DevWeb protocol

The DevWeb protocol focuses on communications on the HTTP transport level, and over WebSocket, providing a lightweight, scalable, and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and MacOS) solution for web protocol testing.


  • DevWeb (formally TruWeb) is available as a VuGen protocol, according to the terms of your license agreement.

  • LoadRunner Developer, powered by the DevWeb engine, is available as a standalone installation, with a limit of 50 free Vusers. In earlier versions, LoadRunner Developer was generally referred to as DevWeb or (TruWeb) Standalone.

About DevWeb

In VuGen, you can use the DevWeb protocol to create DevWeb scripts. Recording is supported for the latest web technologies (HTTP, HTTPs, HTTP/2, WebSocket, gRPC).

All DevWeb scripts can be executed with any of the LoadRunner family products: LoadRunner Developer, LoadRunner Professional, LoadRunner Enterprise, and LoadRunner Cloud.

You can also create DevWeb scripts using the LoadRunner Developer standalone application. In LoadRunner Developer you also have the option to run your scripts using the command line or an IDE configuration. You can download LoadRunner Developer from the ADM Marketplace. For more information, see the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb Help Center.

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Get started with DevWeb

When you install VuGen, the installation automatically create the environment variable %DEVWEB_DATA_PATH%. This points to the path for the DevWeb configuration files in VuGen (defined as <LoadRunner root folder>\DevWeb).

If you are just starting out with DevWeb, you might find it helpful to view the tutorial videos available in the VuGen video gallery and in the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb Help Center.

You can also experiment using the example DevWeb scripts available in the \<DevWeb_data_path>\examples directory.

Note: To use an example script, import it into VuGen. See Import DevWeb scripts.

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See also: