Alphabetical Listing (COM)

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Creates an array of n dimensions of the type specified in Type-Name.
Destroys an array of the type indicated in Type-Name.
Fills the last dimension of a byte array with a buffer beginning at the specified n-1 indices.
Gets a buffer at the specified n-1 indices from the last dimension of an n-dimensional byte array.

Retrieves an element of the specified type from a SafeArray.
Allocates memory of the specified type, and initializes it with a value.
Converts a string into an ascii BSTR.
Converts a string into a Boolean variant.
Converts a string into a BSTR.
Converts a string into a byte.
Converts a string into a char.
Converts a string into a char reference.
Creates an instance of an object and returns the unknown interface.
Fetches the class factory for the specified class. The class factory can then be used to create multiple objects of that class.
Extracts an IUnknown interface pointer from a variant.
lrc_CreateInstanceEx Creates an instance of an object on a remote machine and can return multiple interfaces.
lrc_CreateVBCollection Creates a Visual Basic Collection object.
lrc_currency Converts a string into a currency value.
lrc_currency Converts a string into a currency value reference.
lrc_date Converts a string into a date.
lrc_date Converts a string into a date reference.
lrc_DispMethod Invokes a method of an interface using the IDispatch::Invoke method.
lrc_DispMethod1 Invokes a method and gets a property of the same name using the IDispatch interface.
lrc_DispObject_from_variant Extracts a pointer to the IDispatch interface from a variant.
lrc_DispObject_by_ref_from_variant Extracts a pointer to the IDispatch interface from a reference within a variant.
lrc_DispPropertyGet Gets a property using the IDispatch interface.
lrc_DispPropertyPut Sets a property using the IDispatch interface.
lrc_DispPropertyPutRef Sets a property by reference using the IDispatch interface.
lrc_double Converts a string into a double.
lrc_double Converts a string into a double reference.
lrc_dword Converts a string into a double word (dword).
lrc_FetchRecordset Moves a pointer through a recordset.
lrc_float Converts a string into a floating point number.
lrc_float Converts a string into a floating point number reference.
lrc_get_bstr_length Returns the length of a BSTR type string.
lrc_get_bstr_sub Returns a subset of a BSTR string.
lrc_Get<Type-Name>ArrayFromVariant Extracts an array of Type-Name from a variant.
lrc_Get<Type-Name>Array_by_refFromVariant Extracts an array of Type-Name from a pointer reference in a variant.
lrc_GUID Returns the GUID of a named object.
lrc_GUID Returns the GUID of a named object.
lrc_hyper Converts a string into a hyper integer.
lrc_hyper Converts a string into a hyper reference.
lrc_int Converts a string into an integer.
lrc_int Converts a string into an integer reference.
lrc_long Converts a string into a long integer.
lrc_long Converts a string into a long integer reference.
lrc_print_bstr Prints a BSTR.
lrc_print_recordset Prints a number of rows from a recordset.
lrc_print_variant Prints the contents of a variant.
lrc_RecordsetWrite Updates a field in an ADO recordset.
lrc_Release_Object Releases a COM object no longer in use.
lrc_save_ascii_BSTR Saves an ascii BSTR as a string.
lrc_save_ascii_BSTR Saves an ascii BSTR reference as a string.
lrc_save_bool Saves a Boolean value as a string.
lrc_save_bool Saves a Boolean reference as a string.
lrc_save_BSTR Saves a BSTR as a string.
lrc_save_BSTR1 Saves a BSTR string which may include nulls.
lrc_save_BYTE Saves a BYTE value as a string.
lrc_save_char Saves a char integer value as a string.
lrc_save_char Saves a char integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_currency Saves a currency value as a string.
lrc_save_currency Saves a currency reference as a string.
lrc_save_date Saves a date value as a string.
lrc_save_date Saves a date reference as a string.
lrc_save_double Saves a double floating point number value as a string.
lrc_save_double Saves a double floating point number reference as a string.
lrc_save_dword Saves a DWORD integer value as a string.
lrc_save_float Saves a float-type value as a string.
lrc_save_float Saves a float-type reference as a string.
lrc_save_hyper Saves a hyper integer value as a string.
lrc_save_hyper Saves a hyper integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_int Saves an integer value as a string.
lrc_save_int Saves an integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_long Saves a long integer value as a string.
lrc_save_rowset_data Saves the row data of an ADO recordset as the specified type.
lrc_save_rs_param Saves the specified field of an ADO recordset as a string.
lrc_save_short Saves a short integer value as a string.
lrc_save_short Saves a short integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_uhyper Saves an unsigned hyper integer value as a string.
lrc_save_uhyper Saves an unsigned hyper integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_uint Saves an unsigned integer value as a string.
lrc_save_uint Saves an unsigned integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_ulong Saves an unsigned long integer value as a string.
lrc_save_ulong Saves a unsigned long reference as a string.
lrc_save_ushort Saves an unsigned short integer value as a string.
lrc_save_ushort Saves a unsigned short integer reference as a string.
lrc_save_VARIANT Saves a value of any data type from a variant to a string.
