the model that should be tested, based on that strategy.
Each path represents a list of test scripts that should be run in a specific order.
For details, see Test coverage strategy.
Step 4: Create and run tests
From the list of paths generated by your testing strategy, choose one or more paths to test. When you select a path, you can see a visual representation of the path to understand which units will be tested.
Each path is converted to an MBT test entity. You then assign the relevant test data for each MBT test. For example, you can run multiple iterations of a test using different user and password combinations.
You then assign one or more tests to a test suite. When you run a test suite, each iteration of the test using a particular set of test data is a single test run.
Test suites are run using a supported testing tool and the results are displayed.
For details, see Generate MBT tests.