Thumbnail Explorer

This pane enables you to flip through thumbnail images of your business process, enhancing your ability to navigate to specific locations in the Editor based on a visual representation of a step. Conversely, you can scroll through the Editor and see the visual context of your script in the Thumbnail Explorer.

UI example
To access

Use one of the following:

  • View >Thumbnail Explorer
  • Click the button on the VuGen toolbar.
Important information
  • You can move this pane to different areas of the Main User Interface. For details, see How to modify the VuGen layout.
  • You can configure the Thumbnail Explorer in Options > Scripting Options. For details, see Scripting Options tab.
  • Thumbnails are created in the same order as the actions in the Solution Explorer and not controlled by the settings in runtime settings > General > Run Logic.
  • Enabling automatic creation of thumbnails in Options > Scripting > Thumbnails enables VuGen to create thumbnails during the application's idle time.
  • If the Windows Aero theme is enabled, thumbnails capture more realistic images of the application.
Relevant tasks How to modify the VuGen layout

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element Description
Go to Step

Moves the cursor to the step in the Editor associated with the highlighted thumbnail in the Thumbnail Explorer.

Full Screen Enables a full screen view of the thumbnail.
Sync Synchronizes the scrolling in the Editor with the associated thumbnail in the Thumbnail Explorer and step in the Step Navigator.
Filters out minor thumbnails that are not directly related to the recorded business process.
Refreshes the generated thumbnails.
Scroll a page left in the Thumbnail Explorer.
Move to the previous thumbnail in the Thumbnail Explorer.
Move to the next thumbnail in the Thumbnail Explorer.
Scroll a page right in the Thumbnail Explorer.