lrc_save_variant_<Type-Name> Saves a value of a specific data type from a variant to a string. lrc_save_variant_<Type-Name>_by_ref Saves a value stored by reference in a variant, to a string.
lrc_save_wstring Converts a wide string to a multi-byte and saves the multi-byte value in a string parameter.
lrc_short Converts a string into a short integer.
lrc_short Converts a string into a short integer reference.
lrc_uhyper Converts a string into an unsigned hyper integer.
lrc_uint Converts a string into an unsigned integer.
lrc_uhyper Converts a string to an unsigned 64 bit hyper reference.
lrc_uint Converts a string into an unsigned integer reference.
lrc_ulong Converts a string into an unsigned long integer.
lrc_ushort Converts a string into an unsigned short integer.
lrc_ushort Converts a string into a short reference.
lrc_variant_<Type-Name>Array Assigns an array of Type-Name to a variant.
Alternate syntax:
Returns a reference to an array of Type-Name in a variant.
lrc_variant_bool Assigns a string to a Boolean value in a variant.
lrc_variant_bool_by_ref Assigns a string to a Boolean value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_bool Assigns a string to a Boolean value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_BSTR Assigns a string to a BSTR in a variant.
lrc_variant_BSTR_by_ref Assigns a string to a BSTR value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_BSTR Assigns a string to an ascii BSTR value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_BYTE Assigns a string to an unsigned char (byte) value stored in a variant.
lrc_variant_BYTE_by_ref Assigns a string to a char (byte) stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_BYTE Assigns a string to a char (byte) stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_char Assigns a string to a char type in a variant.
lrc_variant_char_by_ref Assigns a string to a char stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_CoObject Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer to a variant.
lrc_variant_CoObject_by_ref Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer by reference into a variant.
lrc_variant_CoObject Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer to a variant of a variant.
lrc_variant_currency Assigns a string to a currency value in a variant.
lrc_variant_currency_by_ref Assigns a string into a currency type value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_currency Converts a string into a currency type value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_date Assigns a string to a date value in a variant.
lrc_variant_date_by_ref Assigns a string to a date type value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_date Assigns a string to a date type value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_DispObject Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer to in a variant.
lrc_variant_DispObject_by_ref Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer by reference into a variant.
lrc_variant_DispObject Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer to a variant of a variant.
lrc_variant_double Assigns a string into a double-type value in a variant.
lrc_variant_double_by_ref Assigns a string to a double-type value by reference into a variant.
lrc_variant_double Converts a string to a double type value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_empty Creates an empty variant.
lrc_variant_empty Converts a string to a empty variant stored by another variant.
lrc_variant_float Assigns a string to a float-type value stored in a variant.
lrc_variant_float_by_ref Assigns a string to a float-type value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_float Assigns a string to a float-type value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_from_variant_by_ref Gets a variant from within another variant.
lrc_variant_int Assigns a string to an integer in a variant.
lrc_variant_int_by_ref Assigns a string to an integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_long Assigns a string to a long integer stored in a variant.
lrc_variant_long_by_ref Assigns a string to a long integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_long Assigns a string to a long integer stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_null Converts a string to a null variant stored by another variant.
lrc_variant_scode Assigns a string to an error code value in a variant.
lrc_variant_scode_by_ref Assigns a string to an error code value stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_scode Assigns a string to an error code value stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_short Assigns a string to a short integer in a variant.
lrc_variant_short_by_ref Assigns a string to a short integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_short Assigns a string to a short integer stored by a variant to a variant.
lrc_variant_uint Assigns a string into an unsigned integer in a variant.
lrc_variant_uint_by_ref Assigns a string to an unsigned integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_ulong Assigns a string to an unsigned long integer in a variant.
lrc_variant_ulong_by_ref Assigns a string to an unsigned long integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_ushort Assigns a string to an unsigned short integer in a variant.
lrc_variant_ushort_by_ref Assigns a string to an unsigned short integer stored by reference in a variant.
lrc_variant_variant_by_ref Creates a new variant containing an existing variant.
PutElementIn<n>D<Type-Name>Array Stores an element in an array of the appropriate type.

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