
Deprecated. Use lrvtc_update_message_ifequals. Replaces the data in a field if the current data equals a given value.

C Language

VTCERR2 vtc_update_message_ifequals ( PVCI2 pvci,  char *columnName, int rowIndex, char *newValue, char *ifEqualValue, unsigned short *outRc );

C# Language

bool vts_multi.update_message_ifequals ( long pvci,  string columnName, int rowIndex, string newValue, string ifEqualValue);
Data Update Functions


pvciThe server connection handle.
columnNameThe column to write to.
rowIndexThe number of the row. The first row has index 1.
newValueThe value to set the field to.
ifEqualValueThe value to compare the current value of the field to.
outRcThe status of the operation: 1 - Pass or 0 - Fail

vtc_update_message_ifequals writes the value to the field specified with the column name and row index if the value of the field when vtc_update_message_ifequals is called is equal to the ifEqualValue. If the ifEqualValue and the field value match, the field value is overwritten.

Return Values

Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.

C# Language: Returns true on success.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.


int rowNumber, rc = 0;
unsigned short 	status;
rc = vtc_update_message_ifequals(pvci, "Col1",
         "coming soon...",
         "out of stock",
if (status == 1) {
	// success: value changed to "coming soon..."
} else {
	// failure: value did not change.

C# Language Example

.Net Multiple Connection Example