Alphabetical Listing of Virtual Table Server Functions for JavaScript

The lrvtc functions enable management of data on a Virtual Table Server.

lrvtc.clearColumnClears all data in a column.
lrvtc.clearMessageClears the data in a field.
lrvtc.clearRowClears the data in a row.
lrvtc.columnSizeReturns the number of fields that contain data in a column.
lrvtc.connectCreates a connection to the server.
lrvtc.connectExConfigures HTTPS and NTLM authentication.
lrvtc.createColumnCreates a column.
lrvtc.disconnectDisconnects from the server.
lrvtc.dropIndexDeletes the index on a column.
lrvtc.ensureIndexCreates an index on a column.
lrvtc.incrementIncrements a counter stored in a field.
lrvtc.queryColumnRetrieves the data in a field.
lrvtc.queryRowRetrieves the data in a row.
lrvtc.retrieveMessagePops the first field from a column.
lrvtc.retrieveMessages1Pops the first fields from specified columns.
lrvtc.retrieveRowPops the first fields from all columns.
lrvtc.rotateMessage Retrieves the first field from the specified column and moves the value to the bottom
lrvtc.rotateMessages1 Retrieves the first field from the specified columns and moves the values to the bottom.
lrvtc.rotateRow Retrieves the first row and moves the values to the bottom.
lrvtc.sendIfUniqueSets the last field of a column to a value if the value does not exist in the column.
lrvtc.sendMessageSets the last field of a column to a value.
lrvtc.sendRow1Sets the data in multiple columns.
lrvtc.updateAllMessageIfequalsReplaces a value in the specified columns.
lrvtc.updateMessageReplaces the data in a field.
lrvtc.updateMessageIfequalsReplaces the data in a field if the current data equals a given value.
lrvtc.updateRow1Replaces the data in a row.