
Deprecated. Use lrvtc_increment. Increments a counter stored in a field.

C Language

int vtc_increment ( PVCI2 pvci,  char *columnName, int rowIndex, int incrValue, int *outValue );

C# Language

int vts_multi.increment ( long pvci,  string columnName, int rowIndex, int incrValue );
Data Update Functions


pvciThe server connection handle.
columnNameThe column name.
rowIndexThe row number. The first row has index 1.
incrValueThe amount to change the field value by. If incValue is negative, it is subtracted from the field value.
outValueThe new value of the field.

vtc_increment changes the value in the field by the amount passed in argument incrValue.

If the cell value cannot be converted to an integer or if there is no data in the cell, the cell value after the vtc_increment call is the incrValue argument value.

Return Values

Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.

C Language Example

int rc = 0;
int newValue = 0;

// Increment Col1 row#1 by 1
rc = vtc_increment(pvci, "Col1", 1, 1, &newValue);

C# Language Example

.Net Multiple Connection Example