
Deprecated. Use lrvtc_update_row1. Sets the values of specified fields in a row.

C Language

VTCERR2 vtc_update_row1 ( PVCI2 pvci,  char *columnNames,  int rowIndex ,  char *values, char *delimiter, unsigned short *outRc );

C# Language

bool vts_multi.update_row ( long pvci,  string columnNames,  int rowIndex ,  string values, string delimiter);
Data Update Functions


pvciThe server connection handle.
columnNamesThe list of the columns to write to.
rowIndexThe number of the row. The first row has index 1.
valuesThe list of values to write to the columns.
delimiterThe character that separates the column names and values in the lists. If a string, rather than a single character, is passed in delimiter, the string as a whole is the delimiter.
outRcThe status of the operation: 1 - Pass or 0 - Fail

vtc_update_row1 sets the values of the fields specified by columnNames in the row specified by rowIndex.

Return Values

Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.

C# Language: Returns true on success.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.


int row, rc;
unsigned short status;
char FieldValues[50];
for (row=1; row<=10; row++)
    rc = vtc_update_row1(pvci,
       "P_name;P_info", row,
       FieldValues, ";",
    lr_log_message("update_row1 status=%d\n", status);

C# Language Example

.Net Multiple Connection Example