Alphabetical Listing of Citrix Functions

Click one of the following functions for more information:


Activates a window.

ctrx_activate_window_by_idActivates the window specified by a given ID.
Retrieves information about a push button.
Logs in to a Citrix server
Disconnects a Citrix client from a Citrix server
Retrieves information about a text edit field.
Specifies handler function on window appearance.
ctrx_find_window_by_nameSearches all tracked windows for a specified window.
Returns the value of a bitmap as a string
ctrx_get_server_nameRetrieves the name of the active server the client is connected to.
Retrieves the text in a rectangle.
ctrx_get_text_ocrRetrieves the text in a rectangle using Optical Character Recognition.
Searches for a text in a selected area and retrieves the text location.
Gets current wait time.
ctrx_get_window_id_by_orderRetrieves the ID of the window in the specified position in the window stack.
Retrieves the name of the active window.
ctrx_get_window_name_by_idRetrieves the name of the specified window.
ctrx_get_window_parent_idRetrieves the ID of the parent window of a specified window.
ctrx_get_window_pos_by_idRetrieves the position of a window specified by a given ID.
Retrieves the position of a window.
ctrx_get_window_size_by_idRetrieves the size of a window.
ctrx_get_window_style_by_idRetrieves the style and extended style of a window.
Emulates a non-alphanumeric key press on a Citrix client
Retrieves information about a list box.
Selects an item from a list.
ctrx_logoffCloses the current session.
Highlights a menu item.
Emulates a mouse click on a Citrix client
Emulates a double mouse click on a Citrix client
Emulates a mouse down click on a Citrix client
Emulates a mouse move on a Citrix client sent to a Citrix server.
Emulates a mouse up click on a Citrix client
Retrieves information about an object.
Emulates a mouse click on a Citrix client
Emulates a double mouse click on a Citrix client
Emulates a mouse down click on a Citrix client
Emulates a mouse up click on a Citrix client
Connects to a Citrix server via an NFUSE portal

Invokes a published application.

Saves the demarcated bitmap in a buffer.
Sets a connection option to a Citrix ICA server and logs in to a Citrix server
Deprecated. Use ctrx_execute_on_window.
Sets the waiting time for all Citrix ICA wait functions
Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client
Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client for a specified amount of time
Waits until a bitmap appears
Waits until a bitmap changes
Wait until the specified object's attributes have the specified value
Waits until specified text is displayed around the specified position.
Waits until specified text is displayed in the specified area.
Waits until specified text is displayed in the specified rectangle, using optical character recognition.
Waits for a window to become created or active
Emulates alphanumeric key presses on a Citrix client
Waits for a window to close in the Citrix client
Waits for a specified event to occur
Checks if a window is visible on the screen